Shopping Adventures And Water Balloons (Part One)

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Vanessa's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of Luke and Tesh talking outside the door. 'I wouldn't wake her up Luke she's not a morning person." Tesh said, she's got that right mornings suck especially early mornings. "I'll give her 10 more minutes." He said. And then the both walked back down stairs. I was feeling a lot happier today, I'd normally crawl out of bed around 1.00pm and do nothing all day but I felt full of energy. Apart from my nightmare about my father I slept like a very well-behaved baby last night being all cuddled up with Luke probably has something to do with it.

I sat up in Luke's bed a searched for my phone it was 10.52 very early for me, I had two unread messages 1 from Mum and one from Jake. I checked the on from mum first it said. "Good morning sweetie, what are your plans for the day? :D" I guess she wasn't to fussed on Tesh and I staying here. I replied with. "Morning Mum, Tesh and I are going shopping around 1. :D xx" Jake said. "Are you busy today? :P x" I sent back. "Hey, Tesh and I are going shopping! Why, what's up? :D x" My big sister senses were telling me he didn't wanna be alone today. My phone beeped. "You shopping? You don't hear that everyday. I'm worried about him coming back, I had a bad dream so I'm scared. :/ xx" Jake never called him dad, it was always him no matter what the circumstances were, he had a bad dream too? "Yeah! I need to look nice for Luke and I's date. :P I had a bad dream too... You could come shopping if you wanted? xx" I doubt he'll want to though shopping isn't really his thing either. My phone beeped again. "You'd look nice in stuff you already own! :D I don't really want to but I'm not being home alone again so fine!! x" "I'm sorry! :P" "It's okay, see you soon! x" "Yeeeep. :) x" I wonder if Luke would let him hang out with him..

I then got up and swiftly walked down stairs and then in to the kitchen where I could hear people talking and the radio quietly playing. "Morning!!" I said walking through the door. Luke and Tesh were making breakfast. "You're up early!" Tesh said. "I know! It's not even 11 yet." I say. "Morning cutie." Luke said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I sat up on one of the stools in the kitchen."Oh Nessa, Stacey and Jess asked if they could come shopping today too?" "Okay! Girls day it is!" I say smiling. "Sweet I'll text them back soon, I'm just gonna wake up Michael." And then she was out the door.

Luke's P.O.V

Her hair was all messy and cute as she sat on the stool tapping away on her phone and eating the bowl of coca-pops I made her, it isn't exactly a five-star meal but it's what she asked for. "What are you boy's doing today?" She asked. "we have the meet and greet! We're having a water balloon fight at the park." "Aw cute! Have fun tying all the balloons up. Uh, do you think Jake could tag along? He's worried Dad will find him he had a nightmare to and is worried." She asked hopeful. "Yeah of course! We're leaving here at 1.00 so just have him here by then." "Yay! Thank you, you're the best." She say's jumping off her seat and attacking me in a hug and planting a kiss softly on my lips. "No problem babe!" I say as she hops back on her seat. Tesh and a very tired Michael walk in. "Waht's the time?" Michael mumbled. "11.27." Vanessa said smiling. "Oh Nessa, we better go soon! Jess and Stacey will be at your house at 12.30." Tesh said to Vanessa "Okay." Vanessa said jumping up, she grabbed her bowl and put it in the sink. "Bye Lukey, have fun today!I'll bring Jake over in about an hour." She says then kissing me sweetly. "Bye beautiful!" I say. "See ya Michael!" She says. "Bye Nessa." He says. Then Tesh and her walk out and then I hear the front door shut. "Is Jake coming with us?" Michael asked. "Yeah! Is that okay?" I asked. "Yeah! He's a cool wee dude." "Sweet, I'm gonna have a shower! Help yourself to food!" I say. "Don't be to long pretty boy, I want one and we have a lot of water balloons to full." "Righto." I say then walk up stairs, into my room, grab some clothes then head for the shower. 

Vanessa's P.O.V

Tesh and I arrived home. "I'm home!" I yell out. "We're in the lounge." Jake yells back. We walked into the lounge to find Mum, Jake, a woman around my mum's age, a young girl about 10 and Harry. Well this is just great. They were chatting away and drinking coffee or tea. "This is my daughter Vanessa and her friend Tesh, Vanessa this is Emma, Charlotte and Harry! There our neighbours." She smiled. "Nice to meet you Vanessa!" Emma Harry's mum smiled. "Nice to meet you to, sorry I would love to stay and chat but I have a tight schedule today." I say smiling. "That's okay dear." "I'm sure I'll see you another time." I say before turning for the door. "Nessa take Harry with you, he want wanna hear our old lady chat." Ew. Like I want that poopoo head in my room. "But I need to shower as in I'll be naked and a guy being in the same room won't be good." Tesh and Harry started laughing. "Don't be a drama queen, he can just talk to Tesh while you shower." "Fine! Come on then!" I say. He jumped up and walked over following behind Tesh and I upstairs. "Well this is my room, try not to break anything. I won't be long!" I quickly grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the shower.

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