First Fan Encounters.

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Vanessa's P.O.V

~Skip A Few Day's It Is Now Saturday Morning~

Tesh stayed over last night so we could get ready together for the boy's concert today at 1.00. My first week at school was a great success and my new friends are amazing.

Tesh and I were just goofing around when there was a knock on my bedroom door, "Come in!" I yelled. Much to my surprise Stacey walked in wearing black denim shorts and a 5SOS sweater.

"Hey, ready for some moshpitting?" She asked smiling.

"I didn't know you were coming, this is going to be so fun." I say smiling.

"Calum said he told you I was coming." She says awkwardly.

"Must have slipped his mind, it's okay. Come in and well find somewhere to sit." I say, my room was a complete mess clothes and food packets everywhere.

She moved a few things around and took a seat on the couch by my window. "So you and Calum, huh?" I ask Stacey.

"We're just friends." She says.

"Righto, whatever you say! We all know you have a crush." Tesh teased, Stacey through a cushion off the couch at her.

"Shut up." She said and laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure he likes you anyway." I say smiling, her face instantly lite up.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah!" I say and smile.

"Okay, back to our dilemma. What the hell do I wear?" Tesh asked.

"Hang on, I'll go get changed and come back and help you." I say grabbing the pile of clothes I decided on wearing which was the penguin singlet that Luke gave me, pale blue denim shorts and a black over-sized cardigan, I came back out to find my room was looking tidier.

"I couldn't look at this mess any longer." Stacey say's buzzing around my room picking up all the shit I own.

"We have a clean freak of a friend Nessa." Tesh say's while laughing.

"At least one of us is tidy!" I say smiling at my two new friends.

"So what you gonna wear Tesh?" I ask.

"I have no idea. All the girls there are so pretty and skinny. So I have to look amazing so Michael doesn't ditch me for one of his fans." She says sadly, swimming in her own self-pity.

"Oh shut up, he wouldn't do that to you!" I say, I may have only known Michael a week but I know he isn't that shallow.

"Ew, I hate skinny and pretty people." Stacey says.

"I know, they make me feel so ew." Tesh says.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU! You're both gorgeous! Who gives a shit that they may be a little prettier or skinnier, we are who we are." I say trying to encourage them.

"You're right! We're going to support our friends not look good!" Tesh says and starts rummaging through clothes to wear.

"Should I wear red shorts?" She asks.

"Yeah, that will look good." I say.

"And my 5SOS sweater, or will I get to hot?" She asks.

"It's meant to be quite hot today. But, you can always take it off." I suggest.

"Well at least one of us has a brain." Stacey says.

"Oh yeah, cause I'm so brainy." I say laughing. Tesh went off into my bathroom and got changed into her red shorts and 5SOS sweater and soon joined us again fully dressed.

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