Light in the Darkness

By kslytherinz

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Adelaide Burke is the daughter of the cruel, pureblood Burke Family. She is expected to uphold the ideals and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 56

188 7 4
By kslytherinz

Adelaide and Draco began briskly walking to class, they realized they were probably going to be late. As they were heading up a staircase, it began to shift.

Draco cursed under his breath and Adelaide groaned, "Oh great we're definitely going to be late now." They decided to go up to the corridor that the staircase led up to and try to find their way back to the next staircase that led to the right floor. It was incredibly dark and ominous in the hall, it didn't seem as though anyone would be up there.

Adelaide put her hand across Draco's chest, stopping them in their tracks. She realized what floor they were on. It was the floor with the dark artifacts that no one was allowed on. He looked at her strangely as she gripped his hand tightly, but it was too late. She was looking in horror at the floor next to her. He saw himself on the ground covered in blood, almost dead, being struck repeatedly by the snake from her nightmares. His sleeves were rolled up and the Dark Mark was imprinted into his left wrist.

Adelaide began shaking, "N-no, no no Draco!" but blood still poured out of his wounds through his dress shirt and onto the floor, he occasionally would let out a pained groan as the snake bit him. She stood there, frozen, her heart beating wildly.

Draco snapped out of his shock, realizing what the image was. He stepped in front of it in attempt to protect her, but he regretted it instantly as the image swirled into his father sneering, "You're useless and an embarrassment to this family. Your own mother can barely stand the sight of you, do you really think that she could ever love a monster like you?" as his father smirked cruelly at him, he fumbled for his wand yelling, "Ridikulus! Ridikulus! Ridikulus!" until finally his father was turned into a white ferret. He quickly grabbed her arm before it could change back and dragged her out of the corridor.

The both of them slumped down in the hallway onto the floor, catching their breath. Adelaide was sobbing uncontrollably and Draco was still stunned about what had happened. Just then, Filch came strolling up with a huge smile on his face, "I see you've tried to sneak into the third floor, eh? How'd you like the boggart?" he laughed manically before grabbing both Draco's and Adelaide's arm and dragging them into their Defense Against the Dark Arts Class. Draco was struggling against his grip seething, "How dare you lay your hands on a pureblood witch you filthy squib!"

The entire class turned around at Draco's livid snarls to see the two in the grip of Filch. He boasted to Professor Umbridge, who looked horrified by the sudden intrusion, "I found these two snooping around in the third floor corridor. The boggart definitely got this one." he motioned towards Adelaide who still had tears staining her face.

Professor Umbridge sternly yelled, "I told them to go down there Filch! Let them go. Now."

Filch's mouth opened in shock as he angrily released the two. Draco dragged Adelaide behind him, putting himself between her and Filch before giving him a deadly sneer and straightening out his robes.

Draco broke his gaze to look at a Hufflepuff who was still staring at them and yelled, "What are you looking at?" everyone in the class quickly whipped their heads back to the front, not wanting to get in the way of Draco's wrath.

They both quickly sat down, their faces growing red. Professor Umbridge continued her lecture as if nothing happened and didn't even bring it up after class. It was as though it never even happened.

Adelaide and Draco didn't know why she covered for them because any one else would've immediately gotten detention for being late and being on the forbidden floor, but they decided to just be grateful and not push their luck.

Adelaide quickly got up and began to leave, not waiting for Draco. He quickly ran out after her, "Wait Addie! Stop, stop." he grabbed her arm and whipped her around. She looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to make eye contact with him. "Are you ok?"

She mumbled, "I'm fine Draco, let's just go to class." she began to turn around, but Draco put his hands on her shoulders to keep her in place, "You're not fine." she bit her lip trying to hold back tears, "Please Draco, we can talk about it later, let's just go, ok?" she stared up at him pleadingly.

She didn't want to tell him that her worst fear was screwing up the task and getting Draco dragged into being a Death Eater and possibly dying. She was crushed that Draco's boggart took the form of his father saying those horrible horrible things. She ultimately didn't want to think about it anymore because she still had three more classes to go through and Draco had quidditch tryouts which she promised to watch.

He whispered a defeated, "ok" before grabbing her hand gently and walking to Potions. As they made their way into class, their friends looked at them strangely. The two looked like someone they knew had died. Viola furrowed her brow, "What's wrong?" Draco flashed her a glare to get her to drop it. Everyone immediately averted their curious gaze and tried to talk normally.

Viola and Adelaide worked on their Potion in a painful silence. Adelaide quietly and efficiently chopped their ingredients, making the potion as if she'd done it a thousand times. She didn't look up once or talk to Viola, she was deep in thought of despair and sadness from her and his boggart.

Viola, being a naturally social being, couldn't handle the silence anymore, "Please Addie you're freaking me out here. What happened?" Adelaide stopped making the Potion and slowly put down her tools. While still keeping her eye on the pot Adelaide mumbled, "Draco and I were running late for class and we ended up in an abandoned hallway..apparently someone put a boggart there to keep people out and it was just awful."

Viola's heart dropped, it truly must've been something terrible to have affected Adelaide in this way. For most people, boggarts do turn into what they fear the most, but for people like Addie who had seen horrendous things because of her parents and truly understood what was out there that could hurt her, a boggart could be full-on traumatizing.

"Did you want to talk about it?" Viola whispered. She softly put her hand on Adelaide's arm, which resulted in Adelaide finally looking up at her. Adelaide's brow furrowed into a sad frown "It was just Draco lying in a puddle of his own blood, almost dead..and it was entirely my fault." She paused before looking around, "I know it sounds stupid, but Viola..there's something I haven't told you. I haven't told anyone, but something like this could happen to him or me or my brothers." she let out a shaky breath, putting down the knife to grip the edge of her desk to steady her hands. She didn't want to tell Viola about Draco's boggart because it was too personal.

Viola lowly whispered, "I know Addie.." she guiltily looked at the floor. "I've seen it..on your arm."

Adelaide looked up to her friend in shock. Viola continued, "I haven't told anyone Addie, I promise. I know you well enough. I figured if you wanted me to know you would've told me...just know I'm here for you if you need anything or want to talk." she gave her friend a sincere sad smile.

Adelaide subconsciously pulled at her left sleeve, feeling wildly vulnerable. She of course trusted Viola, but she really didn't want anyone to know that she was a Death Eater, especially her friends; it was humiliating and frightening.

They continued to silently work on their Potion until the end of class. Adelaide contemplated just walking out not saying a word, but she looked up to Viola and gave her a heartfelt, "Thank you Vi." squeezing her hand before leaving. She was emotionally exhausted already from the day, her next two classes dragged out longer than they ever had before.

Draco was overly protective and touchy with her in their classes. Glaring at anyone who approached her, holding her hand gently, glancing at her every so often to make sure she was ok. He expected her to burst into a puddle at any moment, he was still trying to wrap his mind around what she was so deep in thought about, she seemed to have completely shut down. He wasn't sure if it was because of her boggart or his.

It was understandable that facing your worst fear was something pretty traumatizing, but this was different, it was personal and all-too real. Not to mention, he too was pretty shaken up to see him on the floor like that covered in blood on the brink of death. He was mortified when she saw his boggart. It seemed silly because his father berated him on a daily basis and his mother avoided him like the plague. Of course it bothered him, but he pretended it didn't. He couldn't on the other hand, handle Adelaide thinking poorly of him, she was the only person who saw any shred of goodness in him and he depended on that to hold onto his humanity. She didn't actually think he was a monster, did she?

Once their final class of the day ended, Draco had about a two hour window before Quidditch tryouts. He decided this would be the best time to talk to her about the boggart situation. It wasn't a simple fear, there was something to it that was causing her to act this way. She was way too quiet and it seemed as though the usual warmth that radiated off of her presence had vanished, leaving a cold chill.

As they walked back in silence, Draco caught a glimpse of a dark, empty classroom. He pulled her arm in that direction, rewarding him a surprised glare from her, "Draco, what are you doing?"

As they entered the room, he closed the door and locked it. Folding his arms across his chest, he leaned slightly on the counter gazing deeply at her. His icy pale eyes seemed to penetrate her mind as if he was searching for something. The silence was becoming a bit too awkward for Adelaide, "What?"

Draco slowly stood up and walked towards her cupping her face into his hands. The coldness of his silver rings sent a chill down Adelaide's spine, but she still kept her eyes on Draco. The awkwardness quickly faded away as she melted into him. He could feel her slowly relax and he calmly whispered, "Talk to me, please."

The boggart made her realize that she couldn't lose him. If anything were to happen to him or her brothers, she wouldn't be able to survive. She needed him. She knew he wasn't the monster he thought he was. She grew up with him and beneath all of his coldness was a broken, desperate boy who just wanted to be loved and acknowledged. He was good, kind, and gentle, but was never allowed to be so. 

"I love you." Adelaide blurted out.

Draco's eyes grew wide and Adelaide could feel her insides twisting.

Oh gosh, too soon. She thought

Before she could begin to spiral into despair, Draco aggressively leaned in and kissed her passionately. His hands traveled down slowly, gently wrapping around her neck and then to her waist. He paused momentarily, relishing her beautiful features and quickened breath, "I love you too." he smiled as he leaned in again, wrapping his arms around her. He never depended on someone so much in his life for his happiness.

His kiss traveled to her neck, he softly whispered, "Jump." she obeyed, him catching her as she wrapped her legs around he waist. He slowly walked her over, placing her on a table, not breaking from their kiss that was slowly growing more heated. He softly bit her bottom lip sending a warm wave through her chest. Her hands traveled to his hair when suddenly they both heard the door handle shake violently.

Adelaide jumped off the table, grabbing Draco's tie and pulling him behind the table quickly before they heard a muffled, "Alohamora". The door busted open and shut quietly and she heard two people panting, "That was a close one mate." followed by a smack that sounded like a high five. Adelaide's heart pounded as she recognized the voice as Fred's. Draco rolled his eyes as he also recognized the voice. She couldn't help but blush looking at Draco, breathless with messy hair and his tie slightly ajar from her pulling it.

After a few moments she heard George whisper, "Ok..I think the coast is clear."

She saw light from the corridor pour into the room and softly close leaving a silence and darkness in the room. She exhaled loudly, relieved that they weren't caught. That would've been horribly embarrassing.

"Filthy blood traitors." Draco scoffed, staring murderously at the door. He looked at Adelaide and immediately furrowed his brow, "Oh my gosh Addie, I'm so sorry are you okay?" he reached out his hand, swiping his thumb on her bottom lip. She didn't realize that he had accidentally bit her lip a little harder than he meant to during the startling interruption and it was now bleeding.

She quickly wiped her lip, smiling stupidly and giggling, "I'm fine no worries." His demeanor relaxed realizing that she was fine and he didn't actually hurt her. She leaned in again, softly placing a kiss on his lips, the metallic taste of blood sparking at the tip of his tongue.

"You still have to talk to me, don't think I'm that easily distracted." she grabbed his hands, pulling him closer to her, "You sure about that?" he bit the inside of his cheek to stop the stupid grin from crossing his face, "Yes, yes. I'm sure. You have to tell me what's on your mind. The boggart wasn't just about me being killed." he swooped in kissing her cheek and whispering into her ear, "Although I'm incredibly flattered that you care so much about me." he pulled away leaning against the table across from her, "So, talk to me."

She didn't know how to explain it to him. She didn't want to scare him, but she wanted to be honest with him.

"Do you remember when I told you the Dark Lord threatened me last summer?" she whispered lowly, beginning to feel nervous. He furrowed his brow, nodding slowly. She cleared her throat gently, "Well, it wasn't a threat directly to me..he.." she paused, not wanting to bring herself to say it.

"He said to not fail him because...because if I did he'd bring you into it."

She stared at the floor, too scared to look up at his undoubtedly terrified expression. She forced herself to look at him, "I didn't want to tell you because you are the best person I know Draco, and I want you to be safe. I'm terrified of failing this task because if you're brought into this because of me and you die, I don't know what I'd do." she began tearing up at the thought of him being bitten over and over by the snake, bleeding out onto the floor.

He grabbed her shoulders comfortingly, "Hey..hey..don't worry about me. You can do this, I know you can...and if I'm brought in, then I'm brought in. At least we'll have each other, yeah? Besides, it's not like I haven't thought of the possibility of me being a Death Eater." he whispered trying to seem calm and brave for her, but she could see the fear swimming in his eyes.

In truth, her words sent a spark through his entire body that threatened to push him into a state of panic, but he knew he couldn't let Addie see. He truly had full confidence in Addie's abilities to do what she had to do, Potter was an imbecile and she was the most brilliant witch he had ever met in his life. He still felt however, that no matter what she did, he would still somehow end up wrapped into the Dark Lord's plans.

She saw him as this person who could avoid the Dark Lord's grasp, but he felt like there was a darkness in him that would eventually lead him down that inescapable path. He could put on a cold front, repress his emotions, and do unspeakable things if needed, but truth be told he was terrified of the thought of being a Death Eater. She was the only one who believed in him, he didn't even believe in himself.

She was also the perfect cover, no one expected her to be a Death Eater. She was sweet, gentle, and kind. He, however was not. He was cruel, angry, frightening. Everyone expected him to be the bad guy, so why not just embrace the stereotype? There was no point in trying to prove himself to others. Addie could see the good in him which was all that mattered.

But maybe that was the reason to try to be a better person and avoid becoming a Death Eater, to at least try to be worthy of her.

She squeezed his hands, bringing his focus back towards her, "You're not a monster you know. He's wrong." 

Draco stared blankly at the ground, with so many years of self loathing because of his father it was hard to believe Adelaide was telling truth and not just trying to be nice. I mean, compared to her brothers he probably didn't seem too bad, but she didn't pay attention to the way people looked at him. It was either fear or hatred. His friends were his friends because he was rich and pureblooded, not because they actually liked him. He decided if people were going to make assumptions of him, he'd might as well play the part. Over the years it just sort of solidified as his main personality until he became this angry, bitter, and cruel person. 

Adelaide remembered how Draco was as a young boy. He was sweet, outgoing, and friendly. His parents had yet to start pressuring him to start acting a certain way, Draco did pick up on his father's preference for purebloods, but any child would latch onto their parent's beliefs especially at that young of an age. 

She watched him grow up, slowly being surrounded by cruel boys who's fathers told them to be friends with Draco because of his status. Lucius began pushing Draco to act a certain way especially because his son had a very outgoing and friendly demeanor. His father bullied him relentlessly causing him to slowly turn cold and angry. His father would seem pleased if Draco had lashed out on someone or boasted about blood purity, so he clung to that behavior in hopes of his father finally being proud of him. No matter what he did though, his father never seemed to be proud of him. This fueled his anger and coldness further until he became the way he was. However, to Adelaide, he was still the bright, happy, caring boy who was unaffected by his father and his friends. She would see his guard slowly lower when they were alone and then rip back up when they were in public. 

She pulled his hand gently and made their way back to the Common Room. She smiled up at him, "You're one of the most caring people I know Draco."

Draco scoffed sarcastically, "Well that's not really saying much, no offense."

Adelaide smacked his arm, "You know what I meant. Seriously, don't be so hard on yourself." 

He smiled sweetly at her, feeling completely drunk in his affection and admiration for her. He still couldn't believe she told him she loved him. 

 "Are you ready for tryouts?" She squealed, squeezing his hand and pulling him closer to her side.

He smiled down at her, "Yeah, I'm already on the team, but we need two new beaters and a chaser, so you'll get to see me dodge bludgers all afternoon." 

"I can't wait!" she smiled, kissing him softly on the cheek and parting to head to her dormitory.

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