Light in the Darkness

By kslytherinz

26.4K 804 252

Adelaide Burke is the daughter of the cruel, pureblood Burke Family. She is expected to uphold the ideals and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 2

987 23 9
By kslytherinz

Philip wrapped a protective arm around Adelaide's shoulder and redirected her to the other train compartment, shooting the two Gryffindor students a deathly glare who shrunk into their seats. She was used to her brothers constantly shielding her from half blood families, blood traitor families, and muggle-born families. 

Her family coddled Adelaide so severely, they feared she would be sorted into Hufflepuff her first year for her sweet, gullible disposition. Thankfully, she was able to silently bargain with the Sorting Hat and was placed in Slytherin against its better judgement. 

There was no hiding the fact that the girl was adored amongst her peers and elders. The Daily Prophet even wrote a piece on the Burke Family, labeling Adelaide "The Sweetheart of the Wizarding World." She was extremely popular in the Slytherin groups, getting along with practically everyone, never being teased or bullied like some of the other students. She sometimes wished people were a little more rough around the edges with her, she felt that she had to maintain this formal interaction with people, only letting her guard down around her brothers and her close-knit friends.

Last year, a boy in Gryffindor slipped Love Potion in her drink, making her uncontrollably swoon over him. Her brothers, confused at her sudden fascination of the boy of whom she never even met before, did some investigation and found what he had done. Needless to say, the boy ended up being found tied to the womping willow the next day, unconscious and barely alive. Once she came around, she was deeply embarrassed by the situation. No one ever dared approach the girl after that, leaving her extremely lonely at times. 

She wasn't too upset however, she loved her friends in Slytherin. Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Greggory Goile, her cousin Marcus Flint, and her best friend Viola Richmond were in her year and made incredible friends. 

She sat down in the empty train compartment and her brothers stood outside the door chatting with Graham Montague about the upcoming Quidditch season. She rolled her eyes as Graham shot her a wink and smile. She shifted her position to look outside the window, petting her black cat, Lucia. 

The Malfoys had given her the beautiful cat for her 14th birthday and she felt obligated to name the cat partially after her godfather, Lucius Malfoy. Speaking of, the blonde hair boy came strutting into the compartment giving her a smirk, "Hello Addie-Loo, how was your summer?" Adelaide glared up at him for the nickname she despised, but eventually broke a smile up at her friend. She'd known him most of her life and overlooked his cruel behavior towards others due to his soft nature towards her, "It was splendid! Mum and I spent a few weeks in Greece. Perseus and Philip helped Dad with some business while we were there. How about yours?" 

Draco was about to answer when Crabbe and Goyle came stumbling in like a bunch of blind elephants. "Oh for Merlins sake, sit down you clumsy oafs." Draco sneered, ripping the back of their sweaters down to take a seat. Brushing off the sudden outburst, Draco smoothed back his hair and replied, "My summer was pretty alright. How do you like Lucia?" he giggled, the naming of the cat after his father was one of the funniest things he had ever seen. His father had a soft spot for his goddaughter and knew she was the only one who would dare name a cat after him.

 The cat jumped off Adelaide's lap and rubbed its head on Draco's pant leg purring and looking up for permission to jump on his lap. His eyebrow raised into a silent snare, not wanting the cat to get hair all over his shirt. Adelaide giggled, sweeping up the cat from the ground, "I absolutely adore her. She is so so sweet" she cooed kissing the cat's head, "I especially love how she despises Perseus. She gets super angry around him, probably because she senses his dislike towards her." 

She set the cat next to her as her best friend Viola came in, her jet black hair sitting perfectly on her shoulders, along with her boyfriend, Adelaide's cousin, Flint. 

"Viola!!!" Adelaide cheered wrapping her arms around her friend who smiled and returned the hug. "Hello Addie! Oh how I've missed you! How was your holiday?" Adelaide took a seat, squishing further into the window to make room for the two. "It was beautiful Vi, truly, we must go to Greece next year together." Viola nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

 "Hello to you too dear cousin, I'm doing fine thanks for asking." Flint sarcastically smiled. Adelaide rolled her eyes, "oh hush, stop acting like I didn't just see you last week." 

The group began chatting lightly, waiting for the rest of the students to board the train. A poor Hufflepuff turned blindly into the compartment, raising his eyes up to see what was most likely his worst nightmare. His face paled as the group glared at the boy in silence. Adelaide grimaced and gave the boy a sympathetic smile. The student backed out quickly and ran down the train. 

Ignoring the incredibly tense moment, Draco turned to Adelaide, "How's your Mum with Sirius Black escaping." Marcus Flint shot Draco a look that could kill, kicking his shin. "Ow, Flint what the hell was that for?" 

Adelaide's insides grew cold and she nervously reached for her cat to start petting her head. "Uhm, she's been on edge to be completely honest. No one has really been allowed to talk about it since he know-" 'a blood traitor' she thought but couldn't bring herself to say. Her silence was acknowledged by the rest of the group, they knew what she meant. 

Everyone shifted at the awkward silence, but it was broken when the train came to a grinding stop, the lights flashed off and the temperature dropped significantly. "What the-.." Crabbe mumbled. The confusion settled deeply amongst the group which was disrupted when the train violently shook as if a bull had run into the side of their compartment. "Bloody Hell!" Draco cried his eyes wide with fear. 

The compartment doors ripped open making the group scream in fear. "Pathetic excuse for Slytherins." her brother Philip came in shaking his head in disappointment at the future Death Eaters, quaking in fear in the dark. "Addie, come with me." Adelaide quickly grabbed her brother's arm comforted at how calm he was. He dragged her to his compartment with a bunch of seventh year Slytherins, who also shared the same unphased expression. She knew, with the exception of her brother who truly wasn't concerned, that they were just as terrified as her group of friends they just had more experience hiding their fear. 

Adelaide stood awkwardly in the middle of the compartment, not having a place to sit and confused as to why she was there. Adelaide raised her hands at her brother for an explanation for dragging her to his compartment. "well are you going to stand there or sit down?" he sneered pointing towards the floor. His friends snickered as the girl sat on the floor in embarrassment. He shot them a glare, silencing their chuckles. "Dementors are checking the train for our Uncle, nasty creatures if you ask me, but I didn't want you to be frightened."

 Adelaide's expression softened as she realized her brother brought her in to make sure she was safe. He had a cold front, but she could tell he truly cared for his little sister and would protect her at all costs. Her teeth chattered in the cold compartment, his friends continuing to talk about quidditch during all the commotion. 

A bright light flashed in the corner of Adelaide's eye. Unable to see where the light came from, she tried to peak around the corner, and saw the dark cloaked figure retreating from the bright, dazzling light and finally leaving the compartment and exiting the train. She could see someone collapse onto the ground and with further inspection recognized the boy as Harry Potter. The lights turned on and the temperature raised significantly.

Her brother quickly glanced up at the lights and returned to reading his newspaper nonchalantly as if nothing happened. A few moments later a rugged looking man walked past their compartment. He look ghastly, pacing down the walkway with pale skin, deep scars across his face, and scraggly hair. 

The train started to move again and Philip gazed over his newspaper scoffing, "Are you going to go back to your compartment or sit on the floor for the rest of the ride?" His sweet brotherly moment was over and he was back to his usual harsh self. She grumbled as she got up and returned to her compartment, her friends looking at her for an explanation. "You'll never believe what I just saw. A dementor boarded the train and it entered Harry Potter's compartment!" the Slytherins leaned forward in anticipation and curiosity, "This rough looking man sent the haunting thing away and it looked like Potter fainted shortly afterwards." The group burst into fits of laughter. "Wait, he actually FAINTED??" Draco roared busting into a cackling howl. 

Tears were flowing down their faces in uncontrollable laughter and Adelaide stood there in horror at their reaction. They didn't even ask if the boy was alright.

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