Hermitcraft Oneshots and A.U's

By PowderMcMc

82.8K 2.3K 2.2K

*****HEYO! NO MORE REQUESTS PLEASE! THANK YOU!********* So- Hermitcraft oneshot book, as well as A.U ideas. H... More

Gunner Craft A.U concept
Assassin's Craft A.U concept
Void Runners A.U concept
Horror Craft A.U concept
Little Craft A.U concept
5 Nights at Xisuma's concept
Crystal Hermits A.U consept
Hero Hermits A.U consept
Kingdom Craft A.U consept
Modern Craft A.U Consept
Hermitcraft Headcanons - #1
Hermit Heroes - #1
Villain Ideas
Horror Craft Deaths
Art Posts???
Modern Craft - #1
Modern Craft - #2
Hermitcraft Headcanons - #2
Incorrect Quotes??? - #1
War to the Watchers A.U consept
Hermitcraft Headcanons - #3
Hermit Heroes - #2
Hermitcraft HC's - #4
RS - Sherlock Grian and Season 5
Bloopers - Hermit Heroes Version
Gunner Craft Domination Lines
Trailer's Chapter - #1
Incorrect Quotes??? - #2
WTTW - Info
RS - Youngest, Smartest, Tallest
WTTW - #1
Hermit Heroes - #3 - Another Time
RS - The nHo
Bloopers - nHo version
RS - Beginning of Seasons
RS - Scientist vs Redstoner
RS : Admin vs Warrior and Demon
Gunner Craft Domination Lines #2
Incorrect Quotes??? - #3
Mob Craft A.U Concept
Poké-Craft A.U concept
Hermitcraft HC's - #5
RS - Arm Wrestlers and Fights
WTTW - #2
Y/N (Not a shot)
RS - Villain Assistance
RS - Best Boyfriend(s)
Mob Craft - #1
Dancers A.U Concept
Incorrect Quotes??? - #4
RS - Season 5 Dream
RS - The Mole
A.U Mashup
Trailers Chapter - #2
RS - To The Beach!
HC's - #6
RS - Vibe Checking
RS - The Locked Server
Modern Mob School - #1
Modern Mob School - #2
RS - Dodge Ball
RS - Company Brawl
Modern Mob School - #3
RS - Iskall Vs Grian and Mumbo
Teachers Craft A.U concept
Mythology Craft A.U Concept
RS - Dragon Killers
69 - Mumskall [Lime?????]
Teachers Craft - Locked Down
Pirate A.U Concept
Incorrect Quotes??? - #5
Art Posts??? - #2
RS - Error Storm
RS - Truth or Dare
HC's - #7
TF2 A.U concept + #1
TF2 - #2
TF2 - #3
TF2 - #4
Gender Confusion A.U concept
RS - RLCraft
Transformers Prime A.U concept + #1
RS - Profanities
Writing Practices
RS - Civil War
Vlogers and Videos Concept
Avatar A.U???
Space Wars - #1 - Caught in Flames
Space Wars - #2 - Knights
RS - Meet Him Inside
RS - Multiverse trials
RS - Chat Messages
RS - Fake Sanctuary
RS - Chat Wars
Readers! (Not a shot)
Hermitcraft Writing Promotes
Art Posts??? - #3
RS - Flowers for Souls (Soulmate A.U)
RS - Guns and Triggers
RS - Knock, Damn It!
Over-Hermit Acadamia A.U Concept
Over-Hermit Acadamia #1
Pacific Rim A.U Concept
Horror Craft RS - Normal Day
Incorrect Quotes??? - #6
Art Posts??? - #4 - NIGHTMARE FUEL
Hermits in DnD
RS - Mayoral Massacre
HC's - #8 - "Nessecary" Tests
RS - A Dior-ite Situation
A Choose Your Own Adventure (Beginning)
RS - Among Us - Hermit Edition
Victorian Sherlock!Grian & the Revolutionaries
Vic. Sherlock!Grian & The Revolutionaries Pt. 2
Art??? - #5 - ART DUMP
Hermit Heroes - #4 - Civil War
Choose Your Own Adventure - Save Stress
RS's - Several Things
Y/N - Update and Requests?
R.S - From The Nether To The Aether
R.S - Kill Them With Kindness
R.S - Down With The Spores
R.S - Dream Team, Evo & Hermit Season 5
RS - What If What If What If?
Y/N --- Requests Closed + Mini Survey
Incorrect Quotes #7 and HC's #9
Teachers Craft #2 - Terrified Episode
Fanon vs Canon vs Me - Hermitcraft Style
"Lmao, Nothin Personal Kid." - Art Stuffs??? #
Cursed Kingdom --- Sneak Peak
5 Nights At Xisuma's REVAMPED!
Finishing Up Some Unfinished Things
To Save A Scientist - Ch. 135
Y/N - Your requests- hand em over
RS - Mischief With X
RS = Spoon + Derp + Gremlin = Destruction
RS = Grumbo Angst (Villain + Hero Universe)
Multiple A.U Ideas
Brain Dead A.U Ideas
RS - Teachers Craft - A.C Culprits
RS - Teachers Craft - Pandemic Era
RS - Hide & Find
Modern Mob School - #4
RS = Watchers (Try To) Invade Hermitcraft
RS - The Artist
RS = Hermits Vs. Blocks
RS = The Guardian Accident

RS - From The Nether To The Aether Pt2

260 15 15
By PowderMcMc

Word Count : 1181

Continuing Request By : Ghaniya1908, Falsehood_Bish

Warnings : Profanity, PYSD flashbacks, war mention

iJevin learns about the Aether and what happened when the angels fled.
I for real said yeet. So have a surprise-

I have a couple more things I wanna post on Wattpad then a requests chapter will come out soon. Keep your eyes peeled for that.

iJevin suddenly threw his hands up; forcing everyone who had a hold of him to let go. "Oh god damnit are any of you gonna tell me what the hell any of you are talking about?!" He shouted.

The different colored auras all faded away and the Hermits present returned to normal.

TFC looked at the Admin and the others before finally looking at iJevin and not breaking eye contact with him. "Son, there might be more to you than you originally thought."

And Now The Conclusion...

iJevin shifted uncomfortably in the chair he was seated in.

Zedaph, TFC, Xisuma, Wels and Grian were all also now in chairs and were all circled inward towards him.

"What's going on? What do you mean there's more to me that I originally thought? What was the glowing thing?!" The blue slime might have continued blurring out questions had TFC not raised his hand to silence him.

TFC then gave out a heavy sigh. "Son, do you know what the Aether is? Just shake your head, yes or no."

iJevin swallowed a lump down his throat. It felt like he was being interrogated on info. But he did as TFC instructed and shook his head silently.

The oldest hermit on the server then leaned forward on his chair, resting his elbows on his knees. "Son, the Aether was a realm full of different types of Angel's and other mythical creatures. It was a heaven like dimension."


TFC stared out at the vast clouds and beautiful buildings. Buildings scraped for the highest highs and the residence of this dimension were stunning. One would even call them beautiful to the point where it would stand toe to toe with the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Hero troups were dispersed across the beautiful land along side angels of all variety. All of them wore armor and held weapons.

They were all ready for battle.

Watchers, Angel's, Vex, Voided, End, Admins, Hosts. They were all here. Getting ready to battle the Nether.


"The attack on the Aether was a significant loss for the light. Even with all the alliances the Aether made and with all the back up in the Server Web. Nothing stopped the Nether." Xisuma continued.

"Everyone was forced to flee, fall back or die. Many didn't come out of the Aether dimension and it fell."

iJevin felt speechless. He turned his head down and stared at the floor. He saw nothing of what they were describing but the words and the context of the story felt unprecedented.

But he had a sinking feeling that he had somehow escaped with little memory of what happened.

The blue slime then looked back up and over to his Admin. "Can you show me?"

Xisuma frowned, his face scrunching up. "Show you? How? Like through a memory broadcast?"

Zedaph looked at X. "No! No way!" The builder then looked back at Jevin. "I know you wanna know more but that's dangerous! We don't know what'll resurface!"

Grian, who had been hanging back on the conversation piped up. "If you don't remember then maybe it's not being remembered for a reason. Maybe you were traumatized Jevin. We don't wanna risk a PTSD breakdown. Trust me, those aren't fun."

iJevin shook his head. "I have to know more."

A silence fell amount the group of six. Eyes then wordlessly traveled over to the admin.

Xisuma swallowed before drawing in a shaky breath. "iJevin. Are you sure?"


"Then... do you're best to hold still."


"Run! We'll cover you!" The older Hero Soldier shouted before turning around to face the demons from Hell.

Despite not wanting to flee when someone had saved his life, he did as he was told. The heat was unbearable and the screams echoed through his ears. Screams that he'd probably never forget.

Sliding across the Aether's now burning hot ground, the blue slime searched for a proper exit. Maybe he could fall back to the Aether's back lines?

The slime hesitantly raised up to peer around. Nothing. He saw nothing but burning rubble and ruin. The grand buildings that Jevin looked up to all the time fell with loud crashes and sounds.


"Jev! Jev!"

iJevin blinked. He was now laying on his back on the floor. Wels and Zedaph were both hovering over him. Wels had his hands on both of his shoulders, shaking him.

Jevin took a deep breath and exhaled. "Wha..? What's going on? Why am I on the floor?"

Zedaph then pushed the knight out of the way and embraced the blue slime in a tight hug. "I told you it was a stupid idea! Why does no one listen to me?!"

iJevin blinked rapidly. He awkwardly patted Zedaph on the back, looking at Wels for possible assistance.

Wels, being the asshole he is, simply gave the blue slime a wordless shrug and a smirk.

Xisuma was still standing, though he appeared wobbly. He had a hand against his helmet. Grian and TFC were on either side of him to keep him steady.

Grian had a frown on his face. "So it was ptsd that caused Jevin to shut all those memories out."

TFC let out a huff. "Still a stupid move." He grouched only mildly.

iJevin took a couple of quiet breaths before shutting his eyes. "That... explains a lot..." he mumbled.

The six then began to situate themselves again. Either rising back to their feet or sitting down to rest momentarily.

The moment of quiet and peace didn't last for long when suddenly two Hermits crash landed down into X's base. Tango and Doc.

Xisuma looked at the two Hermits. "Stars are both alright?!"

Tango and Doc both shot to their feet. They appeared in a huge panic and were breathing heavily.

After catching their breath, Tango blurted out. "We have a problem!"

Grian looked at the two. "Please be specific!"

Doc then whipped out his comm. "See for yourself man!"

Grian took the comm in his hands and the original six all circled around him to watch.

A video played.

The video setting was in the shopping district. A group of Hermits, aka Stress, Ren, Bdubs and Mumbo were all chasing after other Hermits. The four were laughing and cheering loudly and their pupils were huge.

Other Hermits, such as Cleo, Joe and Iskall all appeared to be running away screaming.

The six flinched, watching as Stress and Bdubs both lunged for a screaming Cleo who instantly struggled in their grip.

After only about a few seconds, Cleo too started laughing.

The camera then cut off after the sound of fireworks filled the audio receptors.

The six and now eight all looked at each other.

"Oh shit."



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