Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots...

By -Satan_-

151K 8.4K 4.4K

The fifth book to the collection! Gosh am I proud or ashamed I- Nevertheless, enjoú ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (Some of the charac... More

How did I get you?! Roman & Virgil
His death - Roman x Virgil
Snapped - Owen & Thomas
Getting along sweater - Roman x Logan
Kidnapping the Princess - Nyx & Roman x Patton
Buried deep - Virgil x Logan
Important - Deceit & Snow
Just my opinion - Virgil
His sides - Kynan & Thomas
Overwhelmed - Logan x Patton
The rich man - Roman x Virgil
Grieving - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil & Deceit
There's a bug - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan & Deceit
Subtle flirting - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil
It will never work - Remy x Emile
Mysterious gifter - Virgil & Roman x Logan x Patton
New step-brother 3 - Roman x Virgil
It's okay - Patton x Roman
His sides 2 - Kynan & Thomas
High school - Roman x Patton & Logan x Virgil
A cross - Virgil x Roman
The statue - Virgil x Patton
Stopped on the street - Roman & Patton & Deceit
Mercy - Roman & Virgil
Heart pounding - Logan x Patton
The rich man 2 - Virgil x Roman
The kiss - Logan x Patton
The project 2 - Roman x Virgil
No one adopts a teenager - Roman & Logan x Patton
Unknowingly friends - Roman x Logan
Trespassing - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton
Happiness - Patton x Virgil
Look up to you - Roman & Virgil
You're beautiful - Roman x Virgil
You're beautiful 2 - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton
Opposite - Patton
Broken - Logan x Virgil
Soup - Roman & Logan
His 'friend' - Virgil x Logan & Patton
The holiday - Roman x Logan & Patton x Deceit & Virgil x Remy
Get the fiance out of the way - Roman x Patton
Stay calm - Logan x Patton
It will never work 2 - Remy x Emile
I'm adopting you - Virgil & Patton
Astronaut - Virgil & Logan x Patton
I'm adopting you 2 - Roman x Logan
School boy shenanigans - Logan x Virgil
The corner - Prince & The Duke
The corner 2 - Roman & Remus
Why aren't we like that? - Remus x Deceit
Stressed out cuddles - Thomas & Virgil
Trapped - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton & Deceit & Remy
Sworn enemies - Roman x Virgil
The murderer - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil
The murderer 2 - Roman & Logan
Show you something - Roman & Remus
Give him a piece of my mind - Patton x Logan
Flowers - Remus x Deceit
You're a dad - Patton & Deceit
Refuse to acknowledge - Deceit x Virgil
No one likes me - Virgil & Patton
He's coming for you - Deceit
You pushed me - Roman x Virgil
You pushed me 2 - Virgil x Roman
Flowers 2 - Remus x Deceit
You pushed me 3 - Roman x Virgil
Constant fighting - Roman x Logan
Parent points - Patton & Virgil & Logan & Roman
Parent points 2 - Patton & Logan & Virgil & Roman
The creature - Virgil & Roman
Jack of all trades - Logan x Patton
You got bored, didn't you? - Remus x Deceit
Breaking down - Roman & Remus
Constant fighting 2 - Roman x Logan
Parent points 3 - Patton & Roman & Virgil & Logan
The creature 2 - Roman x Virgil
Breaking down 2 - Roman & Remus
Constant fighting 3 - Logan x Roman
Generations - Logan & Patton
Old friends - Remus & Virgil
Old friends 2 - Remus & Patton
Villains vs heroes - Virgil & Roman & Patton x Logan
Villains vs heroes 2 - Virgil & Roman
Villains vs Heroes 3 - Roman & Virgil
Virgil's gift - Deceit & Remus & Virgil
Mom! - Virgil & Deceit
I don't know why - Virgil & Deceit
Mermaids - Roman & Virgil & Patton x Logan
You don't belong here anymore! - Deceit & Remus & Virgil
First date - Roman x Logan
To the light - Remus x Deceit
I support you - Patton & Virgil
Farm boy - Logan x Roman
Truth and lies - Logan x Deceit
Befriending the 'freak' - Roman x Deceit
My best friend's marriage - Roman & Virgil
Not all childhoods are happy ones - Patton x Logan
Not so confident - Roman x Virgil
Relationships aren't their thing - Logan x Remus
Three boys in love - Logan x Remus x Deceit
I have a crush on him - Roman & Remus
Lucky to have you - Logan x Virgil
Preferred name - Roman x Logan
Mention him again - Patton x Virgil
Snake hotel - Deceit x Roman
I prefer my own company - Patton
Blocking anxiety - Virgil x Roman
I have a crush on him 2 - Patton x Logan
Mermaids 2 - Logan & Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus
He won't be back for awhile - Desire x Nyx
The feared outcast - Virgil x Patton
One story, two sides - Roman & Logan & Freya
Mermaids 3 - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus
Can't always have what we want - Roman x Virgil
YOU! - Virgil & Logan
Recognised - Virgil x Roman
Tough boys - Remus x Logan
Tough boys 2 - Remus x Logan & Patton
In the past - Remus x Patton
Pregnant with their baby - Patton x Roman x Virgil x Logan
I remember when - Virgil x Patton
Best summer ever - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton
The cherries - Logan x Virgil
Dollhouse - Virgil & Remus
He's different - Patton x Logan
Boys in love - Logan x Remus & Roman x Deceit & Patton x Virgil
Reason to live - Virgil x Remus
Its been awhile - Roman & Remus
I can't be with you - Logan x Virgil
Coming out - Roman x Deceit
I cant save them all and it hurts- god does it hurt, but I try - Virgil & Patton
I'm not myself - Remus & Patton
Mermaids 4 - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus & Thomas
A new planet, an unknown species, one important human - Patton x Logan
He wants to tell you, but he's scared - Virgil & Picani
The painter - Janus x Patton (Unfinished)
New in town - Roman x Logan & Patton x Virgil (Unfinished)
Look at them - Patton & Roman x Janus
He can stay with us - Logan x Patton & Remus (Unfinished)
Update on my absence :)

Unintentional neglect - Logan x Virgil x Remus

1K 58 17
By -Satan_-


I could not for the longest time think of a story line for these guys

Remus had noticed something. Noticed something that made him extremely uncomfortable and scared. It was over a year since both Logan and Virgil agreed to being his boyfriend and sharing him between them, never involving in romantic interest with each other - and since everything has gone wonderfully. Remus shared an equal amount of love and attention to both and if one was busy he could zoom off and find his other - but recently? Things have become fishy.

First and foremost; Logan doesn't ask for his cuddles anymore. Not that Remus mind's giving Logan space, but contrary to what one might assume Logan did enjoy their cuddles, quite a lot! And seeing as Remus needed reassurance from time to time, whenever asking about cuddles or physical affection in general Logan always promised he was completely fine with it, and enjoyed it extremely - Remus hoped he wasn't lying.

He didn't ask for cuddles in a traditional way either, he'd usually sit quietly beside Remus and twiddle his thumbs in such an adorable way the trash-can aspect couldn't get enough. He was an awkward logical bean but his awkward logical bean. So why now was he becoming so distant?

It lingered on Remus' mind for awhile but unfortunately he wasn't great at emotions, or communication. He usually left that to Virgil and Logan who always voiced concerns if they were to arise, which fortunately wasn't often. He wanted to believe their relationship was okay but at this point he couldn't tell.

Furthermore, Logan rarely texts him anymore. Living in the same mind scape texting wasn't necessary most the time but if they were to sleep separately he always sent 'good morning' or 'goodnight' texts and Remus couldn't put his finger on why he stopped, or became so infrequent.

And, the worst of all, he's stopped talking to him. Not completely but their conversations are dry, he never starts them and often leaves Remus hanging. There's so, so much more Remus could point out but it hurts to think about - he's desperately trying everything he could but half his world was crashing before him and he couldn't pick up the pieces.

And his other half? Was exactly the same. Virgil wasn't much for outlandish romantic dates, or grand shows of affection, Remus happily keeps it on the down low and focuses their dates on soft, sweet activities like watching a movie or watching a village burn atop a hill in the Imagination. He did everything he could to make Virgil comfortable but it obviously wasn't enough for the side had stopped coming to his dates, stopped wondering when the next would be and stopped interacting with him in general.

It was horrible and quite frankly destroying Remus from the inside out. He remembered all those times spent in Virgil's room, unaffected by the consequence of heightened anxiety, watching him sew while he spurred out random, grotesque imagery to keep them both entertained. He remembered making hot chocolate for them both to settle down with and watch movies. He remembers cuddling him at night, especially if he had a nightmare or anxiety was typically bad the entire day.

Remus remembers it all, and wants to make new memories, but neither of his boyfriends did. They were both extremely distant, becoming more and more so, like Remus was a chunk of land between two separating islands, drifting off further and further away, never to meet again.

He didn't want that to happen, he loved his boyfriends with everything he had, his entire heart, body, soul. Which is why he couldn't understand what he was doing wrong - until the insecurities kicked in. He was Intrusive Thoughts. The Dark Side of Creativity. Of course no one would love him! And if they somehow did it wouldn't last when they realised what he truly was like.

And that alone has made him cry on countless occasions, mostly during the night where he could muffle his sobs into his green pillow. He didn't want their relationship to end, he crushed on both Logan and Virgil for so long, and now they've been together for over a year he doesn't think he'd ever get over losing them.

And the effects of Remus' stress and horrid emotions? Was terrible for poor Thomas, who had awoken night after night from continuous nightmares, startled during the day by the most gruesome thoughts, some even making him close to throwing up. He needed to talk to Remus and had planned to do so but his brother, Roman, beat him to it.

He showed up one day in his living room, out the blue, looking stressed.


"Thomas! It's terrible!" The drama student cut him off, "Remus is incredibly upset and won't tell anyone what is wrong! I have asked everyone but they have no idea, and Deceit is off on one of his trips- I'm stuck! What do I do? I can't leave my own flesh and blood like this! And look what's happening to you! You're not getting your beauty sleep, you look horrendous and you certainly won't meet the love of your life like this!" He gestured at Thomas' body and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

Admittedly, he was a mess but he didn't need anyone telling him.

"Have you asked Remus?" Thomas suggested and Roman paused, glancing away for a few seconds. "No...well, I've asked him what was wrong!"

Thomas quirked an eyebrow, "how did you word your question to him?"

Roman too crossed his arms, "I said... 'what's wrong with you? Haven't gotten your two D's in awhile?'" And Thomas sighed, he couldn't blame Roman for trying but boy was he dense sometimes.

"Try being nice"

Roman gasped, holding a hand over his heart. "Nice? To my bother? Oh Thomas! Don't make me gag"

Thomas blankly stared at him, "you care about him, Roman, whether you accept it or not. You wouldn't be here if you didn't. Please, please talk to him" he begged, Roman gazed at him for a moment and sighed, dropping his arms to his side. Of course he cared about his brother and was immensely worried about him, so he supposed he would go find him and see what was up.

"I'll report back as soon as I can!" Roman declared before sinking out, appearing in his brother's bedroom. The stench alone made his entire face wrinkle and body shrink into his clothes. While waving his hand around to magically rid of the scent, his body froze when he heard the sounds of crying coming from Remus' bed. He looked over at the round mattress, a ripped, tatted, dark green canopy hanging over the top, with a curtain that could go all the way around.

Slowly, the red-brother stepped over until he could sit on the side of his bed. "Remus?" He whispered, resting a hand on the pile of blankets. It flinched, suddenly silencing. "Remus I know you're upset" Roman continued, "talk to me this instant! Secrets are no fun" he justified, only waiting a few seconds before Remus sat up and pushed away the quilt from him.

He looked a state, face blotchy, eyes red, tears streaming down his cheeks.


"Go 'way!" He grumbled, "you don't love me, no one does! Just leave me alone! Poopy!" He yelled in his face, flopping back down and dragging the quilt over him again. Roman furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "what? Of course you're loved! Whatever happened to your best snaky-friend? Or, I don't know, your boyfriends?"

Remus hissed, then huffed. "Don't mention them in my room" he growled and Roman's body went rigid with a sudden white flash of rage. "What did they do to you?" He demanded, voice dripping with malice to whoever dared hurt his brother. Remus' voice weakened as he responded; "they don't love me anymore" and that was all it took for Roman to get up and vanish out his room, appearing in Logan's where he felt both of their presences.

They were sitting on Logan's bed, previously talking quietly until Roman disturbed them. "You have five seconds to explain yourself before I remove your hearts and rip them apart with my sword" he snarled so viciously both sides crawled back in fear, eyeing the sword gripped tight in Roman's grip.

"What the fuck!?" Virgil exclaimed, looking at Logan to see if he understood. "Roman, we do not know what you mean" Logan tried to reason but it only made Roman angrier, the side moving closer to the two who pressed up against the wall. "You do know! You broke my brother's heart! Tell me why?!" He yelled, colour draining from both of the sides faces when they realised what Roman was referring to, but they were both extremely confused still, what had they done to hurt their boyfriend?

"Roman!?" A shrill came from the doorway, Patton rushing over to gaze at the scene with wide, frightened eyes. "What's happening!?"

"These disgusting parasites hurt my brother" Roman exclaimed, readying his sword. "No! Roman! Fucking stop! No we didn't!" Virgil yelled back, gripping Logan's hand tight out of pure fear, too terrified to even think of sinking out.

"What-? No! They wouldn't! Roman this is probably a misunderstanding, please!" Patton stepped forward, leaned up and pressed a delicate kiss to his boyfriend's cheek. "Please, Roro, don't hurt them - you'll regret it, they love your brother so, so much...give them a chance to explain" his voice soothed Roman's burning anger enough for him to lower his sword, but he still glared deathly at the sides who finally relaxed somewhat on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Explain yourselves then" Roman spat, Patton sent him a warning glare, eyes softening as he looked to Logan and Virgil.

"We don't know what the fuck you're talking about" Virgil responded harshly, "agreed. We have not, and never will intentionally hurt your brother" Logan sided, Roman scoffed. "Then why did I walk in on him crying? Why did he tell me you don't love him anymore?"

The two froze, took a glance and transported to Remus' room in second. Roman was right, the side was crying, sobbing on his bed under blankets and cushions.

"Remus!?" Virgil worried, rushing over to the bed. "Remus? Remus what's wrong?" He then began to fret, Logan coming up on the other side of the side who had stopped crying and suddenly sat up, glaring just as harshly at them as Roman did. "Now you care, huh?" He spat, "now you want to spend time with me!? Thanks for leaving me alone for so long, You dolphin-fuckers! Maybe you can leave me for even longer if I lock you in a tower until you're almost eaten alive by the rats!" He didn't mean a word, but he couldn't control his emotions at all, especially with them so increased and all over the place.

Logan pieced the puzzle together and almost stabbed himself with Roman's sword when he realised what he had done. What both he and Virgil had done. They left Remus alone. Not because they didn't love him, they both still do very much, but because they were so focused on their own emotions they didn't even realise! During the course of the recent months new feelings had started to arise in both of them, starting off on the nights where they both agreed to cuddle Remus at the same time, all sitting so close on a bed or couch, warm under a blanket, watching whatever gruesome movie Remus had put on - they both realised how nice it was to spend time together as a group, at first they assumed it was because Remus was so happy, later realising alongside that it was because they were falling for their boyfriend's boyfriend.

And they had no idea what to do. They not only thought they were crossing a line, breaking a rule in their relationship but also didn't dare think their crush liked them back, so pushed their feelings and tried to ignore it, but whenever they spent time with Remus they remembered the times together as them as a group, and worried Remus would one day ask for group cuddles - they both realise now they were incredibly selfish to one; distance themselves out of fear and two; not tell Remus a single thing.

Fortunately, earlier before Roman interrupted their conversation they were talking about this. It had become too much for both of them and needed to admit things before telling Remus - the fact they requited the other's feelings made them both elated, but knew deep down they'd only date if Remus was comfy with it. They were going to talk to him, but Roman barged in, and the rest is self explanatory.

"Remus, I am so sorry" Logan started, gazing at the face of his boyfriend who couldn't stop crying and sniffling. "This is our fault. We did not want to intentionally hurt you like this - we were selfish because we were so focused on our own feelings" as Logan explained Remus hiccuped and rubbed his eyes furiously, which instinctively made both boys reach out and gently tug his hands away. Remus wanted to pull back but their touch was so warming, he missed it so much.

"Yeah...I'm sorry too" Virgil stammered, "I-I...I was scared of what I was feeling, 'cus I..." he glanced at Logan and swallowed, "'cus I started to like Lo and I didn't want to at the time so I tried to push them aside which...led to me pushing you away too" he admitted, gazing at Remus sincerely apologetically and downright distraught at the realisation of what they put their boyfriend through.

" two love each other?" Remus stammered quietly, both boys shook their head.

"We love you" Virgil corrected and boy did that make Remus' heart thump and melt. "We simply like each other, and have the capacity to love in the future. But if you do not want that we would be fine with that too. If you want us to date you and not have any sort of relationship between us then that is fine, this is your choice" Logan further explained, Remus always look a little longer to process things, especially when in such an emotional state, so he squeezed his boyfriend's hands and sat there for a few minutes, mulling everything over.

" still love me?" He whispered vulnerably. "Yes, we never stopped" Virgil answered quickly and meaningfully.

"You still want to be my boyfriend?"

"Of course we do" Logan agreed.

Remus nodded and looked down at his lap, "you two want to date each other?"

The two shared a look and smiled, "only if you're okay with it" Virgil replied, "we...we would want to, yes. To try things out. Maybe become a three-way relationship, I think is the term" Logan inputted and Remus nodded, lifting his head to smile widely at his lover's who relaxed at the sight.

"Please, please become butt-buddies!" He suddenly begged, looking between the two frantically. "I can have sex with both of you!" He exclaimed in utter excitement, his boyfriend's laughed and blushed brightly at the idea, making Remus vibrate in excitement.

"Why didn't you just tell me!? I don't care! You made me cry for nothin you fucks!" He punched both of their arms but not too heavily, enough for them to wince and rub the spot however.

"We're sorry, again, we were just....scared" Virgil admitted softly, Logan nodded in agreement. "My dolphin-fuckers" Remus sighed and yanked them both into a hug.

"You're both fucking idiots"

Later that same evening, after Roman had calmed down and apologised once he understood the situation, everyone was forgiven and thankfully everything went back to normal. A great relief mostly for Thomas who flopped down in his bed, eyes closed, smile on his face. Finally his thoughts were in control, emotions were steady, and he could slip off into slumber, dreaming of sweet stories and fairytales.

"Can we cuddle tonight?" Remus begged and his boyfriends were already planning it. They ventured to Virgil's room who had the biggest bed out of them all, more room to have existential crises. The lights were dim and at the bottom of the bed a screen rose up, ready to be flicked on and shown a movie on it's screen.

Virgil's head on his chest and Remus' arm wrapped around his waist, his own head leaning on Logan's shoulder with Logan's arm over his waist, he felt content...he felt happy, and most importantly,

He felt loved. And that's all he could ask for from his boyfriends.


I got the idea from my good friend Den!


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