★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ...

By wankytubbington

74.1K 1.1K 401

Jessica just transferred to William McKinley High School in Lima Ohio where her parents grew up and fell in l... More

Main Cast Season 1
Pilot 1x01
Showmance 1x02
Acafellas 1x03
Preggers 1x04
The Rhodes Not Taken 1x05
1x06 Vitamin D
Throwdown 1x07
Mashup 1x08
Wheels 1x09
Ballad 1x10
Hairography 1x11
Mattress 1x12
Sectionals 1x13
Hell-O 1x14
The Power of Madonna 1x15
Bad Reputation 1x16
Laryngitis 1x17
Dream On 1x18
Theatricality 1x19
Funk 1x20
Journey to Regionals 1x21
Main Cast Season 2
Audition 2x01
Brittany/Britney 2x02
Grilled Cheesus 2x03
Duets 2x04
Never Been Kissed 2x05
Furt 2x06
Special Education 2x07
A Very Glee Christmas 2x10
Sue Sylvester Shuffle 2x11
Silly Love Songs 2x12
Comeback 2x13
Sexy 2x14
Original Song 2x15
Born This Way 2x16
Rumours 2x17
Prom Queen 2x18
New York 2x19
Season Three
The Purple Piano Project 3x01
I Am Unicorn 3x02
Pot O' Gold 3x03
The First Time 3x04
Mash Off 3x05
I Kissed a Girl 3x06
Hold On To Sixteen 3x07
Extraordinary Merry Christmas 3x08
Yes/No 3x09
Michael 3x10
On My Way 3x11
Saturday Night Glee-ver 3x13
The Golden Ages 3x14
Prom-asaurus 3x15
Nationals 3x16
Goodbye 3x17
Season 4
The New Rachel 4x01
Britney 2.0 4x02
The Break-up 4x03
The Role You Were Born To Play 4x04
Glease 4x05
Dynamic Duets 4x06
Thanksgiving 4x7
Glee, Actually 4x08
Sadie Hawkins 4x09
Naked 4x10
Diva 4x11
I Do 4x12
Girls (and Boys) on Film 4x13
Guilty Pleasures 4x14
Shooting Star 4x15
Sweet Dreams 4x16
Lights Out 4x17
Wonder-ful 4x18
All Or Nothing 4x19
Season Five
Author's Note
Love, Love, Love 5x01
Tina in The Sky With Diamonds 5x02
The Quarterback 5x03
Movin' Out 5x04
100 5x05
New Directions 5x06
2009 5x07
Dreams Come True 5x08
hey everyone

Big Brother 3x12

455 9 4
By wankytubbington

I open my eyes and immediately my head starts throbbing. I try to push myself up on the bed I'm laying in but I hear a voice in the corner telling me to stay laying down. 

Finn's over in a chair reading a magazine. "You need to stay laying down" He says.

I notice that I'm in a hospital and I'm attached to a machine that beeps every two seconds. My hands work their way up to my face and I feel plastic around my mouth. I try to take the plastic off my mouth but my hands are too weak and I wince at a piercing pain in my left arm.

Finn rushes over to me. "Stop, Jess." He reaches for the control remote that has a red button that will call the nurse.

He presses the red and a woman in blue scrubs comes in. 

"Oh, you're up" She smiles and takes her stethoscope. "We took some X-Rays when you first came in and it looks like you have a fractured growth plate in your wrist and a major concussion.But that's all."

I take my right hand and remove the oxygen mask from my face so I can speak.

"Where's" I croak "Q-Quinn" I slip the mask back on.

"Oh, she's okay. I promise you she's okay." The nurse doesn't answer my question.

"Wh-where is sh-she?" I take the mask off once again.

"Hon" Finn walks over and brushes my hair back, off my face. "You gotta keep that on" he coos as he strokes my hair.

"She's recovering in the ICU" the nurse finally addresses my question.

The nurse leaves and Finn takes a seat at the foot of the hospital bed.

"She's okay. She's still unconscious. But, she's alive okay?"

"I'm-I'm sorry F-Finn" I croak again. 

"Stop. It's fine. All I care about is that you're okay."

After a week's stay in the hospital, I go to school for the first time since Regionals. Quinn's not back yet but I've been keeping her in my prayers everyday.

I wear my Cheerio's uniform and walk into school with my arm in a sling. Pastel blue cast peaking out with my fingers. It doesn't hurt as much as it did at first, the pain died down a lot over the past week.

Everyone glances at me as I walk back into the halls of McKinley. I give toothless grins to the onlookers, to assure them that there's nothing to look at.

When I get to my locker, Finn approaches me with a few roses.

"These are for you." He smiles and I take the flowers and put them in my locker.

"they're lovely" I give Finn a peck on the cheek. "I feel so bad about the accident. I just feel so responsible for it. I was showing Quinn the texts that me and you were sending and she looked. But then again, we were going to our wedding, and I had to have her drive me to get my dress. This is all my fault."

Finn wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my head softly.

"It's not your fault. She'll be okay."

"If we didn't get in the accident do you think we'd be married?"

"Yea" He pauses "totally"

I hear wheels tumbling and I expect Artie to be rolling by but instead, I see him and Quinn racing down the hallway in their chairs.

"Hi Quinn" I say to my friend. "I'm really sorry about everything"

"It's fine. I've been doing a lot of praying and I'm the happiest I've ever been"

Quinn wheels off and races Artie to the choir room and I shut my locker. 

Finn and I walk together to the choir room and Quinn and Artie perform I'm Still Standing which is supposed to be ironic I think.

"Don't feel sorry for me. I'll be back up and dancing by Nationals, I promise" Quinn smiles which makes Artie obviously uncomfortable.

Later in Booty Camp, Sue shows up.

"Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asks. 

Sue works us like dogs and throws Mercedes' phone into the auditorium seats, causing it to crash and break.

"My Droid!" She calls.

"Any more questions?" Sue asks which causes us all to listen to her.

After the horrific afternoon in Booty Camp, I spot a National Treasure in the hallway talking to Blaine and Kurt.

"Finn, that's the guy from the credit commercial!" I jump up and down.

"Oh, I know who that is" He smiles and nods, agreeing that we're both seeing the real life Disney Prince in the hallway.

Finn and I order pizza and hang out after school, the usual.

The next day in glee club, Sue brings the commercial star into the choir room.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce, Porcelain's brother, Cooper Anderson." Sue says.

"It's actually my brother" Blaine puts his hand up but Sue ignores him.

Cooper gives us some acting lessons which prompts Rachel to immediately take out her notepad and start jotting down some stuff that the guy is saying.

"When you're talking to someone, you have to point. So they know who you're talking to" Cooper says.

Blaine says something but no one pays attention to it until Cooper speaks up.

"Oh, sorry, didn't know you were talking to me. You didn't point your finger at me" Cooper says which causes me to laugh a little at how agitated Blaine is becoming.

"Why don't you guys sing a duet for us?" Rachel asks, taking a break from her intense note writing.

Hungry Like The Wolf/Rio

Later, all the seniors are together in the library.

"So, what are some ideas for ditch day" Puck says, sitting back in his chair.

"Poor Quinn, I mean she can barely do anything we shouldn't bring it to her attention" Rachel stands up.

"Rachel, I'm fine. Come here" Quinn brings Rachel over to give her a quick hug from the chair. "You okay?" She asks as Rachel wipes a tear and nods. "Like I said earlier, I'm happy. Now, I think we should go to Six Flags" Quinn grins with her brilliant idea.

"Second that" I raise my not-broken hand.

Everyone leaves the library and I realize that Finn's not walking with me. I look into the window and see Puck talking with him. I hear murmurs about California and pools but I know that Puck isn't being serious.

Ditch day rolls around and Quinn and Artie decide to do their own thing which kinda bums me out, but I'll have fun at Six Flags anyways.

We ride all the rollercoasters and have a blast before it's time to go home.

Booty Camp resumes the next day and Sue's in a much better mood than before.

"I'll make sure of it that you guys will walk away with the first place trophy at Nationals" She smiles before counting down in her megaphone.


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