Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots...

By -Satan_-

151K 8.4K 4.4K

The fifth book to the collection! Gosh am I proud or ashamed I- Nevertheless, enjoú ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (Some of the charac... More

How did I get you?! Roman & Virgil
His death - Roman x Virgil
Snapped - Owen & Thomas
Getting along sweater - Roman x Logan
Kidnapping the Princess - Nyx & Roman x Patton
Buried deep - Virgil x Logan
Important - Deceit & Snow
Just my opinion - Virgil
His sides - Kynan & Thomas
Overwhelmed - Logan x Patton
The rich man - Roman x Virgil
Grieving - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil & Deceit
There's a bug - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan & Deceit
Subtle flirting - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil
It will never work - Remy x Emile
Mysterious gifter - Virgil & Roman x Logan x Patton
New step-brother 3 - Roman x Virgil
It's okay - Patton x Roman
His sides 2 - Kynan & Thomas
High school - Roman x Patton & Logan x Virgil
A cross - Virgil x Roman
The statue - Virgil x Patton
Stopped on the street - Roman & Patton & Deceit
Mercy - Roman & Virgil
Heart pounding - Logan x Patton
The rich man 2 - Virgil x Roman
The kiss - Logan x Patton
The project 2 - Roman x Virgil
No one adopts a teenager - Roman & Logan x Patton
Unknowingly friends - Roman x Logan
Trespassing - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton
Happiness - Patton x Virgil
Look up to you - Roman & Virgil
You're beautiful - Roman x Virgil
You're beautiful 2 - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton
Opposite - Patton
Broken - Logan x Virgil
Soup - Roman & Logan
His 'friend' - Virgil x Logan & Patton
The holiday - Roman x Logan & Patton x Deceit & Virgil x Remy
Get the fiance out of the way - Roman x Patton
Stay calm - Logan x Patton
It will never work 2 - Remy x Emile
I'm adopting you - Virgil & Patton
Astronaut - Virgil & Logan x Patton
I'm adopting you 2 - Roman x Logan
School boy shenanigans - Logan x Virgil
The corner - Prince & The Duke
The corner 2 - Roman & Remus
Why aren't we like that? - Remus x Deceit
Stressed out cuddles - Thomas & Virgil
Trapped - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton & Deceit & Remy
Sworn enemies - Roman x Virgil
The murderer - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil
The murderer 2 - Roman & Logan
Show you something - Roman & Remus
Give him a piece of my mind - Patton x Logan
Flowers - Remus x Deceit
You're a dad - Patton & Deceit
Refuse to acknowledge - Deceit x Virgil
No one likes me - Virgil & Patton
He's coming for you - Deceit
You pushed me - Roman x Virgil
You pushed me 2 - Virgil x Roman
Flowers 2 - Remus x Deceit
You pushed me 3 - Roman x Virgil
Constant fighting - Roman x Logan
Parent points - Patton & Virgil & Logan & Roman
Parent points 2 - Patton & Logan & Virgil & Roman
The creature - Virgil & Roman
Jack of all trades - Logan x Patton
You got bored, didn't you? - Remus x Deceit
Breaking down - Roman & Remus
Constant fighting 2 - Roman x Logan
Parent points 3 - Patton & Roman & Virgil & Logan
The creature 2 - Roman x Virgil
Breaking down 2 - Roman & Remus
Constant fighting 3 - Logan x Roman
Generations - Logan & Patton
Old friends - Remus & Virgil
Old friends 2 - Remus & Patton
Villains vs heroes - Virgil & Roman & Patton x Logan
Villains vs heroes 2 - Virgil & Roman
Villains vs Heroes 3 - Roman & Virgil
Virgil's gift - Deceit & Remus & Virgil
Mom! - Virgil & Deceit
I don't know why - Virgil & Deceit
Mermaids - Roman & Virgil & Patton x Logan
You don't belong here anymore! - Deceit & Remus & Virgil
First date - Roman x Logan
To the light - Remus x Deceit
I support you - Patton & Virgil
Farm boy - Logan x Roman
Truth and lies - Logan x Deceit
Befriending the 'freak' - Roman x Deceit
My best friend's marriage - Roman & Virgil
Not all childhoods are happy ones - Patton x Logan
Not so confident - Roman x Virgil
Relationships aren't their thing - Logan x Remus
Three boys in love - Logan x Remus x Deceit
I have a crush on him - Roman & Remus
Lucky to have you - Logan x Virgil
Mention him again - Patton x Virgil
Snake hotel - Deceit x Roman
I prefer my own company - Patton
Blocking anxiety - Virgil x Roman
I have a crush on him 2 - Patton x Logan
Mermaids 2 - Logan & Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus
He won't be back for awhile - Desire x Nyx
The feared outcast - Virgil x Patton
One story, two sides - Roman & Logan & Freya
Mermaids 3 - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus
Can't always have what we want - Roman x Virgil
YOU! - Virgil & Logan
Recognised - Virgil x Roman
Tough boys - Remus x Logan
Tough boys 2 - Remus x Logan & Patton
In the past - Remus x Patton
Pregnant with their baby - Patton x Roman x Virgil x Logan
I remember when - Virgil x Patton
Best summer ever - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton
The cherries - Logan x Virgil
Dollhouse - Virgil & Remus
He's different - Patton x Logan
Unintentional neglect - Logan x Virgil x Remus
Boys in love - Logan x Remus & Roman x Deceit & Patton x Virgil
Reason to live - Virgil x Remus
Its been awhile - Roman & Remus
I can't be with you - Logan x Virgil
Coming out - Roman x Deceit
I cant save them all and it hurts- god does it hurt, but I try - Virgil & Patton
I'm not myself - Remus & Patton
Mermaids 4 - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus & Thomas
A new planet, an unknown species, one important human - Patton x Logan
He wants to tell you, but he's scared - Virgil & Picani
The painter - Janus x Patton (Unfinished)
New in town - Roman x Logan & Patton x Virgil (Unfinished)
Look at them - Patton & Roman x Janus
He can stay with us - Logan x Patton & Remus (Unfinished)
Update on my absence :)

Preferred name - Roman x Logan

946 54 38
By -Satan_-


Short and sweet fluff between cis Logan and transgender (FTM) Roman?

Don't forget Maya is the name I use for Deceit when she's trans male to female!


The bright, early morning wasn't so bright at all. The sun had barely risen and it was still rather dark outside, nevertheless that wouldn't deter Logan from his usual morning walk, he often preferred to be early for school as it allowed him to relax in the library with a good book, but in recent cases, relax in the library cuddled up with his boyfriend who can't help but serenade him with affection every time they meet. Logan would never complain. He adored it, and it wasn't such a secret between them.

Dating for a little over five months the two boys were incredibly in love with each other, and both their parents adore the relationship as much as they do. While Roman's older brother Remus is a little protective, he knew deep down Logan was a genuine guy, and once realising this he let loose and now the two were friends.

A usual occurrence between the two boys were sweet morning text messages, Logan always sent his first due to waking up at an earlier time - Roman often liked to sleep in, but his desire to walk with Logan overpowered his bed's impossible comfortableness. 

Perching at the side of his bed, Logan withdrew his phone from his back pocket and opened their messages. They had already sent the 'good morning' texts, but now Logan wanted to get a little more serious.

Gumdrop - Roman? Are you free to talk?

Romeo - of course! Whatever is the matter, my dear Gumdrop?

Gumdrop - I wanted to make sure you were okay. After all today is the first day teachers will use your preferred name.

On the other side of the phone Roman tensed and looked the other way, phone fumbled between his hands. He hadn't forgotten about that little detail but tried desperately tried to push it to the back of his mind. After gaining the courage through countless compliments and reassurance from friends, family and Logan he finally spoke to the school about changing his name on the register. He hoped the teachers were informed, and they wouldn't ask in front of everyone, 'who's Roman?' only for him to have to give a small explanation, which would most certainly make him very uncomfortable. He hated when people asked questions, he wished they could use their common sense, but on the other hand he knew some weren't trying to upset him and simply wanted to make sure they were using the right pronouns.

Roman discovered he was a boy at the age of thirteen, now three years later he knew it wasn't a phase, or a stepping stone to his 'real self', he was a boy, whether or not biology said so. He hoped it would pass without a palaver, he also hoped people would accept him - but he knew some people in his school would be more incline to bully him for it. However his brother, Remus, would beat them to a pulp, so he wasn't too afraid of them knowing they were afraid of his brother who was practically an unhinged ball of chaos not afraid to kill.

He sighed, knowing Logan will get worried with his lack of response.

Romeo - I'll be okay, with you by my side I can conquer any beast in my path!

Gumdrop - I know you can. I will be with you every step of the way. I love you.

Romeo - Oh Logan, I love you so much! Just wait till I see you

Gumdrop - Please do not throw yourself on me again. You sprained my wrist.

Romeo - Hahahahahaha! Don't worry Gumdrop, I won't let any harm come your way for as long as I live

Gumdrop - I shall hold that against you. See you soon.

Romeo - love you handsome!! ❤️💙❤️💙

Now with a smile on his face and a bounce in his step Roman hurried down the staircase and out the house. Both his parents had already gone to work and Remus left a mere few minutes after them to be with his girlfriend, Maya, who was a year older than he and in college studying law. Roman and Maya were close due to them both being trans and being able to lament to each other about the struggles of misgendering and dysphoria. Remus was ecstatic when the two became close because Remus loves her, and his brother.

Walking to the street where he meets his love, he sat on a wall before a house that had been empty for quite some time. He didn't think anyone would be buying it any time soon, which was unfortunate as it was a lovely house. He bobbed along to music while waiting for Logan, gently singing along to the songs from his favourite musicals. Yes he knew every word. Yes he was a drama geek. Yes, it's not a surprise.

When his eyes landed on a boy wearing dark yet smart clothing, an ironed tie down his chest and perfectly styled hair Roman ripped out the earphones and ran over to him.

"No, Roman, please-!" The boy, Logan, held out his hands in self defence, but Roman pushed them aside with his arms, curled them around his waist and scooped him up into the air, grinning brightly at the noise of alarm and the sudden laughter Logan let out. Roman was five foot nine, taller by a few inches to Logan, enabling him to do such romantic actions.

"What am I ever going to do with you?" Logan asked, looking down at his boyfriend from where he was held above him, Roman simply laughed and brought him down into a kiss, carefully placing him back down and running a hand down his back to the dip. Logan broke the kiss and rose an eyebrow, "don't start, Romeo" he lightly teased, parting from his boyfriend and continuing his walk. Roman whined but caught up, slipping his hand into his and pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"Sleep well?" He started conversation, swinging their arms back and forth. "I did, adequately. I seem to recall a dream with you involved, but nothing more than that. How about you?"

Roman smiled, he couldn't help it, whatever Logan did or said made him smile so wide, he had fallen for the boy who caught him without hesitation. "I had perfect beauty sleep, as always, although a little worried about today, I'll survive!" He admitted for he truly couldn't keep anything away from Logan, the two have admitted their deep secrets to one another, expressed insecurities and cried on each other's shoulders which made them closer and closer each time, to the point where they felt they could tell the other whatever they were going through without repercussions.

"Try not to worry yourself" Logan squeezed his hand, "the teachers will be more than willing to comply, and if a student are to say anything me, Remus and Virgil will take care of them" Roman smiled shyly, cheeks colouring. He adored the protective streak that ran through his boyfriend, although he saw himself to be more of the 'protector' in the relationship, flowers would blossom in his stomach when he was the protected.

Being early not many other students were around, as usual the two boys went straight to the library and took a seat towards the back where the collection of beanbags resided. Throughout the day they could be moved around but were always brought back here by the librarian before they locked up.

Flopping down onto the pile, Roman got comfortable and watched as Logan gazed through the collection of books for a few minutes. Unable to find anything desirable, he laid beside his boyfriend and the two cuddled almost instinctively, it had become second nature.


"Hm?" The boy hummed, removing his glasses to rest against Roman's chest more comfortably.

"Have I ever told you how handsome you are?" He began and Logan already felt his face heating up, "how I adore every single thing about you? From your impossibly soft hair, to your nerdy yet sweet personality?"

Logan huffed a little, he hated getting flustered but loved it at the same time. Compliments sent him haywire, almost as if he were a computer shutting down, for afterwards he always found it hard to speak and blushed for what seemed like hours. Roman knew the affect which is why he did it often, sometimes unable to stop himself, but complimenting his boyfriend brought him immense joy; so why would he want to stop?

"Roman, stop" he whined a little, hiding his face further in the crook of his neck. Roman laughed lightly and pulled him closer, pressing a few kissed to the crown of his head. He'd fix his hair again afterwards, knowing Logan preferred perfection. "Okay, okay, but I meant every word"

The morning passed by lazily, by the time their friends Patton and Virgil arrived it was five minutes before first period. "Ew, get a room" Virgil grumbled as soon as his eyes landed on the cuddling pair. Roman laughed while Logan rolled his eyes fondly.

Patton squeezed their boyfriend's hand gently, "Angel, we do the same thing all the time! You should be used to it" they didn't mean to make Virgil embarrassed and blush darkly, but enjoyed the affect so giggled like he meant it. Roman and Logan ended up laughing too, but it was all in good nature, Virgil knew none of them had any ill-will, he just wished his datefriend would stop making him flustered, without even meaning to!

To apologise, Patton pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, leant back and tilted their head down a little, gazing at Virgil through their eyelashes shyly, and Virgil couldn't help but smile, cup their face and kiss their lips.

"Get a room!" Roman mocked and the moment was ruined.

The walk to first lesson was tough, fortunately Roman's friends and boyfriend would be with him, but that didn't make him any less nervous. So many scenarios played through his mind, and barely any of them were good. A lot resulted in him leaving the room in a state and crying in the bathroom, but that was okay, right? None of that would happen, right? It was all made up...right?

Yes. It was. He knew they were irrational, but still, his brain wasn't being the kindest right now.

"Will you be okay, Kiddo?" Patton asked before he could enter the classroom, gazing up at Roman with a soft look. Even if Patton was a short five foot two and younger than them all they treated them like they were their children, Virgil not so much because that would be a little weird, but still protected him lovingly.

"With all of you, I'll always be okay" Roman reassured, Patton grinned and gave him a quick hug, finally they all entered the classroom, Roman avoided the teacher's gaze and sat down at their usual table, enough seats for them all and four more, but no one really sat with them due to having their own friendship groups.

Logan intertwined his and Roman's hand together after he got out his supplies from his bag, sending him a small smile to help calm his nerves. It worked only a little but Roman didn't blame him, his anxiety would only be solved as soon as his name was spoken and the moment was over.

Time seemed to slow, for minutes Roman waited in silent trepidation for the class' questions and teachers confused stare, he wondered if they'd even read his name out or skip it completely! All these thoughts, all flying through his mind without stopping, he just wanted it to be over!

And then, the register began. Name after name, Roman's stomach twisted with knots, heart palpitating painfully, breath becoming short gasps of air. Logan curled an arm around his waist and reassured him best he could with physical touch, needing to stay quiet, but it only worked a little bit. Virgil and Patton who sat opposite watched on in concern, hoping with all their might it would pass over simply, with no questions, no hesitation, for Roman's sake.

And then;


"Uh-here" his response was quick, voice a little breathless and cracked, but the teacher didn't notice, and merely carried on. He stared down at the table without hesitation, not daring to look at the students in the class. However Virgil was curious, he wanted to know if anyone dared to give him a weird or dirty look - he wanted to know who he would need to beat up with the help of Remus.

While a few did glance in his direction, it was nothing more than a short, curious eyebrow raise. Virgil's face glowered with a glare, ready to sent daggers to the one transphobe, but there wasn't one. Not a single student looked for more than a second, half didn't even glance in his direction. Relaxation settled through him, he turned to Patton and smiled, a silent communication that everything was okay. Patton smiled back and held his hand, the two were often more physical in their affections than verbal.

And the class passed by smoothly. As did all the others. Roman couldn't be more grateful for the fact the school was so disinterested in him, he was popular in the drama-community but they already knew, so it wasn't new to them when Roman was called out on that register, but the day couldn't have gone by better.

Although he would have a few run-ins with that crowd, the people who'd ask questions that made him uncomfortable, who'd outright tell him he was a girl, in the end, Remus was always there to sort them out, and he was swiftly left alone by all.

Now, a month later, sitting with his friends, his brother, his brother's girlfriend and his boyfriend, he was happy. Extremely and genuinely happy.

I might change my name on the college register to Logan...wish me luck?


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