★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ...

By wankytubbington

74.1K 1.1K 401

Jessica just transferred to William McKinley High School in Lima Ohio where her parents grew up and fell in l... More

Main Cast Season 1
Pilot 1x01
Showmance 1x02
Acafellas 1x03
Preggers 1x04
The Rhodes Not Taken 1x05
1x06 Vitamin D
Throwdown 1x07
Mashup 1x08
Wheels 1x09
Ballad 1x10
Hairography 1x11
Mattress 1x12
Sectionals 1x13
Hell-O 1x14
The Power of Madonna 1x15
Bad Reputation 1x16
Laryngitis 1x17
Dream On 1x18
Theatricality 1x19
Funk 1x20
Journey to Regionals 1x21
Main Cast Season 2
Audition 2x01
Brittany/Britney 2x02
Grilled Cheesus 2x03
Duets 2x04
Never Been Kissed 2x05
Furt 2x06
Special Education 2x07
A Very Glee Christmas 2x10
Sue Sylvester Shuffle 2x11
Silly Love Songs 2x12
Comeback 2x13
Sexy 2x14
Original Song 2x15
Born This Way 2x16
Rumours 2x17
Prom Queen 2x18
New York 2x19
Season Three
The Purple Piano Project 3x01
I Am Unicorn 3x02
Pot O' Gold 3x03
The First Time 3x04
Mash Off 3x05
Hold On To Sixteen 3x07
Extraordinary Merry Christmas 3x08
Yes/No 3x09
Michael 3x10
On My Way 3x11
Big Brother 3x12
Saturday Night Glee-ver 3x13
The Golden Ages 3x14
Prom-asaurus 3x15
Nationals 3x16
Goodbye 3x17
Season 4
The New Rachel 4x01
Britney 2.0 4x02
The Break-up 4x03
The Role You Were Born To Play 4x04
Glease 4x05
Dynamic Duets 4x06
Thanksgiving 4x7
Glee, Actually 4x08
Sadie Hawkins 4x09
Naked 4x10
Diva 4x11
I Do 4x12
Girls (and Boys) on Film 4x13
Guilty Pleasures 4x14
Shooting Star 4x15
Sweet Dreams 4x16
Lights Out 4x17
Wonder-ful 4x18
All Or Nothing 4x19
Season Five
Author's Note
Love, Love, Love 5x01
Tina in The Sky With Diamonds 5x02
The Quarterback 5x03
Movin' Out 5x04
100 5x05
New Directions 5x06
2009 5x07
Dreams Come True 5x08
hey everyone

I Kissed a Girl 3x06

645 10 0
By wankytubbington

I'm sitting with the rest of the glee club, waiting for Finn's return, along with Mr. Schuester. After Santana slapped Finn, (I'm calling it the slap heard round the world), they both got sent to the office and we were all sent to the choir room. 

After waiting for about 20 minutes, Finn and Mr. Schue come back.

"I saw her Finn, she slapped you" He says, out in the hallway, thinking we can't hear their conversation.

"But she didn't, it was a stage slap. Okay?" Finn sounds frustrated as he walks through the door and comes and sits down next to me.

"You okay?" I whisper as he puts his hand on my thigh.

"I'm fine. I just don't want her to get suspended for slapping me" He whispers. 

"Your face still has a red mark" I put my hand on the side of his face and gently brush it along.

"Whatever, I don't care Jessie. It's fine, I'm fine" Finn says, obviously annoyed with me.

The girls from the Troubletones suddenly barge through the door.

Finn walks up to the whiteboard scribbling ladies on it.

"This week, the Troubletones and New Directions will both be singing music created by ladies and for ladies" Finn says.

"Oh hell no" Santana shakes her head.

"Next week all of us will be going to sectionals and one of us is probably gonna win" Finn keeps on ranting, "But, Santana, we're worried about you"

"Worry about yourself, fetus face" She snaps back.

"Glee's about learning how to accept yourself, who you are. No matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about" Finn points to the board behind him.

"So I don't even get a say in this?" Santana questions. "Not cool"

"Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany" Finn walks closer to Santana, "We don't judge you for it, we celebrate it, because it's who you are. Look, I know not everyone outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know that in this rotten, stinking, mean world, that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you wanna be. That's it, that's what we're doing here" Finn raises his arm and points to Kurt and Blaine. "Blaine, Kurt?"

The boys stand up in front of the class

"Santana, Kurt and I have a song that we like to sing to each other in the car, and we wanna sing it for you right now" Blaine says.

"Although there's nothing I'd love more than two pretty ponies serenade me, I think it would get us further staging a gellervention for Blaine than singing lady music" 

 "I know it's hard, it was hard for me too." Kurt says to Santana "But you can get through this"

Blaine of course has to chime in "If you'd just stop being so defensive-"

"I'm trying but your hideous bow ties are provoking me" Santana says sarcastically, cutting Blaine off.

"Wait are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl?" Puck asks. "Cause there's a big difference"

"Puck" Mr. Schue turns to him, "focus, okay? Kurt, Blaine? Why don't you kick us off and show us what you got"

Kurt and Blaine sing Perfect by P!nk and did a very great job, Kurt's voice is just amazing with how he sings it softly.

Finn and I are swaying and smiling along with the rest of the glee club as the song gets upbeat and starts to end.

Everyone claps for the two guys singing to our friend, and Finn keeps his eyes fixed on Santana. 

"thank you guys, thank you Finn especially. Out of all the crap I've been through in my life, now I get to add that" She smirks adding a sarcastic clap and another bitchy smirk.

Later after lunch, we all go back to the choir room where Puck sings I'm The Only One.

We all vibe and dance along to the beat that is irresistible to not move to.

It seems like he's not singing to Santana but to Shelby, he keeps looking up at her in the back row, I think that Quinn catches on too because we look at each other and I can read her face.

"That was for you, Santana" Puck points his guitar at her. "I know it's just part of a phase but, whatever, happy to oblige." He smirks, thinking this is all a joke. "Always"

Quinn walks into the hallway to meet Puck and I notice something strange about her. I'm not spying on her, well yea I kinda am, but anyways. She tells him he needs to get his eyes adjusted but then he says something about that he was implying that they would be good babysitters for Beth. She tells Puck that she has the house to herself for the weekend, and asks him to come over, which makes me wanna barf. He declines her offer thank god.

Finn walks over to me and takes my hand, he leads me over to Santana where he starts talking about how amazing this week is.

"You realize you're practically forcing me out of the flannel closet?" She applies lipgloss in her top locker mirror.

"That ad is gonna run, that's what's forcing you to deal with this." Finn bites back.

"Finn, calm down" I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you getting so worked up about this?" Santana asks, which is valid because I have no clue either.

"Because, I don't want you to die" Finn says, bluntly out of nowhere. I look at him with wide eyes. "A few weeks ago, one of those kids who made that 'it gets better' videos killed themselves. Alright, you deal with your anxiety surrounding this by attacking other people, and someday, that's not gonna be enough. And you might start attacking yourself" He says and I can feel my eyes start watering.

"Well thanks, but that would never happen. I'd miss me too much" Santana says confidently.

"Look, you were my first, that means something to me. You mean something to me. If something were to ever happen to you and I didn't do everything I could to stop it, I'd never be able to live with myself"

Finn walks away, leaving me with Santana. I give her a quick hug and then run after my boyfriend.

"Hey" I say when I finally reach him "You okay?" 

He nods but then buries his face in my shoulder, bear hugging me and sobbing into me.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" I whisper as I play with his hair. "Shhh, it's gonna be alright. She's gonna be okay" I try to soothe Finn and it works.

"I want to sing her a song" He mutters, voice cracking from the tears he just shed.

"I know," I say, wiping one of the tears from his face with my thumb. "I'll help you" I smile softly and take his hand, intertwining our fingers together.

Finn and I head back to the choir room and Finn sings Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, a very slowed down, ballad form of the song.

He gives me a few loving looks during the song, and I send them right back.

Surprisingly, at the end, Santana gets up and embraces Finn.

"Thank you" She smiles as a tear streams from her eye

"i love you Santana" He whispers back as they break away from the hug.

Figgins has to disrupt this moment by calling the senior class down to the gym so we can vote for class president.

I already know who I'm voting for so this should be way easy.

I get in the ballot box and panic, I want Kurt to win because he's my boyfriend's brother, but also I kinda feel bad for him because he has nothing on his transcript for NYADA. But, then again, Brittany is one of my best friends, I have no idea who I'm voting for.

Beiste comes in the little booth and tells me to move along, I try to tell her that I can't but she just shuts me up.

I check the name on the slip and just throw it into the box.

After we all vote, the class goes back to the main building. I'm walking with Mercedes, Quinn, and the rest of the group when a douche walks up to Santana at her locker.

"Move your busted, creeper ass" Mercedes walks up to the boy that claims to be a Sophomore and captain of the rugby team, which prior to this moment, I had no idea existed.

"Now" Tina says.

"Easy girls, I'm just trying to make her normal" the dick argues.

"She is normal" Brittany says

"it's not a choice idiot, but even if it was, you'd be our last" Quinn sneers at the jerk.

"Yea" I back her up. "And if you don't like it, then you can take your little rugby team and stick it right up-" I can't finish my sentence because I'm getting cut off, per usual.

"Oh I get it, you're all a bunch of lesbos" The jock says. 

"So what if we are" Rachel pops her head in the conversation "you don't stand a chance either way" She mutters making the boy roll his eyes.

"Buh bye" I wave to the jerk as Santana and Brittany break out into I Kissed A Girl, with the rest of us singing backup for our OTP.

"Update y'all" Santana says to everyone now in the choir room "I told my parents last night, and they're actually okay with it"

Everyone claps 

"I just have to tell my Abuela before she sees that stupid commercial." She crosses her arms. "But luckily, she only watches Univision"

Figgins walks into the classroom and announces that he needs to see Kurt in his office immediately.

Later, we all find out that Rachel stuffed the ballot boxes, therefore disqualifying Kurt, making Brittany senior class president and suspending Rachel from Sectionals next week.

"Great going" Santana sneers as we walk past her at her locker in the hallway when school ends.

That night,a lot happens, first, Santana texts me saying she came out to her Abuela but it didn't go well at all, which I feel horrible about, but there's nothing I can really do to help.

I get an emergency text from Puck Sunday morning saying something about Quinn trying to get pregnant again so they can have a 'second Beth'. I have no idea what's wrong with everyone but it's frustrating, all I ask is that everyone stops being stupid, AKA Quinn, get some sense, and don't text me when I'm with Finn, it's distracting when my phone buzzes twenty million times.

The next morning, we all get into the choir room to finish the week's lesson.

"I would like to personally and publicly congratulate president Brittany. You are the most unicorn of all." Kurt says, standing in front of everyone minus Rachel in a weird sweater tunic thingy. "Rule wisely, rule fabulously" He says before Britt pulls him in for a hug and the rest of the group awws at the Kodak Moment.

"I would like to reject the opinion of being the most unicorn and give it to you. Kurt, you are absolutely the most unicorn of them all" She smiles.

Everyone claps again.

"maybe I can put that on my NYADA application" Kurt whispers to Blaine, loudly so I can hear it.

"Quinn, are you okay?" Tina asks as Quinn stares at Shelby.

She ignores the comment and Mr.Schue saves her by asking Santana to 'bring us home' for this weeks lesson.

"I picked a song that gives me strength and gets me through, the same way all of you do. The struggle continues but, at least I know I'm not alone." Santana introduces her song that she'll be singing to conclude Lady's week. She looks at Finn and smiles at him, causing the smile to spread to his face and I lean into him, and give Finn a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry for lashing at you last week" I say as Finn grabs my hand.

"I'm sorry too. I love you" He whispers and puts his hand gently on my face as he gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you mostest." I smile

Santana then starts singing Constant Craving, a wonderful and inspirational way to end Lady's week.

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