Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots...

Por -Satan_-

151K 8.4K 4.4K

The fifth book to the collection! Gosh am I proud or ashamed I- Nevertheless, enjoú ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ (Some of the charac... Más

How did I get you?! Roman & Virgil
His death - Roman x Virgil
Snapped - Owen & Thomas
Getting along sweater - Roman x Logan
Kidnapping the Princess - Nyx & Roman x Patton
Buried deep - Virgil x Logan
Important - Deceit & Snow
Just my opinion - Virgil
His sides - Kynan & Thomas
Overwhelmed - Logan x Patton
The rich man - Roman x Virgil
Grieving - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil & Deceit
There's a bug - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan & Deceit
Subtle flirting - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil
It will never work - Remy x Emile
Mysterious gifter - Virgil & Roman x Logan x Patton
New step-brother 3 - Roman x Virgil
It's okay - Patton x Roman
His sides 2 - Kynan & Thomas
High school - Roman x Patton & Logan x Virgil
A cross - Virgil x Roman
The statue - Virgil x Patton
Stopped on the street - Roman & Patton & Deceit
Mercy - Roman & Virgil
Heart pounding - Logan x Patton
The rich man 2 - Virgil x Roman
The kiss - Logan x Patton
The project 2 - Roman x Virgil
No one adopts a teenager - Roman & Logan x Patton
Unknowingly friends - Roman x Logan
Trespassing - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton
Happiness - Patton x Virgil
Look up to you - Roman & Virgil
You're beautiful - Roman x Virgil
You're beautiful 2 - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton
Opposite - Patton
Broken - Logan x Virgil
Soup - Roman & Logan
His 'friend' - Virgil x Logan & Patton
The holiday - Roman x Logan & Patton x Deceit & Virgil x Remy
Get the fiance out of the way - Roman x Patton
Stay calm - Logan x Patton
It will never work 2 - Remy x Emile
I'm adopting you - Virgil & Patton
Astronaut - Virgil & Logan x Patton
I'm adopting you 2 - Roman x Logan
School boy shenanigans - Logan x Virgil
The corner - Prince & The Duke
The corner 2 - Roman & Remus
Why aren't we like that? - Remus x Deceit
Stressed out cuddles - Thomas & Virgil
Trapped - Roman & Logan & Virgil & Patton & Deceit & Remy
Sworn enemies - Roman x Virgil
The murderer - Roman & Logan & Patton & Virgil
The murderer 2 - Roman & Logan
Show you something - Roman & Remus
Give him a piece of my mind - Patton x Logan
Flowers - Remus x Deceit
You're a dad - Patton & Deceit
Refuse to acknowledge - Deceit x Virgil
No one likes me - Virgil & Patton
He's coming for you - Deceit
You pushed me - Roman x Virgil
You pushed me 2 - Virgil x Roman
Flowers 2 - Remus x Deceit
You pushed me 3 - Roman x Virgil
Constant fighting - Roman x Logan
Parent points - Patton & Virgil & Logan & Roman
Parent points 2 - Patton & Logan & Virgil & Roman
The creature - Virgil & Roman
Jack of all trades - Logan x Patton
You got bored, didn't you? - Remus x Deceit
Breaking down - Roman & Remus
Constant fighting 2 - Roman x Logan
Parent points 3 - Patton & Roman & Virgil & Logan
The creature 2 - Roman x Virgil
Breaking down 2 - Roman & Remus
Constant fighting 3 - Logan x Roman
Generations - Logan & Patton
Old friends - Remus & Virgil
Old friends 2 - Remus & Patton
Villains vs heroes - Virgil & Roman & Patton x Logan
Villains vs heroes 2 - Virgil & Roman
Villains vs Heroes 3 - Roman & Virgil
Virgil's gift - Deceit & Remus & Virgil
Mom! - Virgil & Deceit
I don't know why - Virgil & Deceit
Mermaids - Roman & Virgil & Patton x Logan
You don't belong here anymore! - Deceit & Remus & Virgil
First date - Roman x Logan
To the light - Remus x Deceit
I support you - Patton & Virgil
Farm boy - Logan x Roman
Truth and lies - Logan x Deceit
Befriending the 'freak' - Roman x Deceit
My best friend's marriage - Roman & Virgil
Not all childhoods are happy ones - Patton x Logan
Not so confident - Roman x Virgil
Relationships aren't their thing - Logan x Remus
I have a crush on him - Roman & Remus
Lucky to have you - Logan x Virgil
Preferred name - Roman x Logan
Mention him again - Patton x Virgil
Snake hotel - Deceit x Roman
I prefer my own company - Patton
Blocking anxiety - Virgil x Roman
I have a crush on him 2 - Patton x Logan
Mermaids 2 - Logan & Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus
He won't be back for awhile - Desire x Nyx
The feared outcast - Virgil x Patton
One story, two sides - Roman & Logan & Freya
Mermaids 3 - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus
Can't always have what we want - Roman x Virgil
YOU! - Virgil & Logan
Recognised - Virgil x Roman
Tough boys - Remus x Logan
Tough boys 2 - Remus x Logan & Patton
In the past - Remus x Patton
Pregnant with their baby - Patton x Roman x Virgil x Logan
I remember when - Virgil x Patton
Best summer ever - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton
The cherries - Logan x Virgil
Dollhouse - Virgil & Remus
He's different - Patton x Logan
Unintentional neglect - Logan x Virgil x Remus
Boys in love - Logan x Remus & Roman x Deceit & Patton x Virgil
Reason to live - Virgil x Remus
Its been awhile - Roman & Remus
I can't be with you - Logan x Virgil
Coming out - Roman x Deceit
I cant save them all and it hurts- god does it hurt, but I try - Virgil & Patton
I'm not myself - Remus & Patton
Mermaids 4 - Logan x Patton & Roman x Virgil & Deceit x Remus & Thomas
A new planet, an unknown species, one important human - Patton x Logan
He wants to tell you, but he's scared - Virgil & Picani
The painter - Janus x Patton (Unfinished)
New in town - Roman x Logan & Patton x Virgil (Unfinished)
Look at them - Patton & Roman x Janus
He can stay with us - Logan x Patton & Remus (Unfinished)
Update on my absence :)

Three boys in love - Logan x Remus x Deceit

972 62 17
Por -Satan_-


I should be asleep-

Trigger warning: toxic mother, Remus being Remus, mentions of murder/death/torture


If Logan had to pinpoint the thing he hated in life most it would be the conversations he had to endure with his mother. Ever since he was an accidental pregnancy she's never really loved him like a mother should, letting the maids of the house raise him more than she ever did. Logan grew up and of course it hurt he didn't have his biological mother at his side, or a father at all, he was grateful for the kind maids who hated what he was put through and always tried to put a smile on his face.

In his teenage years, Logan finally found it in him to stop caring about his mother, he accepted the fact he was nothing to her - but hated it whenever she conversed with him. He had gotten the hint that she didn't want to be associated with him, so why can't she get the hint he doesn't want to talk to her, like, ever? One couldn't blame him, whenever she spoke to him he got annoyed and it put him on edge - when he'd snap at her she had the audacity to be offended and wonder what she had done to deserve it as if she didn't realise she had been a neglectful, horrible mother Logan's entire life.

"I can't believe you sometimes Logan, you're so ungrateful" she shook her head in disgust. Logan stood up sharply from where he sat at his desk, turning to face the woman who birthed him. "Ungrateful? I-..." he took a breath, held it, and slowly let it go. It wasn't worth it, arguing with her, he's done it countless times in the past and it just leads to 'groundings' as if she had any authority over him. The only person he'd listen to was the head-maid, the oldest maid and the one that was basically Logan's mother. He was still sixteen so had to be under some sort of care, which was mostly the maids job, but never, ever, would Logan listen to a word his mother ordered.

"Whatever, I try and be nice and this is what I get" she scoffed and left the room, slamming the door like an angry teen. Logan slumped back down at his desk and held his face in his hands, what he'd give to have loving parents...or, even just a loving mother. Was it too much to ask?

Returning to his work for only five minutes he was distracted again but this time he certainly didn't mind. A knocking came from the glass doors that led to the balcony, glancing over a smile graced his lips when he saw the face of one of his boyfriends Remus, with the second not too far behind, literally climbing over the wall surrounding the balcony now. It wasn't too difficult to climb, Logan's room was situated on the second floor and hanging from his balcony was some thick vines he insisted grew there for the intent purposes of sneaking out, now it was perfect for his boyfriend's to use to sneak in, because heaven forbid Logan had a friend over - his mother really didn't like that, basically she didn't like him being happy.

Unlocking and opening the doors Remus instantly grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into such a tight hug his ribs ached in pain. "Remus!" He squeaked, hugging back but barely being able too for he was practically falling over. Deceit curled an arm around Logan's waist, took his chin between his fingers and kissed him softly, instantly recognising the mood Logan was in - something happened between him and his mother and he wanted to make amends to that.

Remus finally let go when he noticed the kissing, pouting and whining. "My turn! My turn! My turn!" He insisted and Deceit pulled back with a light chuckle, allowing Remus to cup both of Logan's cheeks and pull him into a more...fiery kiss, Remus was an extremely passionate lover. Logan honestly didn't mind, he loved the contrast between the two, sometimes wanting something more soft, other times wanting a little bit more roughness.

He himself was rather gentle but simply because he was a nervous lover, physical affection he loved to receive but was very awkward giving it back - he enjoys it, but always feels like he's doing something wrong.

While they kissed Deceit entered the room and looked over the work nearly organised on the desk. The type of relationship they had was one Logan adored from the start - he never gave relationships any thought growing up, in fact he outright assumed no one would ever want to be with him, but after meeting Deceit and Remus that all changed. They both had rather dominant personalities, Deceit cared for his lovers closely while Remus was extremely protective and jealous, but nothing that led to toxicity, he'd never restrain them and let them spend time with whoever they want - but if someone stared for too long, or flirted a little too much, he'd be on them in a flash.

Logan really...really liked it. And it worked for Deceit and Remus too. They both wanted to have someone to care over, have a submissive in a way, but both being dominant it led to some trouble, but they were in love and wouldn't break things off because of it. When Logan entered the mix they could finally care, protect, and look after someone in that soft romantic way - their relationship worked out for them all and they couldn't be more happy.

With Logan's permission (of course) Deceit and Remus became more involved in his life, and after an agreement was made they did. They all knew boundaries, what to do and what not to do - all in all Logan adored being cared over and have all his secrets on display for his boyfriends, he'd never lie or hide things, and allow them to snoop if they so wished. He had nothing to hide and it made him feel really, really cared for. And protected too. Maybe it stemmed from the lack of loving parents, maybe it didn't, either way their relationship was perfect to them, and he wouldn't want to change it.

"Remus sweetheart, leave the poor boy alone" Deceit finally called after realising the work was simply homework. Remus finally stopped kissing him and grinned brightly at the dazed expression on his face, his burning cheeks and adorably flustered smile.

"So hot" Remus whispered, giving him one last kiss before tugging him back in his room and pushing him over towards the bed where Deceit picked up his hand and sat him down, Remus closed the balcony doors and flopped onto the bed room wedging Logan between the two of them. He smiled up at them both shyly, but being flustered around his boyfriends was a given.

"What happened with your mother?" Deceit was quick to ask, which made Logan drop his smile and sit up further, leaning on Deceit's shoulder while Remus traced patterns into his thigh. "She called me ungrateful merely because I snapped, but she simply would not leave me alone! Newton, one might think she'd take a hint, I thought I was bad with social queues! I wish she would leave me alone" his voice quietened and he sighed, pushing his glasses up his face, his two boyfriends listened on.

"Sometimes..." he blinked, once, twice, three times. He stared down at his blanket, hesitating, but knew he could tell his boyfriends anything. Besides they'd insist he did. "Sometimes I wonder what I did wrong to warrant such behaviour from her. I know I was a mistake but...I am not that bad, right?" His voice softened with vulnerability, glancing between the two boys who were only a year older than he.

Deceit was quick to reassure. "You did absolutely nothing wrong, she's a terrible excuse for a mother and I definitely don't hope she gets into a car crash. Trust me, sweetie, you deserve better" and that managed to make a light smile sweep across Logan's face, meanwhile Remus looked ready to murder.

"I'll make sure she gets into a crash" he grinned, eyes sparkling at the scene. "I'll make sure she burns to death trapped inside with no escape. It'll be long and agonising, maybe I'll even keep her alive as long as I can until the fire finally reaches her organs, or she bleeds out to death, or-"

"Hm, do you really think you'll do any of that?" Deceit mused.

Remus pouted, "try and stop me!"

"Why would you waste such energy on her? Wouldn't you much rather spend time with Logan?" And Remus fell for the trap, obviously he'd never look at Logan's mother again if it meant spending the rest of time with him - quickly he curled his arms around Logan and pulled him down onto the bed, giggling along with his light laughter. Deceit watched on with a smile, gently taking off Logan's glasses and putting them on the bedside table, along with his own bowler hat.

Then he laid down beside the pair, Logan squirmed and gasped as Remus attacked him with tickles. "Remus, leave our boy alone" Deceit ordered, even if they both were more on the dominant side it was no secret that Deceit was the boss. Remus sighed and flopped down, but didn't remove his arms, instead kept them securely around his younger boyfriend alongside Deceit who did the exact same. Logan nestled between the two comfortably, happy for the escape from his work.

"I think Logan's tired" Remus giggled, curling a strand of the nerd's hair around his finger. Logan grumbled in disdain, "I certainly am not-"

"Lying to us, sweetie?" Deceit cut him off with a gleam in his eye, "you know we don't like it when you lie"

Logan frowned, "but...I'm not-" he tried, but even if he was an excellent liar to others, Deceit and Remus saw through them all instantly. "I'll pin you down until you have no other option" Remus warned but Logan knew he'd never do such a thing, Remus would torture himself before ever inflicting a single ounce of pain to his lover's.

"How much have you worked today?" Deceit then asked, gently brushing his thumb across Logan's cheek. The boy closed his eyes. "Most of the morning" he admitted quietly, Remus gasped over dramatically.

"I mustn't have told you not to do that, otherwise you would have taken frequent breaks, did I forget, sweetheart?" Deceit asked Remus, simply for effect, he knew for a fact Logan promised to take breaks but Deceit also knew he was a workaholic, sometimes he really couldn't stop himself, even if he wanted to.

"I did not mean to" Logan answered before Remus, looking up at Deceit apologetically. "I couldn't get myself out..." he then admitted quieter and Deceit understood, kissing his forehead. "It's a wonderful thing we came in time then, right, sweetheart?" He smiled at Remus, always wanting to include the both of them in conversations. Remus was happily laying with Logan cuddled up to him, content to listen and add his own input.

"Right!" He chirped, "I won't let you go until you fall asleep...or dehydrate, or starve" he cooed and Logan shook his head exasperatedly, however loved it all the same. As they were all wearing casual clothes they were comfortable laying under the covers without changing, all cuddled up close, their legs intertwined, arms around their boy perfectly placed between them. And Logan? He never wanted to leave. Feeling slumber overtake him pretty quickly he basked in the feeling of both his boyfriends either side of him before slipping off.

"Maybe it's about time we...talked with Logan's mother" Deceit murmured once sure Logan was asleep.

Remus seemed to brighten up at this, nodding vigorously but not too crazily to wake Logan up. "We can make sure she never upsets Logan again!"

Deceit smirked, pressing a soft kiss to Logan's temple.

"I'm sure that won't be too hard..."

He then looked up at Remus, "I love you" and his caring side shone through.

Remus always became a little flustered with affections like that, but still returned it with ease.

"I love you too!"

Why do I have a musical stuck in my head I don't like musicals ;-;


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