Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines

By batchofhiddles

444K 12.9K 2.6K

Series of fluffy, smutty, daddybatch fun with Benedict Cumberbatch staring YOU! Please request some stories (... More

Chapter 1
Daddybatch Part 1
Daddybatch Part 2
Daddybatch Part 3
What Are Best Friends For?
Stay With Me
What's Eating Benedict Cumberbatch?
It's the Little Things Part 1
Just A Little Peek?
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Happy New Year's Part 1
Happy New Year's Part 2
Doggy Style
To the Rescue
The Test
It's a...!
Earlier Than Expected
Traffic Ticket
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 1
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 2
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 3
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 4
What Makes You Beautiful
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Someday Your Prince Will Come
You Don't Realize What You Have Until It's Almost Gone
My Favorite Mornings
Game Night
Will You Love Me?~Part 1
Will You Love Me?~Part 2
Will You Love Me?~Part 3
Will You Love Me?~Part 4
Will You Love Me?~Part 5
Will You Love Me?~Part 6
Will You Love Me?~Part 7
Will You Love Me?~Part 8
Will You Love Me?~Part 9
Will You Love Me?~Part 10
Will You Love Me?~Part 11
Will You Love Me?~Part 12
Will You Love Me?~MOVED
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 1
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 2
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 3
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 4
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 5
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 6
Professor Cumberbatch~Epilogue
Crash This Train
Missed Opportunity
Missed Opportunity~Part 2
Missed Opportunity~Part 3
Missed Opportunity~Epilogue
The Cumbersickness
Room 468~Part 1
Room 468~Part 2
Room 468~Part 3
Too Much to Ask
Important A/N
You Are All I Need
"Too Bloody Blind"
Best Friend's Sister
Best Friend's Sister~Part 2
Best Friend's Sister~Part 3
Best Friend's Sister~Part 4
Star-Crossed Lovers
Just A Little Longer~Part 1
Just A Little Longer~Part 2
First Time for Everything~Part 1
First Time For Everything~Part 2
The Rebel
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Best Friend's Girlfriend
Be Mine~Part 1
Be Mine~Part 2
Happy Birthday, Benedict
Stalker~Part 1
Stalker~Part 2
Stalker ~ Part 3
Stalker ~ Part 4
Stalker ~ Part 5
Stalker ~ Epilogue
Regret~Part 1
Regret~Part 2
Regret~Part 3
Regret~Part 4
Regret~Part 5
Regret~Part 6
Regret~Part 7
Regret~Part 8
Regret~Part 9
Regret~Part 10
First Meetings~Part 1
First Meetings~Part 2
First Meetings ~ Part 3

It's the Little Things Part 2

5.2K 201 51
By batchofhiddles

Imagine Ben and yours family will be coming over to your new house for brunch.

Sorry it's been so long, but the holidays and finals for school are coming up and it's been busy, busy, busy! I hope, for those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving, had a good one!


About three weeks into the new place and you and Ben had finally unpacked all the boxes. If it were up to you both, you would have just kept the boxes around for a while longer, but both of your families were coming over for brunch this morning, so you two were up all night to make sure things were unpacked and clean. Actually, things still weren't clean. You and Ben had kind of just let it go. 

You were just finishing up dusting when you felt a tug on your leg. You looked down to see Jess staring up at you with her big [Your E/C] eyes. "Yes, sweetie?"

"Mommy, where's Mr. Snuggles?"

Ah. Mr. Snuggles. You'd think it would be one of her many stuffed animals that Ben had gotten her over the past few years, but no. Mr. Snuggles was her imaginary friend. You and Ben just kind of go along with it, seeing she has trouble making friends at school. You looked up an article that said kids are more likely to make up friends if they have trouble making real ones, so you weren't worried...yet.

"I don't know, sweetie, I haven't seen him. Was he helping you clean your room?" She nodded. "Was he...helping Ben--er--daddy?" You were still getting used to that.

Jess' face lit up and she ran towards Ben's office, shouting, "Daddy! Daddy!" 

With a curious and worried look on his face, Ben came out of his office to see Jess running to him. He knelt down just in time for her to run into his arms. "What's wrong, princess?" 

"Have you seen Mr. Sunggles? Mommy said that he might be helping you."

Ben glanced up at you. You were trying to hide your laughter. Ben smirked and looked back at Jess. "You know, he was earlier. Why don't you go check?" 

Jess slipped out of his arms and went into his office. She looked around for only a few seconds before her eye caught something. "Daddy?" Ben followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at his bookshelf. It was filled. He actually had two bookshelves, but that one was only about half-way filled. "Why do you have so many stories?"

Ben knelt down beside her and answered, "Because I like to read."

"What's your favorite story?"

After thinking for a moment, he told her, "Catcher in the Rye."

"Oh," she said as if she understood him. "Can you read it to me?" She loved it when he read to her because of the funny voices he made.

"Maybe some day. Why don't we finish the Hobbit first?" She nodded, making him chuckle. He looked over to the love seat in the corner of the room and said excitedly, "Look! There's Mr. Snuggles!" Jess ran over to the love seat and climbed on it, finally reaching Mr. Snuggles.

"I missed you, Mr. Snuggles!" Ben watched as she "held" Mr. Snuggles, and then watched as she curled up into a little ball. It was only a few seconds later when she was passed out. Smiling, Ben took the blanket from the back of the love seat and gently put it over her. He kissed her head, and then continued to quietly finish cleaning his office.


"[Y/N]! How are you, darling?" Wanda asked as she walked through the door. She kissed both your cheeks and you answered, "I'm doing great, thanks! How are you?" You and Wanda continued making small talk, until Tim walked in. 

"Hi, Tim!" You both hugged. 

"Hello, dear! Where's that little girl of yours?" 

"Oh yes," Wanda piped in. "Where is she? We have something for her."

You were about to tell them that she was napping in Ben's office, before a baritone voice behind you said, "She's right here, mum."

You turned to see Jess curled up in Ben's arms; her head resting in the crook of his neck, her hands balled up into little fists against his chest, her eyes drooping, and the blanket still over her shoulders. Your heart was about to burst. It wasn't fair how cute they were together. 

Wanda "aw'd" and whispered, "We can wait till later."

Ben walked up beside you and whispered, "I'm going to go put her down." You nodded and he gave you a sweet kiss. He was just about to turn towards the stairs, when Jess looked up at him and tiredly said, "No, daddy. I want to stay with you." 

Wanda and Tim's eyes widened. "Did she just call you, daddy?" Tim asked. 

Ben blushed and nodded. "She's been doing that for a few weeks now. I don't mind, I mean I think of her of my daughter anyways." He looked down at Jess and said, "You'll be much more comfy in your bed, sweetheart." She just shook her head and held on to the lapels of his white button down shirt for dear life. That made all the adults laugh. 

Just then, the front door opened to your parents! You squealed and leaped into your dad's arms before he could even say hello. He hugged you tightly, then you moved to your mom. "I've missed you guys," you whined. 

Your dad chuckled, "It hasn't been that long, sweets." He said his hellos to Tim and Wanda, as did your mom, then they were in full grandparent mode. "There's my beautiful granddaughter," your dad cooed. For as tough as he could be, he was a softie when it came to Jess.

As Jess reluctantly left the warmth of Ben and into your dad's arms, your mom came up to you and said, "He's so good with her." You smiled proudly. You knew she was talking about Ben.

"You haven't seen the half of it. They're best friends." You and your mom watched how your dad and Ben interacted with each other. Wanda soon joined you both, while Tim went with the guys and Jess. Both your family was here and you couldn't be happier...until everyone said they wanted a grand tour of the house. That was going to be tedious.


"Brunch is served," you announced to the guys in the living room. They all got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. They were so lazy about, too. I mean, you, Wanda, and your mom were in the kitchen slaving over making them food for an hour. Ben did offer to help at one point, but it was only to be the "taste tester". You and Wanda banned him from the kitchen after that.

Ben was walking behind you when he grabbed you by the hips, pulling you back into the living room. You laughed at his sudden playfulness, but you were quickly silenced with a passionate kiss. He slowly pulled back, grazing his teeth on your bottom lip, then said, "I love you." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. 

"I love you, too," you told him.

"No, but I really love you. Both of you. You two are the best thing that's ever came into my life." 

You looked at him curiously and asked, "Why all this now?"

He gave you a devious grin and said, "All good things come to those who wait."

This little shit.

You playfully rolled your eyes and started walking to the kitchen, when you felt a slap on your bum. You turned to Ben to only see him wink. 

This. Little. Shit.

Other than Ben's sudden playfulness, brunch went really well. Everyone was chatting away and having a good time. It was still a shock to everybody whenever Jess called Ben, "daddy", but it was just the cutest thing to you. 

In the middle of everyone talking, satisfied with their filled bellies, Ben stood up and clinked his glass. All of the confused eyes were on him. He cleared his throat, took a deep breath. "Um, first off, I'd like to thank you all for coming today. I'd also like to thank my lovely girlfriend for being an incredibly, beautiful host. But...there's a reason I asked [Y/N] if we could have you all over today and, well..." He set down his wine glass and got down in front of you on one knee. You covered your mouth with your hands and had tears glimmering in your eyes. "[Y/N]," he continued. "Everyday that I am with you, my love for you grows stronger. You and Jess both complete my life and I can't thank you enough for being a part of it. I know I can be a right asshole sometimes, but I promise I will be the most faithful, devoted, loving husband and father I can ever be. You and Jess won't want for anything. Will you marry me? Will you let me be Jess' perminate father and will you let me be your husband?" He pulled out a little black box to reveal [your dream engagement ring].

You were a crying mess, but quickly nodded your head and cried, "Yes! Of course!" He slipped the ring on to your finger and you immediately flung yourself into his arms.

Jess, curious as to why you were crying, came over and asked, "Are you okay, mommy?" You smiled at your little girl and said, "Yes, sweeite. But guess what?"  She tilted her head as you explained, "Mommy and Ben are getting married."

"I'm going to be your father, Jess," Ben explained.

Jess' face lit up and she asked, "You mean my real daddy?!"

You both nodded at her and she jumpped into Ben's arms, hugging him tightly around the neck. Ben chuckled and brought you in for the hug as well. Your families had been taking pictures this entire time, but none of you noticed. You were too engrossed in your family of three. 

"My girls," Ben sighed contently. 

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