Amelia Stone: Ninjago Boyfrie...

By NinjagoLovely24karat

16.7K 481 411

The story will take place part of season 5 of Amelia Stone. Amelia and her friends and sisters and cousins re... More

When They Meet and Realize They Like Each Other
When He Takes Her Out and Asks Her To Be His Girlfriend - Kai
When He Asks Her Out and Asks Her To Be His Girlfriend - Jay
When He Asks Her Out and Asks Her To Be His Girlfriend - Lloyd
When He Asks Her Out and Ask Her To Be His Girlfriend - Zane
When He Asks Her Out and Asks Her To Be His Girlfriend - Cole
When She Meets His Team
When He Catches Her Singing
When He Meets Her Friends
When Her Parents Find Out About Her Boyfriend
When He Hurts Her
When He Tries To Apologize
How's He Dealing With It
When She Decides To Forgive Him
When He Talks To Her Family - Kai
When He Talks To Her Family - Jay
When He Talks To Her Family - Zane
When He Talks To Her Family - Cole
When He Talks To Her Family - Lloyd
When He Visits Her At School
When His Ex Returns
When She Meets His Family - Kai
When She Meets His Family - Jay
When She Meets His Family - Zane
When She Meets His Family - Cole
When She Meets His Family - Lloyd
When She Has A Nightmare
Happy Birthday! - Kai, Jay and Zane
Happy Birthday! - Cole and Lloyd
When One of His Brothers Fall For Her - Kai and Jay
When One of His Brothers Fall For Her - Zane and Cole
When One of His Brothers Fall For Her - Lloyd
When She Runs To Him - Kai
When She Runs To Him - Jay
When She Runs To Him - Zane
When She Gets Betrayed and Runs to Him - Cole
When She Runs To Him - Lloyd
When She Gets Along With His Parents But He Becomes Jealous
Q&A Questions
When He Gets Jealous
When She Talks to Her Friends At School About Him - Kai
When She Talks to Her Friends About Him At School - Jay
When She Talks to Her Friends About Him At School - Zane
When She Talks to Her Friends About Him At School - Cole
When She Talks to Her Friends About Him At School - Lloyd
Battle of The Bands
Seven Minutes In Heaven
When Her Ex Returns
Sneak Peek: Kai Takes Angela On a Dragon Ride
When The Others Catch Them Making Out
When He Tells Her His Past
LEGO House Party
When The Others Catch Them Singing Together - Kai
When The Others Catch Them Singing - Jay
When The Others Catch Them Singing - Zane
When The Others Catch Them Singing - Cole
When The Others Catch Them Singing - Lloyd
When He Catches Her Staring - Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole
When He Catches Her Staring - Lloyd
When He Wants To Cuddle But His Brothers Ruin It
When He Has A Nightmare - Kai
When He Has A Nightmare - Jay
When He Has A Nightmare - Zane
When He Has A Nightmare - Cole
When He Has A Nightmare - Lloyd
When He Finds Out Her Fear - Kai and Jay
When He Finds Out Her Fear - Zane
When He Finds Out Her Fear - Cole
When He Finds Out Her Fear - Lloyd
Sneak Peek: Later That Night
When She Gets Kidnapped
When He Notices She's Missing
What Happens While She's There - Kai
What Happens While She's There - Jay
What Happens While She's There - Zane
When Happens While She's There - Cole
What Happens While She's There - Lloyd
When She Tries To Escape - Kai
When She Tries To Escape - Jay
When She Tries To Escape - Zane
When She Tries To Escape - Cole
When She Tries To Escape - Lloyd
When He Rescues Her - Kai
When He Rescues Her - Jay
When He Rescues Her - Zane
When He Rescues Her - Cole
When He Rescues Her - Lloyd
When He Tends Her Wounds - Kai
When He Tends Her Wounds - Jay
When She Is Forced Into Marriage - Zane
When He Tends Her Wounds - Cole
When He Tends Her Wounds - Lloyd
Love Triangle - Kai and Jay
Love Triangle - Zane and Cole
Love Triangle - Lloyd
When He Protects Her From Her Ex
LEGO House Party Part 2: Singing Duet Competition
When The Fan Girls Find Out About Her - Kai
When The Fangirls Find Out About Her - Jay and Zane
When The Fangirls Find Out Find About About Her - Cole and Lloyd
When They Argue - Kai
When They Argue - Jay, Zane and Cole
When They Argue - Lloyd
LEGO House Party Part 3: Face To Face With The Enemy
When They Make Up
LEGO House Party Part 4: An Unexpected Encounter Of One Of The Vermillion
When She Discovers She Has Powers
When She Thinks He Cheats
When He Explains Everything
LEGO House Party Part 5: Maya Gets Captured By General Cryptor
When He Helps Her Face Her Fear
When She Helps Him Face His Fear
When She's On Her Period
When She Catches Him Singing
When She Gets Jealous
When She Catches Him Staring
The Lego Ninjago Movie: Behind The Bricks Special Short With Amelia Stone
When He Gets Sick
When She Gets Sick
No Shelter
When I See You Again
Amelia Stone and Ninjago Questions: Is History Repeating Itself?
When He Helps Her Control Her Powers - Kai
When Helps Her Control Her Powers - Zane
When He Helps Her Control Her Powers - Jay
When He Helps Her Control Her Powers - Cole
Amelia Stone and Ninjago - Best Day Of My Life
When She Learns How To Do Spinjitzu - Kai
When She Learns How To Do Spinjitzu - Lloyd
When She Learns How To Do Spinjitzu - Zane
When She Learns How To Do Spinjitzu - Jay
When She Learns How To Do Spinjitzu - Cole
Amelia Sings ME! To Johnny
When He Gets Kidnapped
When She Finds Out That He Is Missing
What Happens While He's There - Kai
What Happens While He's There - Jay
What Happens While He's There - Zane
What Happens While He's There - Lloyd
What Happens While He's There - Cole
When He Tries To Escape - Kai
When He Tries To Escape - Jay
When He Tries To Escape - Zane
When He Tries To Escape - Cole
When He Tries To Escape - Lloyd
Nia Talks About Writing An "Battle for Ninjago" Chapter In Amelia Stone
When She Goes and Rescues Him - Kai
When She Goes and Rescues Him - Jay
When She Goes and Rescues Him - Zane
When She Goes and Reacues Him - Cole
When She Goes and Rescues Him - Lloyd
Nia Decides To Do A Main On End For Amelia Stone And Ninjago - Endgame Style!
When She Heals His Wounds - Kai | Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 1 Man of Steel
When She Heals His Wounds - Jay | Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 2 BvS: DoJ
When She Heals His Wounds | Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 3 Suicide Squad
When She Heals His Wounds - Cole | Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 5 WW
When She Heals His Wounds - Lloyd | Crisis On Infinite Earths: Part 6 JL
When She Lies To Her Other TV Show Friends About Her Powers
Amelia Stone: Battle for Ninjago Trailer
Amelia Stone: Battle for Ninjago Eyecatches and Deleted Scenes
When She Defends Him
Amelia Stone: Character Development and Maturity For Thy Heroes
An Unexpected Couple Reunion
Upcoming Chapters COMING SOON!!!
When She Tells Him About Her Childhood Idol

When He Helps Her Control Her Powers - Lloyd

34 1 5
By NinjagoLovely24karat

Lloyd: Hey, Amy! Since you already have inherited the element of wind from your uncle, I think it's time we help learn how to use your other powers your ancestors gave you.
Stacie: Yeah, Amelia! I mean you are the leader and the most strongest ninja in Ninjago so with really hard work and agility, you can defeat Skales and the serpentine with some badass new training skills!
Amelia: Well, as your leader and the strongest ninja in Ninjago, I will train really hard in order how to use my new powers!
Layla: Now, that's the Ninjago spirit, Sensei Stone! But, before you become an elemental master and a sensei, we'll need to get everyone in here and train you the Karate Kid and Cobra Kai style.

Layla says as she puts on a dark blue bandanna and calls the others into the training room to help Amelia learn how to use her powers.

Jay: Oh my f-ing god! We're gonna help the most strongest and coolest person ever train and learn how to use her powers?
Stacie: Yup. We sure are.
Gabe: Awesome! So, how do we start?
Layla: First, you guys are gonna get into rows of straight lines.
Maya: Rows of straight lines?
Layla: Uh, yeah!
Maya: But, since when did you become the badass——
Layla: QUIET!

Layla shouts at Maya as she gives her a mean and angry look in her eyes.

Layla: You don't talk while I'm talking, Mary Poppins. Is that understood?
Maya: Yes, Sensei Wu Jr.
Layla: Good. Now, everyone, fall in!

Everyone including Amelia get into rows of straight lines as Layla walks up to the front and faces the girls and guys.

Layla: Now, listen up. We are gonna help Amelia train and learn how to use her new powers which are wind, teleportation, flight, nature, healing, super-speed, energy and superhuman strength.
Cole: Wow! That is so wonderful for you, Amelia.
Amelia: Thank you, Cole.
Maya: So, Sensei Know-it-all. How are we supposed to help Amy control her—
Layla: QUIET!
Maya: There she goes again. Shutting me up like I'm a frigging child. I don't know how Master Wu puts up with her shit.
Layla: Like I said before, you do talk when I am talking, Elsa! We do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak. Here on the street, in competition, a woman confronts you, she is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy. What is the problem, Mrs. Stone?

Layla bluntly asks Amelia as she nods at her and turns her head to look at Rapunzel and Kara Danvers aka Supergirl standing in the doorway.

Layla: Oh, fresh meat. Class, we have some visitors.

Layla announces to the group as they turn around to face some familiar faces.

Amelia: What are you guys doing here?
Rapunzel: Well, we heard you have new powers and are gonna test them out. So, we have decided to come and watch you train.
Amelia: Really?
Kara: Yeah! We'd love to see you power up and become a superhero for the first time in forever.
Layla: Okay, if you two are gonna watch, then go stand in the corner, please!

Layla says as Rapunzel and Kara to go in the corner and stand there when gets out of his spot in the line and tells her that that he will take over things for Amelia's training.

Lloyd: Amelia, which element do you wanna start with first?
Amelia: Well, I have already tried my wind and healing powers. So, the only ones I need to work on are super-speed, nature, superhuman strength teleportation, energy and flight. I guess I'll start with flying first.
Angela: Okay. So, how are we gonna do that?
Lila: Oooh! I know! We can go to the roof of the monastery and push Amy off to make it easier for her to fly.
Jay: WHAT?! But, what if she dies?
Lila: She won't.
Jaće: What if she really does?
Lila: She's not! I promise you nothing bad is gonna to Amelia while she's learning how to fly.
Lloyd: You better hope she doesn't, Lily!
Stacie: Yeah!
Lila: Alright, everybody, stop being assholes and let's just get out to the backyard, please!

Amelia and the gang head up to the roof of the monastery to help Amelia with her flying ability.

Amelia: Um, you guys? Why are we on the roof again?
Lloyd: Because if you're Superman, Ironman, Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch or Supergirl here, your first instinct is to use your legs, right?
Amelia: Yes. Why?
Lloyd: Well, you're not gonna be using your legs to help you fly. We're going wrap a tight restraint around them so you only can your arms for bigger support. Maya, wrap my beautiful girlfriend's legs up, please!
Maya: Yes, Monsieur Montgomery Garmadon.

Maya walks over with the restraints and tights them around Amelia's legs really to make her unable to use them while she's trying to learn how to fly.

Amelia: Wait, you want me to think without using my legs?
Lloyd: Uh, yeah.
Amelia: How the heck am I supposed to do that?
Lloyd: You just have to.........

Lloyd stops at his sentence when he playfully pushes Amelia off of the monastery roof as she falls with the others watching in horror.

Lloyd: Amy, use those arms to soar your way up!
Maya: Dude, have you ever done this before?
Lloyd: No. Why?
Maya: Because Captain Marvel down there won't have enough support while using her arms.
Lloyd: So, what you're saying is that I should throw you off this roof too?
Maya: Hell no!
Lloyd: Good. I want Amelia to practice using her arms instead of her legs to fly.
Maya: I hope this 'falling off of the roof' thing works for her flying, Greenie.
Lloyd: It is gonna work. Trust me. I know it will.

While trying to reach all the way up to the top, Amelia uses all of her might force her way up to the roof with the support of her arms but Lloyd sees that she's having a little trouble without the help of her legs so Maya bends down and lassos Amelia back up to the roof.

Maya: Listen, wiseass. Falling is for pussies, alright? Don't be such a pussy! Use your arms!
Amelia: I am not the p word! I am courageous and strong! 💪
Lloyd: Then, prove it to us.

Maya lets go of Amelia as she falls back down again but still precedes to fly higher without the Lloyd and Maya stopping her but she lassos Amy again with her rope and pulls her up again.

Lloyd: Now, remember this, Amy. Ninjago never loses! Say it!
Amelia: Ninjago never loses!
Maya: Say it like your life depends on it!
Maya: Now, we're not gonna help you this time, alright? You have all the support in your arms. Use them!

Maya once again drops Amelia as she continues to fall for about a minute or two while the guys nervously watch when she balls up her fist 👊 and flies pass the roof and all the way into the sky as everyone cheers and chant for her.

Lloyd: Aw, yeah! That's my girl! You are a natural, baby!
Maya: You can take the restraints off now and fly around the monastery using your super-speed!
Amelia: Thank you! I thought you would never ask.

Amelia breaks out of the restraints and flies around the monastery really fast using her super-speed.

Amelia: WOHOOO! I AM AWESOME AND STRONG! In that case, I should use my teleportation to buy Lloyd and get myself a haircut. 💇

She soon stops and decides to ask the guys what they want from town so she go get a haircut along the way.

Amelia: Hey, guys! I wanna use my teleportation element to travel much further from the monastery. What do you want from town?
Lloyd: Candy!
Angela: Lipgloss!
Emily: Boxing gloves!
Cheryl: A stuffed animal!
Stacie: A gun and a grenade!
Taylor: New ballet slippers!
Amelia: Alright, candy, lipgloss, boxing gloves, a stuffed animal toy, a gun and a grenade and ballet slippers coming right up!
Stacie: What about you, Amy? What are you gonna get?
Amelia: A new haircut is what I'm getting. I'll be right back before you know it!
Lloyd: Okay!

Amelia thinks really hard about all the places she has been to in Ninjago and all of a sudden she's there as she buys Lloyd's candy, Angela's lipgloss, Emily's boxing gloves, Cheryl's stuffed animal, Stacie's gun and grenade, Taylor's ballet slippers and a haircut and ninja kimono gi. She teleports back to the monastery as everyone stares at her in a state of shock.

Lloyd: Oh my f-ing gosh! Amelia, you look very beautiful and gorgeous in your new haircut and that pinky rosy ninja kimono gi.
Amelia: Thank you, honey. I always try to look my very best without wearing ripped jeans and clothes revealing part of my body.

This is what Amelia is wearing now. When she said she had gotten a haircut, she meant was getting a straight bob hairstyle 💁‍♀️ and a beautiful and flowery ninja kimono gi from Darling Army.

Angela: Hell yeah!
Cheryl: Amy-san, you are the best big sister ever! Girls and Lloyd, dig in!

Cheryl shouts as she and the others get their items from Amelia.

Lloyd: Thank you very much, babe! I can't tell if you're the next Captain Marvel or Chun li.
Amelia: Well, it looks like I could be both, dear. Oh, and Maya?
Maya: Yes.
Amelia: There is something growing from behind your hair. 💁🏻‍♀️🌸
Maya: Really? Is this some kind of a joke?
Amelia: Nope. It is real. Shazam!

Amelia yells as she casts a spell that makes a flower appear behind Maya's hair.

Maya: Holy fucking shit, Amy! How the hell did you do that?
Nya: Yeah. How were you appear to make a flower grow on her hair?
Amelia: I have the element of nature in my grasp, ladies and gentlemen. I can make any kind of plant grow from a weed to the size of a tree.
Kai: Oooh! Big girl is becoming a tough girl over here, isn't she, Cole?
Cole: Shut up!
Kai: Whoa! What's the matter, strong and handsome? Are you jealous that Amelia has super-powers just like you have?
Cole: Yes, I am! As a matter of fact, Amelia, why don't you and me arm wrestle to see who is the strongest ninja in Ninjago.
Amelia: Okay. You're on, bedrock!

Amelia and Cole clap their hands together when Lloyd comes over to start the count.

Lloyd: Aw, man! I really wanna see this. Okay, on 1, 2, 3, GO!

Amelia and Cole start pulling each other's arms down as Cole takes the upper hand but Amelia uses the 'no mercy' method when she busts his fist through a cardboard plank.

Amelia: So, Cole. What did you think?

Cole's eyes change from shock to surprised when he sees how well trained and strong Amelia is.

Cole: Wow! Amelia. I'm impressed! You have become powerful and stronger since the first day I met you. I guess I was wrong about you.
Amelia: Thanks, Cole.
Kara: So, the last element of your powers that you have are energy like Lloyd, Lila and Layla. Do you know how to use it?
Amelia: No, I don't.
Wu: I think I may be the voice of reason this situation.
Amelia: Huh?

Amelia and the guys turn around to see Master Wu standing right behind them.

Amelia: Sensei Wu! My future
uncle-in-law. What brings you to the top of the roof?
Wu: Well, young future niece-in-law. I heard you have mastered most of your powers except for energy in which my niece, nephew and daughter have. Would you like me to explain the information to you?
Amelia: Yes, please.
Wu: Your element of energy is way more powerful than Lloyd, Lila and Layla's powers. The light of your energy ball will be more powerful and brighter than ever and you can also combine other elements too with it.
Amelia: Like for example. If I combine wind, light and earth, it'll become a........
Stacie: A Super Hyper Combo!
Amelia: Wait, what? No, no, no, Stacie! That's not what I meant.
Stacie: I think that's exactly what you meant, fearless leader. Come on, Taylor! Me, Amelia and you are gonna combine our attacks so when the wind turns light, the light turns into earth and earth turns into huge heaps of wind.
Taylor: I guess that could work. Let's try it out!
Amelia: Um, okay.

Amelia, Stacie and Taylor get into their fighting stances and gather up all of their elements and put them into one big gust.

Amelia: Are you guys ready?
Taylor: Yes, ma'am!
Stacie: Aye, Sensei Stone!
Amelia: Kikosho!
Stacie: Illumination Luminescence!
Taylor: Earthquake Tidal Wave!

The three of them shout as they launch their attacks into the air when Amelia's wind turns into light, Stacie's becomes earth and Taylor's earth turns into big heaps of wind while everyone watches in amazement.

Maya: Holy shit!
Kai: I can't believe what I'm seeing here.
Jay: Am I the only one watching this or what?
Cole: Why do you say that, motormouth?
Jay: Because the most strongest ninja in Ninjago and my best friend, Amelia is AWESOME!
Stacie: Wait just a frozen scale of minutes there, Jay! I am your girlfriend and you're calling my girlfriend your best friend?!
Jay: Uh, yeah. Why?
Stacie: Because Amelia is my best friend!
Layla: The hell she is! Amelia was my best friend first, Sergeant Peggy Carter!
Lila: Say what you want, Layla. But, I do believe me and Amelia stick together through frozen ice and serpentine scales.
Layla: Lila, why don't you just back off and stop trying to be a wiseass all the goddamn time.
Wu: Layla, language! This is not how I raised you and wanted you to grow up as.
Layla: Dad, the only reason you want me to be ladylike is because you've never had a girlfriend or a wife to become my mother!
Wu: What am I going to do with this young lady? I just wish she was more wise and sacred like her Uncle Garmadon & Aunt Misako. 

While Jay, Stacie, Layla and Lila are arguing about who is Amelia's best friend as Master Wu tries to break it up, Amelia and Lloyd glance at the beautiful blue sky when Lloyd leans over to Amy and pecks her right the lips making her blush really hard at his romantic gesture.

Lloyd: Awesome job today, Amy! I am so proud of you.
Amelia: Yeah, me too! I just wish Uncle Haru was alive so he could see how strong and powerful I have gotten.
Lloyd: Baby, may not believe down here but he will always be alive in here no matter what. Go get them, Sensei Stone!

Lloyd says through gritted teeth with a mischievous smile on his face as Amelia kisses him really hard on the lips and flies all the way up into the sky and into outer space.

Amelia: WOW! Now, it's time for the new generation of Ninjago to come alive! For truth and love and the sake of the universe!

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu will collide with the new series, Amelia Stone coming soon in the future.

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