By dirtyworksowen

71.3K 3.6K 1.1K

After losing his mom in a mysterious way, Elia moves to another city to live with his grandparents. His life... More

Beautiful Boys Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
RIP Owen❤️


660 26 10
By dirtyworksowen

Hey buddies!!! This is the fucking last chapter of this book and I'll have to go through heavy editing!!! Well I will be editing after my finals so I guess mid November! I am so happy that I have, for the first time in my life completed a book!!! I love you all... PS, there won't be a sequel Ever! 


"The fuck!" Nathaniel curses as he harshly removes the tie and attempt to put it back on.

I hold in a laugh as his frowning face concentrate on the mirror. If he can't fix his tie, I swear, I will laugh.

"I can help."

"I can do it myself." Stubborn child.

The door swings open. "I hope you guys are done, we're going to be late." Xander closes the door, and takes a sip of the beer in his hands.

"I'd appreciate it if you're going to be sober" I say giving Xander the eye. He watches me closely.

"Okay, can I have a sip." He laughs but however passes the can to me.

"Ugh!" Nate groans finally throwing the tie on the floor. "I'm not putting it on anyways, I hate it." lie.

"Hey dude, it's our big day remember... you need it."

"Ew, you guys seem as if you're preparing for some thing like a wedding or something. It's just a stupid fucking graduation." Xander laughs.

"Why do you always have to ruin the moment though?" Nathaniel asks.

"Guys you done?" Garry peeps in. He sighs then he calls the others. We have all spend the night at Xander's house, the last night we will be together, before each and everyone of us go their ways.

We all assemble in Xander's house.

"Okay... boys and girls... I know I said this already last night but I was drunk... maybe saying it now again will make sense." Julia enters last already in her gown. For a moment there looking at her, I remember the drama we had. I chuckle to myself. "Okay... I hate you all."

We all laugh at Garry. He does too, before he continues. "Each and every one of you has changed my life somehow, I won't say the details because we already did that last night... but... I am leaving to New York tonight, next week, Julia will be going to England, the next month Xander too, then then Jake, for some reasons will be going to Africa."

"Hey! I miss my grandma." Every one laughs.

"Sage baby will be going to France, just don't brag about tea when you're back... Elia... dude, first let me apologize for the whole shit I did to you." I nod tears so close to erupt in my eyes. "I wish you a happy life when you go back to Italy... Nate, Australia really?"

"Dude it's really warm." I side hug Nathaniel and look up to his face smiling at him." Garry goes on with all of us.

"This- if I have to be honest, this could be the beginning of the end our friendship, if we're not careful and if we don't hold on to others, if we're not careful enough, this might be the last time we have with each other. We are going to leave and we'll meet new people, some are going to be more special in our lives... okay- what I am trying to say is- I hope this isn't the last. I wish sometime down the line we'd look back to last night and say we kept our promise of being together. I hope we'd all do that."

By the time he finish talking, each and everyone of us is fighting back tears, including himself.

"Bring it in guys." Julia sobs and we have this massive group hug filled with sob and 'I love you's

"We should go now."

Yes, hope has always been an illusion in my life, from that afternoon when I was nine, to last year when I lost my mom, hope has always been an illusion to me.

But looking at it now, that was what I thought. I have what I need to start afresh. I have my high school certificate, I have Xander, my closest friend and the third thing I have, is Nathaniel.

With these three, I have hop for a future. Even if I will be stuck in Italy for some months, doing what I should have done long back that is seeing my relatives, I have hope that when I come back to follow Nathaniel to Australia for university, all will go well.

It's as if all I have went through led me to today. Not the day I will only graduate, but the day I shut the door that drags me back to my past.

"What are you thinking about?" I look over Nathaniel who is driving.

"Oh, the cheesy stuff, like how they end a movie. The moment the protagonist is looking outside through the window thinking of how his life has been shitty and suddenly changes to be better."

I pop a multi-vit tab in my mouth. The doctor prescribed me these for my lack of appetite. One is enough for a day, I'll eat like a normal teen boy.

"Can I have one too?"

"Oh no, the last time I gave you spent the whole day eating." Je chuckles.

"My dad will be proud." He says after a while.

"So proud." I say. "Leo is also proud of you, you know?"

Somethings have improved. Nathaniel has drawn close to Leonard. The two bonded so fast it surprised me. They both share a mutual important person, that is Frank, and that makes them even more tight.

However, healing became something the both of then never considered. The day they agreed to get rid of his things, they found themselves cleaning the room then leaving his things the same way they had been.

What else improved? My relationship with my grandparents. After Andy moved out, there was no one to cover up my absence, I found myself opening up to them about my feeling and all. I never came out to then though, that is something I don't see myself doing, at least for now.

"Yeah... he is." He smiles nodding. "Remember that place?" he points my outside.

"The club? Oh My God! You almost got me killed that day."

"I did not."

"You did... and I was so scared of you those days."

"I know... you were cute. Especially when that girl came over you... she just wanted freaking money... if you hadn't pushed her you wouldn't have gotten into trouble."

"You mean we?" I laugh. "Besides, I am still cute." I run my hand into my long hair.


I roll my eyes.

"You were cuter when you found me intimidating." He makes a sharp turn at the school. Blue everywhere. People are hugging some jumping around and others walking with their huge families. I spot my grandpa's car in the parking lot.

"But you still love me, that is all that matters."

"Yeah... true." He parks the car in the other parking lot, initially for teachers. But I guess it can be excised for today. "I love my ugly Elia."

I roll my eyes. "At least I am better than you."

I watch him unbuckle his seat belt, he looks at me.

"Let me kiss you." I lean in and our lips meet. It's a soft short kiss.

"I love you." He whispers cupping my cheeks.

"I love you." I tell him leaning in to kiss him again.

"Let's go get this over with, and we'll have celebrating sex, in the school bathrooms, or the halls... or the principals office."

I laugh unbuckling my seat belt too and stepping out of the car.

Once outside, I see our friends run down to us. "Let's go before you start having public sex, you probably have a to do list with that on top."

"We already did that." I laugh.

"Why am I believing you guys?" Xander asks.

We just laugh. Nathaniel puts his hand around me and I inhale his scent. God! I love him.

"Let's take a picture." Sage says pulling out her phone. "From today on, we begin a new life outside this school, but not outside this friendship.

"I feel as if we are over saying these shit, they make me want to cry." Jake mumbles.

We all laugh and at the right moment, Sage takes a picture of us in our blue gowns.

I guess I was wrong, not only do I have three things... but them too. these guys are my friends.

I guess, not only Leo and Frank and the other guardians around here happy. But my parents too... They are proud of their only child.

Their Elia.

"Now you are thinking of the protagonist suddenly getting hit by a car and the movie ending?" I slap Nathaniel's hand.

"The protagonist smiles and walk to the assembly point to get his certificate.

"Or he jumps and gets stuck in the air as the credits rolls."

"Or he kissed his boyfriend like this." I go on my toes and plant a kiss on his lips.

"...and he gets hit by a car?"

"No one gets hit by a car Nathaniel! No protagonist dies like that!"

"Go ask the producers of final destination." He seriously says. "They'll tell you about it."

"By the way I am not the protagonist, you are... I am just the antagonist."

"And by the way, protagonists and antagonists are found in novels not movies."



Completed 7/26/2019 at 11:41 pm

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