
Af SurfBum5941

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I couldn't think of a good enough story description for this, so... uh... Just read the first chapter to see... Mere

Love: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Chapter 56:
Chapter 57:
Chapter 58:
Chapter 59:
Chapter 60:
Chapter 61:
So sorrry!!!!!
Chapter 62:
Chapter 63:
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65:
Chapter 66:
Chapter 67:
Chapter 68:
Chapter 69:
Chapter 70:
Chapter 71:
Chapter 72:
Chapter 73:
Chapter 75:
Chapter 76:
Chapter 77:
Chapter 78:
Chapter 79:
Chapter 80:
Chapter 81:
Chapter 82:
Chapter 83:
Chapter 84:
Chapter 86:
Chapter 87:
Chapter 88: (Final Chapter)

Chapter 74:

32 3 0
Af SurfBum5941

Charlie ^^^

We sat there cuddled up on the couch until I stopped crying and all of our tummies grumbled with hunger. As we are sitting and eating, my phone rings. I hesitate before picking up.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Millie?" I hear Charlie's familiar voice. My eyes widen and I mouth Charlie. The whole table nods. I get up and go to my bedroom before continuing.

"Yes, what do you want?" I say, annoyance lacing through my voice.

"A chance to explain myself." He replies. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes.

"Hurry up." He starts explaining. By the end of it, I'm in tears. Quiet sobs that rip through my body. I swallow back tears and start speaking.

"I'm so sorry," I choke out, "that I judged you so quickly."

"Millie, please stop crying. I know you're upset but there's no reason to cry baby." He say softly. I nod and blink back more tears.


"I have to go now Millie, but I will call you every week, okay?"

"Okay." I sob.

"Get off the phone!" I hear a gruff voice yell then the line goes dead. I lock my phone and let it drop out of my shakes hands. Then I run to my bed and flop down, sobbing into my pillows. There's a soft knock at the door and Bradley comes in. He rubs my back slowly.

"It's all okay." He says softly.

"No it's not! I feel so... so guilty!" I reply.


"I was too quick to judge."

"But it's all okay now, he forgives you and you forgive him?"

"Well he forgives me, but I still can't forgive him for killing a man. That will always be imprinted on my mind." I sit up and wipe my eyes with the heels of my palms. I look at Bradley. He looks back at me. Then my phone rings. I pick it up and see the contact name Sex God. I answer it.

"Who the eff is this?" I ask.

"That is no way to speak to thee Sex God!" A familiar voice retorts. I know I've heard the voice but I just can't remember whose it is.

"Could you please answer my question?"

"Could you please apologise?"

"Apologise? Apologise for what?"

"For speaking to thee Sex God like that."

"I asked first."

"I won't tell you who I am until you say sorry."

"Fine, sorry." I huff.

"Uh-uh, properly. Repeat after me, I, Amelia Smith, am truly sorry for speaking to thee Sex God like I did." I roll my eyes and repeat.

"I, Amelia Smith, am truly sorry for speaking to thee Sex God like I did."

"Thank you."

"Now answer my question."

"What's the magic word."


"That's better. My name is Christopher Matthew Tyson." My eyes widen and I start laughing. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because your name on my phone is Sex God." I laugh. Bradley starts laughing with me.

"What? I've got to say, I am a Sex God." He plays. I laugh harder.

"How'd you get my number?" I manage to say between breaths.

"I have my sources. Oh, and just so you know, it definitely was not Bradley who told me. Nope definitely not him." I glare at Bradley playfully. Bradley slowly gets off the bed and exits the room.

"I'll, uh, call you back. Oh hang on, I've got that sleepover tonight. Jessica, are you still coming?" I ask. He doesn't reply. There's a knock on my bedroom door and the door swings open, revealing Christopher who is grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. I hang up and run up to Chris. I give him a hug and grab his phone that's unlocked. I go onto contacts and find my contact. It's under Sex Goddess. I roll my eyes and keep scrolling. He's got about 100 contacts and most of them are girls. I laugh and lock his phone, chucking back at him. He pushes the door shut with his foot and comes up to me, placing his backpack down on the floor. He stops in front of me and his hands find my waist. My breath catches in my throat as he starts kissing my neck.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I manage to breathe out.

"Do you wanna try fit in a quickie before we head off?" He whispers in my ear, nibbling my earlobe and sending shivers down my spine.

"Wow." I push him away. He looks stunned.

"What?" He asks.

"If I was going to do it with you, I'd want it to be enjoyable and for us to take our time, not for us to rush it and then head off to a party!" I sit on my bed, grab my phone and text Jess.

Chris and I will be there whenever you want us

Awesome, come over around 6:30, don't bring anything xx

If we were going to have it, it definitely wouldn't be rushed. We have about 5 hours before we have to be there. I feel Chris looking at me and I look up, making his eyes lock with mine. He smiles and shakes his head.

"What?" I ask.

"You are gorgeous."

"Stop it. None of your pickup lines or things you say are going to make me kiss you or have sex with you or go out with you."

"I know I've said that to plenty of girls, but this... this is different. I actually mean it." I shake my head.

"We should get ready." I say, going to get up, but only to get pushed back down by Chris.

"Millie, I know I've only known you for a week, but I think we've become pretty good friends."

"Yes, and I'd like it to stay that way!"

"Millie, please."

"I'm not going you maybe later on when we've known each other for a year, but I'm not going to fall for you! You're just a player that'll end up breaking my heart."

"Hey! That is not fair!"

"What so you're telling me that all those girls in your contacts, you haven't slept with them."

"I'm not saying that, but that doesn't make me a player!"

"Chris, can we please just be friends?" He shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans and huffs.

"Fine, but the moment you have any desire or urge to date me, kiss me, or fuck me, you call. Kapish?" I roll my eyes and laugh.


"Do you have any urges now?"


"Not even when I do this?" He slowly pulls off his shirt and chucks it at me. My eyes widen and scan his perfectly chiseled abs. All of a sudden, my mum bursts in through the door, without knocking.

"Sweetie, do you need to ta- oh." She stops mid sentence and looks Chris up and down. I throw him his top and he quickly slips it on.


"Oh no, hun, don't worry. You two continue, I'll leave. Have fun." And with that she closed the door and ran down the stairs yelling "CONNOR, CONNOR!!!! MILLIE'S ABOUT TO HAVE SEX!!! WHERE'S THE PILL???" I face palm. Chris starts chuckling. His low chuckles turns into a big laugh and he lyes down on the bed, making me move into the corner. I lean my back against the wall and laugh with him.

"So, uh, that's my mum for you." I laugh.

"She seems very... eager."


"Yeah, for you to have it." I laugh at this and stand up on the bed.

"Yeah, she just wants to talk about it."

"Well, I could help you with that you know." He flashes me a suggestive smile and pulls me down on top of him. My hair cascades around our faces, making it like a little hidey-hole. One of his hands is at the small of my back, pushing me closer to his body, while the other caresses my cheek. I close my eyes and take a deep breath of his gorgeous scent. Vanilla mixed with Axe Instinct body spray. Our lips are dangerously close. If he or I move any closer, they'll touch. He moves closer and our lips connect, making fireworks erupt in my stomach. He turns his head and deepens the kiss. I don't know why, but I'm kissing him back. Something in the back of my mind says stop. But something in the front of my mind says continue. I listen to continue.

His hand that was at the small of my back has moved to my butt and is just resting there whole the other hand is still caressing my cheek. He flips us over so he's on top of me. Then he pulls off his shirt. I get up, running a shaky hand through my hair.

"We shouldn't do this." I say.

"Why not?" He says a bit out of breath.

"Because I don't know all that well."

"C'mon babe."

"I asked before for us to just be friends." He sighs and nods.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I reply. "Now let's get going. We can just hang out at a park or the mall or some shit like that." He nods and I pick up my bag I had already packed and we head out the door. Mum chases after me with a bottle of pills. My eyes widen and I jump in Chris' black VF Commodore ute that he calls Storm. He backs out of the driveway and we go to a park. It's been snowing so the park is covered in a thin blanket of snow. We get out of the car and we race to the swings. Of course he cheats and pushes me down so he reaches the swings first. He jumps on the sing and starts swinging really high.

"Have you..." He swings back, "ever tried..." He swings back again, "jumping off... a swing.... into snow?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Nope, is it fun?" I ask.

"Yep." He slows the swing down and gets off it. Then runs about 3 metres in front of it and starts building up a huge pile of fluffy white snow. Once he has made it almost the size of a rectangular trampoline, he gets back on the swing and starts swing super high. Once he gets to a bone breaking height, he jumps off and lands in the pile of snow with a thump. He pulls his head out of the snow and starts laughing. I fall down beside him and start laughing as well. He stands up and helps me up.

"Your turn." He says, pushing me onto the swing.

"Okay, build the snow pile bigger." I instruct. He obeys and builds it bigger than his.

"Alright, I'll start pushing you, but you're going to have to do the rest. Okay?" I nod and grip the swing chains tightly. He starts pushing me. I get really high and then he stops and I have to continue myself. I get higher than he did and on the last swing, I push myself out of the seat and fly through the air. My heart is in my stomach as I hit the snow. I get up and laugh hysterically.

"You looked like a bird!" He laughs.

"I am a bird!" I reply. I take a step forward but forget that the snow isn't solid and my foot falls through and I trip, falling straight into Chris' arms. I look up at him and he smiles down at me and plants a peck on my noes. I crinkle my noes like a rabbit and he laughs and sets me straight. Then he takes my hand and we walk hand in hand to his car. Once we're inside the car, he turns the heat on full blast and we hold our hand in front of the heaters. Then we drive to Jessica's place and wait for half an hour, just talking.

"So what do you want to be when you grow up?" He asks. I think about it.

"Uh... maybe a... well when I was in Australia, I wanted to be a lifesaver at the beach, but it's too cold here, so I guess a... maybe an actress or singer." I say.

"They're pretty hard careers to get into." He says. I hang my head and sob. He puts a hand on my back. "Not that you couldn't try, I'm sure you'd be a great actress or singer." I look up at him, tears staining my cheeks, and slowly let my face break into a smile.

"Just kidding!" I laugh. His mouth drops.

"You can bring on tears that easily?" He asks. I nod and smile.

"It's a gift."

"You'd definitely be a good actress. But I'm not so sure about singer..." Then I break into the song Today by Chantal Kreviazuk. I finish at the end if the first chorus and he starts clapping.

"You could easily make it in the fame industry!" He exclaim.

"Thank you." I smile. "So what about you? What's your dream job?"

"Cop." He answers shortly.

"Anything else?"

"Maybe a personal trainer."

"Sounds good."

"Yeah, and if I was to have kids, with you of course, I would work part time and be a part time stay-at-home-dad." I smile at that. But then stop smiling when I realise he said have kids with me.

"Oi, who gave you permission to even think that you would have kids with me!?"

"Myself." He shrugs. I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"Let's go in." I grab my bag and get out of the car. I am greeted by freezing cold wind that stings my face. I run hand-in-hand with Chris across the road to Jessica's place. We ring the doorbell and are greeted by Jessica herself.

"Hey guys! Come in, come in! My mum and dad aren't home all weekend, so it's just all of us. Come through." She says. We follow her through to a nice living room with a huge L couch, a 19" flat screen tv with surround sound and a lollie buffet.

"Wait, your parents are away the whole weekend and you aren't going to have a huge crazy party with booze and all?" I say. He shakes her head and laughs.

"Mum doesn't want stuff ruined, plus we have plenty of booze." Jess says, walking over to a mini-fridge and opening the door, revealing all the shelves full if beer. Then on top of the fridge is about 10 bottles of different whisky and vodka. The doorbell rings and Jess runs and gets it.

Five minutes later and there's about 10 other people in here, including myself, Chris, Jess, and Jess's boyfriend. Three girls and three boys. We are lounging around on the couch and drinking and pumping up music and chatting and laughing. Jess's friends Lola, Ella and Amanda have already introduced themselves to me and Amanda has decided to go straight for the vodka. She's already taken 3 shots and is dancing around crazy. Then she falls on top of her boyfriend, Jason, and starts grinding and making out with him. And he doesn't seem to mind at all. I turn to Jessica and she hands me a shit of vodka. I take it and swallow it slowly, the liquid burning my throat. I take another 4 and that brings it to five shots. I'm drunk and grinding against Ella and Chris when Jess stops the music and calls out we're playing dare or dare. Everyone whoops and sits on the couch. I sit on Chris and rest my head on his chest. Jess stands up in front of us and looks at me.

"I dare you to hook up with me." She points at me and smiles devilishly the rest of the crowd. All the boys cheer. I stand up and stagger over to her, grabbing her by her waist and pulling her closer to me. She kisses me deeply and the boys start throwing their money at us. I pull away and laugh. Next, it's Jack's, Ella's boyfriend, turn. He looks at me and dares me to make out with him. I look at Ella.

"I am sosorry." I say.

"It's totally fine," she smiles, "hurry up and kiss him, I need to watch your technique." I laugh and walk over to Jack. He grabs me by my butt and presses me up against his muscular chest. His tongue goes into my mouth and he kisses me deeply, his hands are everywhere, on my butt, at my waist, groping my boobs which is painful, and through my hair. Finally he releases me from the disgusting kiss and I go sit on Chris's lap again. Next it's my turn to dare someone. I look at everyone and I turn around and look at Chris. He wiggles his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Idareyou todo 7 minutesin heavenwithme." I slur out. He nods and stands up, taking my hand

"Sure babe."

"Where dowe goooo?" I ask Jessica. She points to a cupboard that looks really tight, but when she opens it, it's actually quiet spacious. Enough to fit me and Chris comfortably.

"You have seven minutes starting from now!" Jessica giggles, closing the door and putting something against it so we came get out.

"Millie?" Hunter says, "can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I say, not really paying attention to what he is saying because I'm kissing his neck.



What's he going to ask???????

Stay tuned!!

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