Chapter 7

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Today is Friday. Valentines Day. I woke up at 6:30 so I had time to write Charlie a really romantic card. But I failed. Yep, I failed misarably.

Dear Charlie, you are the most meaningful person person I know and without you, I would be nothing! I scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it into my bin, next to my desk. By 7 'o' clock that bin was full.

I ended up writing this...

Dear Charlie,

You have always been my sunshine. Ever since I started at this school, I always admired you. And when you came up to me in the yard, my heart started racing and I'm pretty sure it skipped a beat.

You are always there for me and you may not know this but I will always, always, ALWAYS be grateful for that!

I'm a pretty lousy excuse for a girlfriend, I know, but I love you with all my heart and if I'm not thinking of you, I'm thinking of where you are. :)

I love you Charlie!

Happy Valentines day!

Lots and lots of love Millie XOXOXOXOXOXOXO

I put it in an envelope and sealed it up. I put the envelope in the bag with the jersey and went into the kitchen. I sat down at the island bench and poured myself a glass of orange juice and made a bowl of cereal. I went back upstairs and got dressed. I woke my mum up, once I was dressed, and told her it was 8:30 so she would actually get up. I went back down stairs and grabbed my bag and the bag with Charlie's present. I then walked to the bus stop and waited. When the bus came, I hopped on and looked for an empty seat. There was one, but it was next to Tiffany. I looked at her. She had her head down and was looking at her lap. She started shaking and I saw little wet spots appear on her dress. I went and sat next to her.

"Hey," I said, trying to be friendly.

"Oh, hi," she said, turning away to hide her tears. "Do you ever feel unwanted?"

"Yeah, I guess. But not very often." I told her.

"Well my family never want me around! My mum is always on her phone for business and my is always over seas for business. I wish I could die! I never get any attention!! I'm an only child, I should be getting attention!" She burst into tears again.

"Hey, don't cry," I said, patting her on the back, gently. "You are the most popular girl in the school and I hear that you might be elected for the cheer teams captain!" She looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Dead." I replied. She smiled and stopped crying. "And who cares if you don't get attention from your parents. You get attention from your friends and boys. You should be happy, you have a choice of every single guy in the school!"

"Yeah, but I don't have Charlie!" She said. I looked at her in disbelief.

"You have got to be kidding me," I said. "He's mine! Yeah, of course he's hot and I can understand why you like him but he doesn't feel the same about you!" I tried to say that in the nicest way possible.

"I guess." She said in a disappointed tone. "Hey sorry about putting up an the pictures and stomping on your ankle."

"That's okay. Sorry for leaping in you!" I said. I hugged her and we became friends.

When we arrived at school we hopped off the bus together, chatting excitedly about the upcoming 5 Seconds Of Summer concert.

"I have to go this way, but I'll see you at lunch?" She asked, hopefully.

"Yeah, cya!" I said as I walked to my locker. I put my bag in it, but kept hold of Charlie's present. All of a sudden I felt a strong grip around my waist and I was lifted into the air. I looked down to see....


Sorry for the late update guyz!!!!!!

Who lifted her up?????

Anyway, plz, plz, PLZ vote!

I love you all :)

Stay beautiful, KJ

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