Chapter 30:

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I lay there, on the damp grass, drenched in sweat. People were talking but all I could hear was muffled voiced. Jess came to my side with a cold can of beer. She put it on my forehead. I groaned. My stomach was killing me. I heard the ambulance sirens and soon the paramedics came running over with a stretcher. They laid it down beside me and started checking my pulse and my forehead. I heard them talking but I couldn't make out any words. My eyes started closing and I saw stars falling in front of my eyes. Then everything went black and I couldn't hear a thing.

I woke up in a hospital bed with bright lights shinning down on me and all these wires attached to me. I stirred and a dark figure came out of the shadows. I squinted my eyes to see who it was. It was Jess.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry. It's all my fault. Well, technically it's my mums fault because she didn't cook the food properly, but anyway, I am so sorry." She said, with a frown.

"Don't worry!" I said weakly. She gave me a weak smile and sat back down. I fell asleep but woke up about an hour later with stomach cramps. I rang the bell to let the nurses know I need assistance. A tall doctor came in wearing a white gown and a face mask. He came to my bedside.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Sore. My stomach hurts and my head hurts like crazy!" I complained.

"Awwwww, it's okay, you'll make it through, babe." I looked at him, confused.

"Sorry?" I asked. He removed his face mask. I gasped. It was Xander. A wave of relief washed over me as he put his hand on my forehead. "Xander," I hissed. "You're not supposed to be dressed like that!" He just shrugged and came to eye level with me.

"Look, Millie, I want to apologise for the other night." He started.

"The other night? You mean last night." I told him. He shook his head.

"No, you've been out for 2 days." He said with a frown feeling my forehead again. "Anyway, I was stupid the other night. I mean I had just told you how I felt about other guys, you know, coming in contact with you, but you just went right ahead and kissed my best mate! What is wrong with you?!" He looked down. "And there I go again. Look, I really don't want to break up with you, so I hope you can forgive me." I gave him a weak smile.

"I guess. But can I just say one thing? It was a stupid game! You didn't need to freak out and when Marcus punched you, you almost fell on top of me and Luke just happened to pull me away. Just in time. I tried to stop him from kissing me, but he freaking threw himself at me and pinned me down so I couldn't get up. I'm the one who should be apologising. Also can please take those clothes off? I can't take you serious and could please go get a real doctor?!" I asked. He sighed and did as I asked. Then he walked out of the room to get a doctor. He came back in, what felt like 10 hours, but was probably only 5 minuets, with a nurse. She had her brown hair flowing over her shoulders. She started arranging the flowers beside my bed into a neat arrangement.

"Hi Millie, I'm nurse Clara but you can just call me Clara. How are you feeling today?" She asked politely.

"My tummy hurts." I complained, wincing as a sharp pain jabbed into my left side. Clara gave me a concerned look.

"Uh, sweetly, could point to where that pain just hit?" She asked. I nodded and pulled down the blanket, pointing to where my appendix was. A look of worry flashed onto the Clara's face, but she quickly covered it up by putting on a kind smile. "Do you you mind if I have a feel for myself?" Yet again I just nodded and looked at Xander he had a very worried look on his face, but he smiled when his gaze met mine. I smiled in return and winced as the nurse pushed down on where it was sore. She released and I grabbed the spot in immense pain. She quickly hurried out of the room. "I'll be back in a sec." She called behind her. Xander came and sat next to my bed.

"Have you called my mum and Connor?" I asked.

"Yep, they came by yesterday and sat here for hours on end. Your mum was hysterical, but Connor managed to calm her down." He told me. I stared at the ceiling and sighed. "What's wrong?"

"It's just, I keep thinking about what a lousy girlfriend I've been." I told him. "I've kissed 2 other guys and properly." Xander just frowned.

"Yeah, but you were drunk so it doesn't really count." He said. I smiled at him. The door opened and a doctor walked in with Clara tagging behind.

"Hello, Millie." He said.

"Hi." I replied.

"I'm The Doctor." He said with a grin. I just lay there shocked.

"Doctor who?"

"Yes." I was shocked. Wow. The Doctor was in the same room as me. He was wearing a Fez and a Bow Tie. He examined my stomach then pulled out his sonic screwdriver and shone it on my side. It made a weird noise but I didn't care. I felt sleepy. I closed my eyes and then opened them again only to find myself being wheeled down the corridor. We made a sharp turn around a corner and banged through some doors. Clara quickly grabbed Xander. He called out to me.

"Millie!" He yelled but that was all I heard because the doors slammed behind us.

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