Chapter 8

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I looked down and saw.... Mitchell.

I punched him in the face and he dropped me. That's all I remember. Now I'm lying in a hospital bed with my mum crying beside me. I moved my hand towards her, so she knew I was okay. She looked at me, grabbed my hand and started crying again. I tried to sit up but my head hurt too much.

"Mum, why am in hospital?" I asked. She looked at me and blinked a few times.

"Well, when you fell you hit your head on the ground. Hard. You were unconscious for 2 days!" She told me, when she finished she started crying, again.

I closed my eyes. Then I heard the door open. My eyes opened, immediately and looked towards the door, only to see Mitchell, with a bunch of flowers. Mum stood up.

"I think I'll give you 2 some time, alone." She left. Mitchell sat down. And stared into my eyes. I turned away.

"What do you want!" I snapped. He shuffled uncomfortably.

"I just wanted to apologise for dropping you, it's just you punched me so hard that I couldn't bear the pain!" He said, putting the roses next to me on the table. I looked at them and smiled. "So you like them?" He asked. I changed my expression to a scowl and turned over to face the wall. As I did, I winced in pain because my head burned. He came to my aid.

"Millie, please just forgive me. I can't sleep because of what I did!" He said. I looked into his eyes and saw they were droopy with sleep. I saw that he had bags under his eyes aswell.

"Fine! I forgive you! Now can you just leave me alone!!" I hissed. He put his hands up in defence and stood up. I closed my eyes and waited to hear the door to close I didn't hear anything. Then I felt his lips on mine and my eyes snapped open. I pulled away and slapped him.

"Aghhhh!" I yelled as I watched him stumble back, holding his cheek. "Stop trying to be my boyfriend! Okay?! I broke up with you for a reason!!" He stared at me in shock. I glared back at him. He moved towards the door, opened it and ran out.

Then Tiffany came in. She sat on the bed next to me and took my hand.

"I am so sorry!" She said, looking at me.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I didn't do anything, I just feel sorry for you." I looked at her and smiled. She smiled back. She pulled out a box of chocolates.

"How did you know I loved chocolates?!" I asked, confused.

"Who doesn't like chocolate??" She replied with a smile. After a long chat with her, she said she had to go. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. I rested for a while, before a nurse came in and asked me to take some medicine. After that I wondered if Charlie would come and visit me. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened, revealing Charlie carrying a massive teddy bear.

"Charlie!" I said excitedly. "You came to visit me!"

"Of course! What sort of a boyfriend do you think I am?" He asked, rhetorically. I noticed the bag with his present in it next to my bed. I grabbed it and handed it to him. He took it with a smile.

"Sorry it's late!" I said. He gave me an I forgive you look and took out the card. As he read it he grinned. When he finished, he leant over to me and kissed me. On the lips. Then he took out the jersey and laughed.

"How did you know?????" He asked, very happy.

"I do listen to you." I giggled. He handed me the big bear. I hugged it.

"Thank you! Now I won't be so lonely!" I smiled. Then he handed me a little box. I looked from him to it a couple of times then I opened it.

Inside was a beautiful necklace and earrings made from diamond.

"It was expensive but you're worth it!" He said, finally breaking the silence. I closed the box and jumped out of bed. My head burned but I didn't care. I leapt onto him and kissed him.

I stayed sitting on his lap until visiting hours were over. He left and mum came back in.

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