Chapter 39:

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I heard the boot open and I was lifted out and then plonked back down on what felt like leaves and twigs. My blindfold was taken off by Marcus. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness but when it did I realised where we were. We were at Noosa parklands. I freaked out.

"Guys?" I asked. There was no answer. I looked around and saw the car, but no one else. I really started freaking out! "Guys! Don't play games with me!!" I yelled. My voice echoed. Shit! I'm going to be eaten by... Snakes! I heard a twig crack behind me. I whipped my head around and saw a glow stick. What the fuck?! They are doing a terrible job at trying to scare me. I started laughing. It started off with a small giggle then grew into a full on laugh. I probably scared all the snakes away and I probably sounded like a freaking witch. I finished laughing. All of a sudden the glow stick burst into flames and small fires started up around me. My heart skipped a beat. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! I saw 3 figures standing in front of each of the flames, staring at me. I shuffled back but hit a tree. My breathing quickened and I started shaking. The figures bent down and picked up these club like sticks with fabric on the tips. They dipped the fabric into the fires and slowly started walking towards me holding them out. The one on the right was dragging his left leg. The one in the middle seemed to have an arm missing and the one on the left had it's hands out in front of it like a.... a.... like a... A ZOMBIE!!!

God, I don't want to die like this! Drowning would have been much better! Please be a dream, please, please, please! I prayed. I could hear them growling and grumbling. One of them was trying to speak.

"Millie!" It said in a rotten voice. "You. Must. Die!!!" I let out a blood curdling scream that echoed throughout the woods. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!

"Stop! Please! I'll... I'll do anything you want! Just don't eat me!" I said, shakily. The stopped right in front of me. I closed my eyes tightly and held my breath. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw them still standing there. The light form the torched shining in their faces that were half deteriorated, their hair in whispy, patched parts. The stench, was actually nice. Like some kind of cologne. Almost like the cologne that Xander uses. I realised what was happening and stood up. I grabbed the face of the closest 'zombie' and ripped it off. I held a mask in my hand and saw a shocked Xander looking back at me. I started laughing again. The other 2 took off their masks as well. I fell to the ground laughing. I clutched my stomach. It hurt from how hard I was laughing. All of a sudden Marcus, Xander and Charlie burst into laughter.

"You should have seen your face!" Marcus laughed.

"Priceless!" Xander chipped in.

"And the best part is..." Began Charlie. "We've got it all on camera!" A frown came over my face. He was holding the camera in his hand. I snatched it and started re-watching it and even bigger frown came over my face.

"Promise not to show anyone!" I said, seriously. They all nodded. "Marcus, if you tell anyone, I won't kiss you again, if we play spin the bottle. Charlie, I won't consider you if I break up with Xander and lastly Alexander, I will break up with you! Kapeesh?" They all nodded firmly and we walked towards the car. I got in the passenger seat next to Marcus. He started the car and we all clipped our belts in. As we drove off, I turned on the radio and started singing to Wiggle by Jason Durulo ft. Snoop Dog. Everyone eventually broke into singing.

As we turned into the street, I saw blue and red lights flashing on the houses ahead.

"Marcus stop!" I yelled.

"What?" Said Marcus, panicking and slamming on the brakes. We all jolted forward.

"Cops!" I said pointing down the street. I got out of the car and walked down the street a bit. There they were. The cops. About 5 cars, all with their lights on. I ran back and got in the car.

"Turn around?" Asked Charlie. I nodded quickly. Marcus turned the car around and drove off.

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