Chapter 6

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Today is Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday, Valentines day. I haven't even gotten a present for Charlie. According to Ashton, one of Charlie's friends, Charlie has gotten me a present. He has said he likes football so I guess I should get him a football jersey.

I know he specifically said he liked San Francisco 49ers. I'll have to go to the mall after school.

Nothing happened at school today. Everyone was quieter than usual.

After school I went to the mall with Jessica. I went to the sport shop and bought the jersey. It was $110! As we walked out of that shop I saw Tiffany. Jess tried to grab my hand to lead me the other way but I pulled my hand away just before she could even touch it. I stood there and stared. She looked my way and her eyes narrowed immediately. She started walking towards me, fast, her friends following her.

He stopped in front of me. She looked at the bag and then at me and then looked back at the bag.

"What's it the bag?" She asked.

"None of your buisness!" I snapped.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's probably fat controller!" She laughed and so did her friends.

"I'm not sure if you know this, but, I'm the captain of the girls football team. You're a cheerleader. A bitchy one if you ask me, but, you're not even the captain. Your the one who needs "fat controller"! I have abs, But you, well you have flabs!"

"Did you just call me fat?!" She was about to kill me. I could see it in her eyes.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me. Charlie, was standing there with his friends. Jessica was standing next to Matt. Tiffany looked at Charlie and took a step back.

"You're lucky your boyfriend arrived!" She hissed. I smirked at her and turned around to face Charlie.

"Thank you!" I said. "If you hadn't of come, I would've been dead!". He smiled at me and held my hand as we walked away from the sports shop.

"What's in the bag anyway?" He asked as we walked to the bus stop.

"Oh, nothing. Just some running shorts." I covered up. As the bus pulled up, I made sure Charlie couldn't see into the bag. When it got to my stop I kissed Charlie goodbye, but he hopped off with me. We held hands and talked all the way to my house. I unlocked the front door and stood in the doorway.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll just let my mum. Know where I am!"

That afternoon, we stayed on the couch watching all kinds of movies. Then mum came home with pizza. We all ate in front of the tv. Then mum went upstairs for a nap at 7:00pm, so me and Charlie were alone, again. We snuggled under a blanket as we watched The Shining, then we started making out under the blanket.

As he left my house, I gave him one last kiss and watched him walk off into the night.

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