Chapter 35:

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The next day I woke up at 10:30 am. My phone was ringing. It was Xander I answered, yawning.

"Hello." I said sleepily.

"Hey, rise and shine hon. I'm coming over to your place, so we can work on that 79 Camaro." He explained. "I'll be over on about half an hour. Oh and remember we have that party on tonight."

"Hokyep!" I said, all of a sudden feeling very awake. "Bye."

"Bye." I turned off my phone and jumped out if bed. I got in the shower and washed my hair. I started singing Salvation by Gabrielle Applin. I got out of the shower still singing the song. It was stuck on replay in my mind and all I was thinking about was Xander. The words fitted perfectly with us. I smiled to myself as I put on my dirty jeans and the white baggy t-shirt. I blow dried my hair and put it into a messy high ponytail. I put on my thongs and ran downstairs. My mum was at work and so was Connor. I popped a piece of bread in my mouth and went out the front. I listened for the rumble of Xander's Ducati. There it was! He pulled into the driveway, locked his bike up and took his helmet off. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it up and came over to me. He grabbed me by the waist, pulled me close and kissed me. I pulled away.

"What was that for?" I asked, with a smile.

"You needed help, remember?" He chuckled.

"Ha, ha, ha! Very funny!" I said sarcastically. I grabbed his hand and led him around to the back shed. I pushed the door open and walked in. Xander followed. I went over to the car and removed its cover. Xander went over to the bonnet.

"It's got nice paint work and it looks amazing. Like seriously, Wow!" He said, wide eyed and ready to finish it off.

"Okay, well I sort of want to surprise my mum for her birthday. That's in November, and we're in March so that leaves us about 8 months."

"Okay then let's get started!" And we were off. I grabbed the sander and started sanding, while Xander got a paint brush and started painting the places that need painting. 9 hours later and we had sanded the whole car and painted half of it. Then I heard my mums car pull into the driveway.

"My mums home!" I said, panicking. I quickly dropped my paint brush, grabbed Xander's hand, pushed him out of the shed, turned off the light and ran inside and into my room, Xander following. I quickly changed into skinny jeans and a tank top, told Xander to sit on my bed and stay and walked down the stairs just as mum came in the door, carrying groceries.

"Hey sweetie." She said, her face lighting up as she saw me.

"Hey mum." I replied.

"Is Alexander here?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yeah, he's up in my room. I'm just getting a drink." Walking into the kitchen.

"Well, I'll be making dinner in 10 minutes. Also why is your hair so messy?" My eyes widened. My hair, I forgot to take it out of its messy ponytail. I leg my hair down.

"I was doing homework." I covered. She gave me a strange look and started putting the groceries away. I went back upstairs with a drink of water. I put the glass on my desk and looked at ten message that explained where the party was. It was in an hour. At 8:30. Xander was still sitting on my bed, like an obedient puppy.

"We have a party in an hour." I said. He stood up. I quickly changed, yet again, into some charcoal black leggings and a mid riff top. I went into my bathroom and started brushing my hair. I straightened it and then began applying makeup. Was going for the smokey eye look. After about 15 minutes of trying I finally achieved it and it looked perfect. I walked back out into my room. Xander was lightly sleeping. I gave him a shove and he sat bolt up. I stifled a giggle smoothed down his hair.

"I had the weirdest dream." He said, with a small frown.

"That's good, tell me on the way to the party, mum has dinner ready." I said. We walked down into the kitchen. Connor was sitting at the island bench with my mum. We both sat down next to each other. I looked at my plate. Spaghetti Bolognese. My mum watched me pick up my fork and stab the spaghetti. She cleared her throat.

"Hey Alex, would you mind going out of the room for a minute?" She asked, politely.

"No problem, I need to go to the bathroom anyway. Just call me when you're ready. Also it's Alexander or Xander. Never Alex." He said, getting up and walking towards the bathroom. I just sat there. Mum reached out for my hand but I pulled it back. She placed her hand on Connors and looked at me. I looked at her ring. It was really pretty. She cleared her throat again and brushed her hair out of her eyes. What the fuck was taking her so long.

"Me and Connor have been thinking that we should go on a trip." She said looking form me to Connor. I gave a shrug.

"For how long?" I asked.

"We were thinking..." She hesitated. "A couple of years." I gulped making me swallow my spaghetti hard. I coughed.

"What?! A couple of years? Where am I going to go to school? What friends am I going to have?" I started bombarding them with questions.

"Slow down sweetie." Connor said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off.

"No! I won't calm down and you know what?" I yelled, trying to think of something smart and debate alb to say. Nothing. "I'm going to the party now! Goodbye!" I grabbed my leather jacket and helmet off the couch.

"Xander c'mon." I said opening the front door. He was at my side in a split second. We walked out together. I got on his motorbike and waited for him to start the engine. He didn't.

"Are we going to go... or nah?" I asked, pissed off.

"No, why are you so and what did your mum say?" He asked.

"I'm pissed off at what my mum said." I told him. He turned around and faced me.

"Spill." He said.

"My mum and Connor have decided that we're going to go on a little trip."

"For how long?"

"A couple of years."

"Whoa!" He said, turning back around and starting the engine. I held on around his waist as we sped down the main road. I felt my phone vibrate. We stopped at lights and I quickly checked my phone. It was a text from Charlie.

Out of hospital. Without a neck brace or cast! I'm coming to that party tonight!

My world came crushing down. I turned off my phone and put it back into my pocket. Shit! My boyfriend and my ex that still likes me at the same party, drunk and probably ready to freaking kill each other. Just great! I clung on again and snuggled into Xander's back. He glanced at me and sped forward just as the lights changed.

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