Chapter 59:

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After we did you know what, Xander went back home to pack up the rest of his things. Of course I went with him! I was going to help him, after all, he had helped me with the car.

As we walked up the front steps of his house, he stopped me and kissed me. He pulled away and looked deep into my eyes.

"What was that sudden kiss for?" I asked, baffled and confused.

"I can't believe I'm actually moving." He said in dismay, letting go of my shoulders and turning to open the door. He walked in and I held the door open for me. I walked inside and looked around. There were boxes stacked high and it was very dusty. He shut the door and walked up stairs, to his room. I followed him and stopped in my tracks as I got to his door. His room was practically empty of things except boxes and his bed. I looked at the bed quizzically. He noticed me staring at it and sighed.

"There's no point in giving me bed to the op-shop." He explained.

"Oh. This room is so much bigger than it usually is." I said, looking and every place.

"Yeah, I know." He sighed. He grabbed, what seemed to be a smaller box, off a box. "Close your eyes."

I did as I was told and closed my eyes. I felt his body close to me, from behind. Then I felt something around my neck. Then his warm, soft hands doing the thing around my neck. He puts his arms around my waist and turned me around to face him.

"Open your eyes." He told me. My eyes sprang open and immediately looked down at my chest. There hung a perfect silver locket in the shape of a heart. I had a small curved line on the left hand side and at the top of the curved line was a perfectly shaped black sapphire. I gasped and rubbed my fingers over the smooth cold silver. A big grin spread across his face. I kissed.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, resting my head on his.

"Like you." He replied. He put his hand on my cheek. All of a sudden there were shuffling noises coming from the doorway. I wiped my head around and looked at the doorway.

"Ouch!" Xander said. I turned back around to see him clutching his eye. I had whipped him with my hair.

"Sorry." I said.

"Nah it's fine. Who's at the door I can't see." He laughed. I laughed with him and turned to the door. Standing there was Marcus. I rolled my eyes and looked back and Xander.

"It's Marcus," I whispered in Xander's ear. "Please make him leave. He makes me uncomfortable."

"What did he do?" He whispered back.

"He wants me to go out with him, but I ain't gonna do it!"

"Fair enough. But why make him leave? He just wants you."

"He tried to force me to say yes." This made Xander crack. He walked towards Marcus and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

"Well this isn't the welcoming I was expecting!" Marcus exclaimed as he struggled to get out of Xander's grip.

"Stay away from my girlfriend! Or else I'll fly back from Canada and you'll have me to answer to!" Xander threatened. I stood there wide eyed and shocked that Xander loves me that much. Xander placed Marcus on the ground roughly and gave him a quick bro fist before turning away from him and taking my hand. He pushed past a very scared Marcus and led me downstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I have one last thing to replay you with for making my life so much better and for loving me with all your heart." He told me. He covered my eyes and led me out to the back of his house. It was chilly outside, but when we stopped he hugged me close and uncovered my eyes.

"It's yours." He told me, gesturing to his motorbike. I gasped and looked at from motorbike to him. He nodded and gave me the keys.

"Xander! I can't take this from you! What your parents say?" I said.

"I asked them and had their full consent." He said a smug grin playing on his face.

"Xander, I will not take this. It's too expensive! Oh my god! I can't get my licence for another year!"

"So? Get it in a year." I looked at him and he looked right back at me. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and rubbed my back.

"I don't know what I'm going to do if you go." I confessed, as we walked back inside.

"You'll figure something out." He told me. My phone rang. I answered it.

"Hey sweetie, are you going with Xander to the airport to say goodbye?" My mums voice came.

"Yeah, I'll get a taxi back to our place, okay?" I told her.

"Sure, hon. I'll see you soon. Love you. Bye."

"Bye, love you too." I hung up and looked up to see Xander with his parents at the front door, with their luggage, waiting for me. I hurried to the front door and grabbed Xander's hand.

"What's happening with all the stuff?" I asked.

"Well the op-shop/donation people are just going to come and pick it up with a big truck not tomorrow but the next day." Xander's dad explained.

"Oh." I said. I helped Xander's mum and dad put their luggage in the boot. Then I got in the car, Xander sat in the middle of me and his mum. He put his hand on my leg and looked at me with a weak smile. I smiled back and placed my hand on his.

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