Chapter 25:

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Millie's P.O.V

I lay in bed, with Luke next to me, thinking about what I had just done. I sighed. Shit!

"I'm gonna take a shower." Luke said. He got up and went downstairs to the bathroom. I rolled over onto, my stomach, and onto something hard and warm. It grunted. I gave a little gasp as I removed the covers. It was Xander. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"I have to talk to you." I said, impatiently.

"Same here!" He said. I looked down at my hands and sighed.

"You go first." I said.

"Hokyep... You. Were. Amazing last night!!" He said. I stared at him in disbelief. He smiled back at me. I just stared, blinking.

"Are you serious? You're not mad at me?" I asked, shocked. "I did sleep with another guy!"

"He got you really drunk! And I was drunk and so was he!" He said with a massive smile.

"Wow!" Was all I could say. A smile creeped onto my face. I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just needed to know that you still loved me." I said.

"Well I want more!" He said, leaning in and kissing me. Luke came in, but I didn't give a fuck. He came up behind me, with only a towel around his waist, and started kissing my neck. "Fuck off, Luke!!" Yelled Xander, glaring at Luke. He backed off and rolled his eyes.

"What a dick." I said, looking into Xander's gorgeous.

"Hey! I can hear you and what happened to last night?" Luke asked.

"One time!" I said. "That was one time! And will never happen again!"

"You watch, I'll get you again and then you'll be wrapped around my finger!" He murmured to himself. I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I found my purse, which had my phone in it, and my leather jacket. I went out to Xander's motorbike and waited for him. He came out and stood close to me. He started zipping up my jacket.

"My head really hurts! What about yours?" He asked, with a smile.

"Yeah, I have a really heavy pounding and I can hear ringing." I replied. "Then again, I did have a lot to drink!" He laughed and gave me a peck on the lips. He got on his Ducati and and put on his helmet. He chucked mine to me and I put it on. I jumped on behind him, wrapped my arms around his waist, tightly, and lifted my legs up. He accelerated and we were home on no time.

When we got home, there was a package waiting on the door step. It had a card attached. I picked the package up and brought it inside.

"What's that?" Xander asked, coming in after me.

"I have no idea." I replied. I pulled the card off a read it.

Dear Millie,

I know that I wasn't the best boyfriend and that I cheated on you, but I can't help feeling that we were made for each other! Yeah, sure we broke up, but we can easily get together again. Tiffany doesn't want to be with me because I cheated on you and she doesn't want to be with your boyfriend. I really wish that you would just open your eyes and see that you belong with me. Just break up with whoever your with and hook up with me. Please baby. I love you. Lots of love, Charlie XXXOOO

"Is that from Charlie?" Xander asked. I just nodded. "Give it to me." He said, snatching the card out of my hand. I tried to grab it back, but he just stuck his hand in the middle of my chest to stop me. I kept trying to push, but it was no use.

"Alexander Richard Ludwig!! Give it back to me!" I said. He just shook his head and kept reading. Once he'd finished he sighed.

"He really does love you." He said.

"Yeah, but I don't love him. I love you! And I'll do anything to prove that I love you. Anything!!" I told him. He smiled. Now I regret saying that.

"Anything??" He asked, raising an eyebrow, and a goofy grin spreading across his face. I really do regret it now.

"Maybe not anything..." I said looking down at my hands.

"Uh, uh, uh. You've already committed to anything!" He laughed.

"I take back anything!" I said panicking.

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