Chapter 26:

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I just watched him, tapping my foot impatiently as he paced back and forth. I was waiting for my punishment of saying "I'd do anything for him". I was nervous. Everything was running through my head. Connor, my mum, Alexander, Charlie, Tiffany and... my dad. He finally stopped I from of me.

"I've got it!" He exclaimed. "I'm going to make you 1. Clean my Ducati and 2. You have to dress in the sexiest thing you have, so I can prove to my friends I have a sexy, beautiful girlfriend!"

"You have friends?" I teased.

"Ha ha ha, very funny. I'm being serious."

"Well I take back anything."

"Well then obviously you don't love me." He said with a puppy face and turning away.

"Ugh, fine!!" I said, giving up.

"Yes!!" He fist pumped the air. "My Ducati is waiting, my lady." He said, pointing to the door.

"Hang on, just let me get changed." I went upstairs and changed into my dirty jeans and a plain white, old, baggy t-shirt. Then I went outside to the back shed and grabbed a rag. While I was in there, I saw my dads old car that he was restoring. It was a 79 Camaro. He had painted the bonnet a matt black. It wasn't finished and I thought of how Xander could repay me. I met him out the front.

"What's that for?" He asked, staring at the rag in my hand.

"What do you think Einstein?"

"That's not going anywhere near my Ducati, hon!"

"Fine! Then you give me something to clean with!!" I said, throwing the rag at his face. He smirked and took something out of his bag.

"I love you when you're angry." He said, handing me a fibre cloth. I snatched it and walked over to his Ducati.

"Where does it need to be cleaned?"

"Everywhere. You figure it out!" He said, walking away. I sighed, got down on my knees and started wiping all the dirt and dust off the motorbike. Xander came back out with his phone, a glass of cold water and sat down on the porch and began relaxing. I looked at the water. He looked at the water and then at me.

"You're not getting any, yet. You've barely started. Look," he said getting up and pointing at the motorbike. "I can see bits of dried dirt on the mudguards and, would you look at that, some squashed insects on the windshield!" He gave me a smug smile. I fake smiled back and kept cleaning. His motorbike was filthy!!

Once I had finished, his Ducati looked brand new! And it was getting dark.

"I've arranged for my mates to meet in an hour. Here." Xander said, walking towards me, staring at his phone.

"Wait, right here. At my house?" I asked.

"Yep! Hurry your ass up." He said, smacking my butt. "Oh and make sure to straighten your hair!" I quickly ran upstairs, jumped in the shower, got out, got dressed and applied some fresh makeup. I blow dried my hair and began straightening it. When I was done, with all that, I had about 15 minutes to do my nails and make sure I looked presentable.

15 minutes later. I had done my nails, French Manicure and checked myself out in the mirror. I heard the doorbell. I quickly put on my high heel runners and ran downstairs. I beat Xander to the door, gave him a little peck and opened the door.

"Hey!!" I said, looking Xander's friends up and down.

"Wow!" A guy with massive muscles said. He entered, giving me a kiss on the cheek and giving Xander a handshake. Then another guy, with really short, brown hair walked in, gave me a kiss on the cheek and followed the first guy into my lounge. I glared at Alexander. He just smirked back and nodded towards the door. I looked at the doorway and quite a tall guy stood there.

"Hi." He said, giving me a long kiss on the cheek. Xander glared at him. I shut the door and followed Xander into the lounge they were already crazy. When I walked in the shut up and stared at me. I smiled at them.

"Umm, hi? I'm Millie, I'm Xander's girlfriend." I said. "So don't try anything!" I murmured under my breath. They all just stared at me, looking me up and down and... judging me. I stood there awkwardly next Xander. He put his arm around my waist. I was wearing a pleather skirt, a mid riff, long sleeve top and my high heel runners.

"Give a little twirl." Alexander whispered. I did as he said and twirled. They all clapped. All of sudden the doorbell rang again. Xander ushered me towards it. I opened it with a smile and saw 5 more of Xander's friends stood there. One was holding a 12 pack of beers. I sighed and thought it myself, this is going to be a long night!

I lead them into the lounge room and they sat down.

"Well as I said, I'm Millie and you all know Xander, my boyfriend." I introduced myself and then the beers were handed around. I didn't want one because of what happened last night. I have made a promise to not drink so much anymore!

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