Chapter 37:

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Millie's P.O.V

Tiffany started walking towards me.

"TIFFANY!!!! STOP!!" Charlie yelled.

"You're supposed to be on my side! Remember you're my boyfriend." She hissed.

"No, I'm not your boyfriend anymore. We are through!" He yelled.

"Buuurrrnnnnn!!!!" Yelled the crowd. She ignored them and kept walking. I felt her warm hands on my collar bone. She gave me a soft push, but that's all it took. I put my foot back to try and stabilise myself but all I felt was air. My heart raced as I feel into the pool. She leapt in on top of me and pinned me down to the bottom of the pool. I tried to get up but I couldn't. My eyes opened and I saw tiny little bubbles rushing around me. I saw Tiffany's body on top of mine. Her head was out of the water. I need air!! I kicked and struggled but it was no use. I could feel myself fighting to keep my eyes open. My body won. My closed and I took in a breath. My lungs filled with water. I tried to cough but no more bubbles came out. I lay there limp. All of a sudden I was lifted out of the water and put onto the side.

Charlie's P.O.V

"What's she doing here?" Tiffany said. I turned around to see Tiffany staring at Millie. Xander was holding her in the air. He chucked her in the water. She came up looking beautiful. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and stared intensely at Tiffany. She got out and went right up in Tiffany's face.

"I was invited, bitch!" She said harshly. Tiffany looked stunned. Everyone, including me fell silent. We were all eager to see this bitch fight.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, but she heard. She just wanted Millie to say it again so she could whoop her ass for saying it again.

"Sorry, I thought you'd be used to being called that!" She chuckled. A couple of guys sniggered and whispered to each other. Millie looked satisfied. "Oh and also nice bleached hair!" Tiffany snapped. She started walking towards her. Millie started backing away. She was right on the edge of the pool.

"Tiffany stop!" I yelled, but she just ignored me. "STOP!!" She stopped and took a deep breath.

"You're supposed to be on my side! You're my boyfriend." She said, bitterly.

"Not anymore. We're through!" I yelled. The crowd clapped and cheered. She ignored me and pushed Millie. Millie went splashing in. Tiffany quickly jumped in and pinned her to the bottom, her head sticking up so she could breath.

"Don't worry everyone. Just giving her a lesson on how revenge works!" She said. Everyone laughed, except me. I panicked. I didn't know what to do. Okay, jump in and save her. But will Alexander get pissed at me? Who cares! She's being drowned! Why isn't Alexander doing anything? Why aren't I doing anything? I dived in after her and pushed Tiffany away. I dove under and lifted Millie up, out of the water and placed her gently on the side. What do I do now? Hang on, CPR! I do Aqua Guards (Surf life saving), I know what to do. I knelt down beside her and tilted her head backwards and listened for her breathing. Nothing. I readied my hands and started doing compressions. Another One Bites The Dust by Queen came over the speakers. By this time Alexander had knelt down beside me. I started doing the compressions to the beat. One, two, three. I tilted her head back again and gave her four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven. Come on Millie! Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifte- I was cut off by her coughing and spluttering. She looked at me with a weak smile and closed her eyes. Wait! What? She's supposed to be alive. God, please don't die on me Millie. Not now. Not ever! I tilted her head back and listened to her breathing again. She was fine, just sleeping. A wave of relief washed over me as I hugged her close to my chest. Alexander's stare pierced me. I sighed and gave her a kiss on the forehead before handing her over to him. He took her gently and brushed the hair out of her eyes. He was shaking and looked worried.

"I'll take her home when she wakes up. Is there anywhere I could put her to rest?" He asked looking at Luke, who had randomly appeared at my side. He pointed inside.

"You could put her on the sette." He said, helpfully. Alexander picked her up, bridal style, and took her inside. He lay her down gently and lay next to her, stroking her hair. I wish that was me!

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