Chapter 31:

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We rushed into a surgery room. Doctor quickly put some gloves on, as more nurses and surgeons rushed in. Then he put a mask over my mouth.

"Now this is going to be very simple," he said. "You have appendicitis and we are just going to remove your appendix."

I winced and started crying.

"It really hurts, Doctor!" I sobbed.

"Did you know that you had food poisoning from that prawn you ate, and now you have appendicitis??" He asked with a grin.

"Doctor!!" I yelled. He wiped the grin off his face and went serious.

"Okay, I need you to start counting down from 10. Okay?"



"10" I said starting to feel sleepy.






"4........" I said really slowly and sleepily as I drifted to sleep.

I am in the weirdest dream. I was in a cloud land. There were women in white dresses and kids running around chasing butterflies. There are men dressed in white robes. I look down at my own clothes. I'm in my hospital gown. A man approaches me. He stands before me.

"Millie?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply. He bends down and engulfs me in a big hug. He pulls away and looks at me, his eyes watering. I recognise him. "Dad??!!!" I ask emotionally. He nods. I hug him back and start crying. "Oh my god, dad. I thought I would never see you again." He began crying as well.

"My darling Millie." He said, clutching my head. "You are so grown up." I nod.

"Where am I?" I ask. He frowns.

"Millie, you're in heaven with me." He tells me. I gasp.

"But I can't have died!" I say.

"Well, sweetie, you have and now you're here with me forever!" I start crying again.

"But I am so young!"

"I know, honey. Buy you're safe now." He says, with a warm smile. All of a sudden, there are screams and heaps of people running towards us.

"Dad what's going on?" I ask, panicked.

"Nothing, go hide behind that bush." He says, pointing at a bush. I do as he says and run to the bush. He stands there in the middle of the clouds, waiting for the attackers to arrive. All of a sudden there are gun shots. Afghanistan soldiers run around a corner of a building and start shooting randomly.

"Dad!!!" I scream. "Get back!!!" I cover my ears and watch my dad. He just stands there, like expecting someone to save him.. "DAD!!!!! PLEASE!!!!" He turns around and smile at me. The soldiers are shooting people. I watch in horror. One of them goes up to my dad. "DAD!!!!" The soldier sticks the gun to his head and shoots him 2 times. My dad falls limp and crashes to the ground. I scream. Blood is leaking onto the soft white clouds. The soldier then kneels down beside him, pressing the gun into his neck. He shoots 3 more times. Blood is staining the white clouds. The soldier moves his gun to my fathers chest and pulled the trigger. The last bullet was the loudest. Everything went quite.

The soldiers vanish and I run to my dad screaming and crying.

"Dad! Please wake up!" I weep. "Please dad! Remember you're in heaven with me!" My tears are streaming down my face and into his wounds. "Why??!!!" I scream, looking up at the darkening sky.

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