Chapter 41:

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We had scrambled eggs for breakfast. It was an awkward silence as we ate and when I finished I just sat there. Awkwardly. I cleared the table and went up stairs into my bedroom. I changed into casual clothes and lay on my bed. I heard a knock.

"Come in!" I called. The door opened a sliver and a guilty looking Charlie poked his head through. I sat up properly. "Hey!"

"Ummm, hi." He said. "I am really sorry about before, it's just I rea-"

"Don't worry about it," I cut him off. "I know you like me, it's pretty obvious. To tell you the truth..." My voice had gone into a whisper. "I sorta still like you." My cheeks blushed a light shade of crimson. Charlie was silent for a little. He just stood there staring at me, blankly. A smile crossed his face.

"Can I ask one thing?"


"Can I kiss you?" He asked. I hesitated. If Xander walks in when we are about to kiss, that would for sure end our relationship! I thought. And I really don't want that to happen! I stood up and walked over to Charlie. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and walked out, feeling rather good. I had just completely ignored my thoughts, but I didn't care! He didn't come down for another 10 minutes. When he came down, I was playing Halo 4 with Xander. I gave him a quick smile and kept playing. He came and sat next to me.

"Can I play?" He asked. I sighed.

"Okay, we'll play a different game though." I told him. "Marcus! DO YOU WANT TO PLAY XBOX WITH US?????!!!!!"

"Nah! I'm fine!!" He replied. All of a sudden I didn't feel like playing.

"You know what? I don't feel like playing anymore." I told them. They both just shrugged and started playing GTA 5. I called Loki and he came bounding down the hallway to me. I clipped his lead to him. "Hey guys? I'm gonna take Loki for a walk, anyone want to come?" I asked. They all shouted yes and followed me outside. "Oh, one of you grab the footy before you close the door!"

We began walking and talking.

"That was a crazy party last night!" Said Marcus excitedly.

"Yeah! And especially when I dumped Tiffany in front of, like, everyone! Amazing!" Began Charlie. "You know, we need to prank her or something."

"Like you pranked me?" I asked.

"Yes!!" They all yelled. We discussed what Tiffany hates the most and what we should prank her with. Tiffany's weakness is spiders. So we're going to fill her locker with non poisonous spiders, so that when she opens it they fall onto her face! One word to describe this prank? EPIC!!!!

We walked to a small footy oval. I took Loki off the lead and he went crazy. Chasing birds, playing with dogs, finding hidey-holes and running as fast as Usain Bolt! Marcus had the footy, so I put the lead down, backed up and waved my hand. He saw me and kicked the ball to me. Charlie ran at me and tackled me down. Xander came by me and I hand balled it to him. He grabbed it, ran the distance and kicked a goal. I stood up and brushed myself down.

"Teams?!" I asked. They all ran over and I chose the captains. Me and Marcus.

"Ladies first." He offered.

"Sure. Xander, you're on my team." I said with a smile. He gave a fist pump and hugged me. Charlie looked disappointed. He went over to Marcus and gave him a fist bump.

"I bags bouncing the ball!" Called Marcus.

"Okay... You better be good!" I laughed.

"We're playing a proper game?" Asked Xander.

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