Chapter 86:

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I wake up at 8:34 am and notice I'm naked and in Ben's room. I look around. The room is super untidy and there are posters of girls all over his room. I roll over and see Ben. His eyes closed delicately. I have the sudden urge to kiss him. So I do. I lean forward and place my lips on his. I let my eyes close, under the influence of his soft lips. I feel his lips move against mine. My eyes open and I see his staring straight back at me. I pull away and blush.
"I'm sorry." I look away.
"No, no, no. Come back." He grabs the back of my neck and pulls my lips to his. Then he pulls me onto him.
"Round two for the birthday boy." He murmurs into my mouth.
We emerge from Ben's room an hour later. Breathless and sweaty. I go straight to my room and get into my bikini and wetsuit. I peel the wetsuit to my waist and walk back out.
"So, is the party still on?" I ask.
"Yeah." Ben replies.
"Okay, are there going to be girls?"
"Yes, but I won't be paying attention to them, because I'll have you in my arms the whole night, and hopefully in my bed at the end of it." He smirks. His hands rest at my bare waist and he kisses me.
"Well, maybe you will..." I smile. "Hey, I'm going for a surf. Does birthday boy wanna come?"
"I wouldn't miss a surf with the most beautiful girl for the world." He smiles.
"Alright then, you get changed and I'll wait for you downstairs. Don't forget your board. I've got mine."
"Righty-o." I go to the anything room and grab my board then head downstairs.
I sit on the small brick wall outside the apartments and look out at the river glistening in the sun. All of a sudden my sides are zapped. I squeal and drop my board. I cringe, screwing my eyes shut, and wait to hear the crash of my board on the pavement. Nothing happens. So I open my eyes and see Liam holding my board. I scowl at him.
"You idiot! You could've broken my board!" I snatch my board out of his hands.
"So you can speak, not just kiss." He smirks. I shove him playfully. "And a 'oh, Liam, thank you so much for catching my board. I'll repay you with hot sex and sweet kisses' would've been nice." He chuckles. I roll my eyes.
"What do you want?" I ask impatiently.
"I'm going for a surf. I was going to ask Ben but it seems you guys are already going."
"We sure are. It's his second birthday present from me. A surf on a gorgeous day like today."
"What was his first present?"
"None of your buisness."
"Ooh... I think I have guessed it."
"Liam!!!" Ben yells. I look and see Ben jogging down the steps with his board under his arm and his wetsuit at his waist. I can't help but stare at his perfectly chiseled abs. I stand up and wait for them to finish their weird hug thing, then I step forward and kiss Ben. He smiles against my lips and then pulls away.
"So, how'd you two lovebirds meet?" Liam asks as we start to walk towards the back beach.
"Well, it was on the plane coming here from Canada. I'm living there currently, moved form here actually. Anyway, he was sitting next to me and he started talking to me, then he asked for my number and so I gave it to him and then he offered to let me stay with him and so now it's sort of just... gone up from there." I explain, lacing my fingers with Ben's.
"Cool, cool. Well, you're very lucky to have Ben as your boyfriend. He is extremely loyal and will always be there for you." I smile and kiss Ben's cheek.
Finally we reach the beach. I jog down the stairs and at the bottom, shove my board into the sand. I pull my wetsuit over my arms. I see Ben step forward to do up my zip, but Liam beats him to it and zips my wetsuit up. I glare at Liam, who just smirks and chuckles quietly. I turn to Ben and kiss him passionately, making sure Liam knows that I'm with Ben. I pull away, zip up Ben's wetsuit, grab my board and run straight into the water. I paddle out where the wave are still building. I look back at the shore and see that Ben's the only one standing there. Liam is paddling straight towards me. I see Ben grab his board and run into the water. Liam stops paddling and positions his board next to mine. He grabs my wrist. I look up at him.
"Let go of me." I say. He shakes his head.
"Just going to say something really quickly before Ben comes." He says.
"Hurry up then." I sing.
"Shut up! You better watch your back tonight at the party, and you better not leave Ben's arms, 'cause I will grab you at any chance I get." He glances over at Ben who's getting closer and closer. He releases my wrist. "Have I ever told you that your ass looks really good in that wetsuit."
"You've only ever seen me in sweat pants."
"And you still looked amazing in them."
"Oh, stop, I'm flattered." Ben stops his board on the other side of me and smiles at me. I glance at Liam and notice he's watching a wave build. I lean over and kiss Ben. I pull away and wink at him. I look at the wave that's getting really close.
"I've got this one." I turn my board to face the shore and start paddling. I look on either side of me and notice I'm the only one surfing this wave. They actually listened to me. The wave starts to curl and so I stand up.
I surf the wave half way into shore, so I don't have to paddle back out all the way.
We finish surfing around 10:30 am. When we get to the top of the stairs, I hear my name called. I look in the direction it came. I see Brad jogging towards me.
"You're in for it..." Liam says quietly.
"Hey babe, you're just on time for our little date, remember?" Brad says. Shit! I'm trying to think of an excuse when I feel an arm snake around my waist and pull me to their side. I look up and see Ben. A wave of relief washes over me and I smile at Brad.
"I would love to, but I can't, I have to celebrate with the birthday boy." I kiss Ben's cheek. Brad glares at Ben. Ben holds his stare with fierce eyes. As we start to walk away, I unzip Ben's wetsuit and pull it down to his waist.
"I like it better with your abs visible." I laugh. He laughs as well and kiss me on the lips.
"You're so shallow." He says.
"Oi! If I have a boyfriend with abs like yours, I'd like him to show them off." I glance behind us and see Brad chatting to another girl. What a man-whore!
It was 7:30 and people were already starting to roll up for the party. We had tons of alcohol. I hadn't left Ben's side since the first person turned up. I was in quite a good make do party outfit. I was wearing my acid wash high waisted short shorts with a cropped top with an Aztec pattern that also had a tie at the front and brown sandals. I looked relatively nice. I had a natural makeup look and my hair fell down my shoulders and back in perfect curls that bounced as I walk around the apartment. I had a beer in one hand and Ben's hand in the other. We were just going around and he was introducing me to everyone. Every girl shot me a death glare and I rolled my eyes and shuffled closer to Ben.
At 8:30 the party was in full swing. Techno music was pumping throughout the air, people were making out on the couch and in corners of the room, people were drunk, people were dancing. And me and Ben were drinking. As I down my 5th tequila shot, Ben speaks.
"I'm just going to lock the bedrooms except the study." Ben says. I nod and watch as he disappears around the corner. Liam stumbles over to me and puts his hands on my waist.
"You look adorable on those shorts." He smirks. "But you'd look even more adorable without them." I ignore his stupid comment and watch as everyone dances and kisses. Ben leans closer to my ear and starts kissing my soft spot. I shiver and try to push him away but he doesn't budge.
"I told you you better stay by Ben's side, 'cause I will grab you at any chance I get. Here's my chance." He grabs me by my wrist and starts marching towards the study. I am about to scream when he stops and comes up close to my ear again.
"If you dare to scream, I will hurt you... And badly." He whispers. I swallow my scream and allow him to drag me into the study. He throws me onto the couch hard and then slams the door shut, locking it. I'm surprised to see that there isn't anyone already having sex in here. I'm trembling as he approaches me and pulls off his top. I run towards the door, but he catches me by the waist and slam me on my back onto the couch. I let out a pained groan and sit up. He yanks off my top and then unbuttons my shorts. He pulls them off and starts pulling off his jeans. Once he has them off he starts kissing me roughly. I try to push him away, but I'm weak from the influence of the alcohol. Instead I shake my head and start poking him. He finally grabs my hands and holds them above my head. He pulls away from the kiss.
"Stop it right now!" He hisses. I let out a loud scream. A scream that I've only ever done when I feel completely helpless and useless. He clamps a hand over my mouth, releasing one of my hands which I then start poking him him again.
"Shut the fuck up! And stop fucking poking me!!!" He yells, slapping my face twice. I let out a cry and kick him in the balls. He doubles over and clutches his crotch. I scream again and pull my shorts and top on quickly, then sprint out the door and into the heart of the crazy party. I feel dizzy and lightheaded. I feel an arm around my waist. I jump and try to pull away but they don't let me go. I look at the person and relax. It's Ben. I snuggle into his chest.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks over the music, obviously noticing that I'm not okay.
"Liam... Liam tried to...." I trail off and look up at him. His eyes widen.
"Shit!" He curses then he grabs my hand and pulls me into an unoccupied corner of the room. "Where?"
"In the study on that couch."
"Fucking hell. He's going." He takes my hand and we go to the study. First we knock. No reply, do we barge in. There Liam is, his hands still on his crotch. He looks up at us and then stands up straightening himself.
"I'm just gonna go get a drink." He says attempting to get out of the doorway, but Ben just puts his hand on Liam's chest to stop him.
"Get your hand of my chest." Liam calmly.
"I will if you apologise to Millie and get the fuck out of this party." Ben replies. I cross my arms and wait for the apology.
"Can I take a drink with me?"
"Go for it, just fucking apologise!"
"Millie, I'm sorry. Okay, see ya guys!" And with that he grabs a beer and leaves, happily. I blink a few times.
"Did he actually listen to you?" I ask.
"Yeah, he tends to listen to me and only me when he's drunk. It happened at schoolies."
"Oh, can we get seriously drunk, then get everyone to leave soon... I need to give you your last birthday surprise."
"That sounds like a plan." He takes my hand once more and we go over to where the vodka is. We down about 5 shits and then start stumbling around on the dance floor, attempting to dance, except probably stepping on everyone's toes and pushing them over.
"Do you wanteveryone togo now?" Ben slurs. I nod and kiss him. It's a wet and sloppy kiss but I don't care. He kisses me back and then gently pulls away.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE!!!!!! PARTY'S OVER!!!!!!! GET YOURARSES OUT THAT DOORAND DONT COMEBACK!!!!" Ben yells, incredibly loudly. Everyone is quiet but doesn't move. Ben turns off the music and stands up on a chair. "I SAID GET OUT!!!!!! OR ELSE IWILL CALL THEPOLICE!!!!" Everyone starts running to the door.
The moment the last person is out the door, I start kissing Ben's neck. He moans softly and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and keep kissing his neck, biting softly on some places, especially just under the ear which earns me a small moan. We walk to his bedroom door where he puts me down and rummages through his pocket, where he finally pulls out a key. He quickly unlocks the his bedroom door and runs in. Hopping on each foot in turn, he takes off his shoes. Then manages to stumble over when he tries to pull his pants off. Finally he's completely naked except for his boxers. I strut sexily over to him and kiss him. He kisses me back, roughly and then he grabs my waist and pulls me onto him. I decide to grind on him. He finds this very attractive and flips us over, then starts attaching my neck, sucking and biting roughly on the skin. He pulls my top off and then starts unbuttoning my shorts. He gets them off and keeps kissing me deeply. I let out a soft moan and he smiles against my lips. Next he kisses down my chest, across my stomach to the band of my knickers. My breathing hitches as he runs his tongue along my stomach, following the band. He stops and looks up at me, his eyes gleaming with naughtiness. I can tell he's thinking something bad. All of a sudden he stands up and walks out the room. I tell myself to stay and that he's only teasing you and that he'll come back because he can't stand it as much as me, but he doesn't come back and so I run out of the room like a desperate puppy in the search for love. I find him at the fridge, peering in, his butt facing me. I tear my gaze away before he turns around and catches me ogling at him. He turns around right as I approach him. I kiss his neck. I hear him chuckle.
"What?" I ask between kisses.
"Nothing... Just how desperate you are." He smirks. I stop kissing his neck and push him away.
"Well, fine, if you don't want to make out, I may as well go find Brad. Even though it's 2 am, I'm sure he'll be happy if I... came in for a drink or two." I turn away from Ben and walk away, making sure to sway my hips, before I turn the corner into the small hallway, I bend over and pick up a cup, making sure to poke my butt out as much as I can. I turn back and find Ben right up close to my body.
"Goddamn it Millie." His voice is husky and low. Sexy. "You are so fucking sexy." And with that he pushes me up against the wall and kisses me deeply. I feel like I've been dunked in fire and ice. His hands run up and down my arms and sides. I get goosebumps all over my body. Finally he grabs my wrist and drags me into his room where I kiss him passionately. He takes off my last remaining pieces of clothing before taking off his and then...
Okay, okay!!!! It's nearly over bros!!!!
I know it's been going for ever but I'm trying my hardest to finish it off...
The moment this book is done, I will continue with my other stories and hopefully finish them and then start new ones :)
So.... I think next chapter should be the last one and then an epilogue :)
Alright, I'll talk to you later doods!
Ba-aiiii!!! 👊

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