Chapter 29:

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Jess's party was at the local parklands. They had set up further away from the main road and car park so we wouldn't get caught for starting a campfire. I could hear the music, pumping out if portable speakers, and people chatting away. I brushed some extra leafs off my dress and made sure my hair wasn't too messed up, then walked into view of everyone, arm in arm with Xander. I found Jess and gave her a big hug.

"Happy birthday!" I said to her with a big grin, handing her an envelope with $100 dollars.

"Thank you!" She replied with an even bigger grin as she took the envelope out of my hand. She opened it up and her eyes immediately widened. I smiled, proudly, at my choice of gift. She engulfed me in a giant hug. "Oh my god!! Millie, this is too much!" I just shook my head.

"You're worth it." I said. I turned back to Xander and found him talking to Percy. I looked at Percy, who was looking me up and down and smiling. "Hi." I said to him. He snapped out of it.

"Oh hi." He replied. "You look..." He looked at Xander, who was glaring at him. "Pretty." He finished. I smiled in return and led Xander to the drinks table. I grabbed a prawn and popped it into my mouth.

"Calm down." I told him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "It's okay for other guys to compliment me, unless, they say something too over the top."

"Okay, okay!" He said. "It's just, I don't want to loose you to some... Guy." I looked at him, he had a small frown on his face and his eyes were looking down.

"I'm not going to go out with some other guy." I told him. A smile crept on his face. My favourite song came on, Liv It Up (Teenage Wasteland) and I grabbed Xander and started dancing with him. He had a huge smile on his face and was laughing. Then the music was turned off and Luke's voice came over the speakers. I rolled my eyes.

"Who wants to play.... SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!???" He yelled. The crowd went crazy, including me and Xander. Everyone formed a circle. There were heaps of bystanders waiting for the music to come back on. When it did, they began dancing again and forgot about spin the bottle. Jess came into the middle and held a bottle in the air.

"IF THE CAPPED END OF THE BOTTLE LANDS ON ON YOU! YOU HAVE TO KISS WHOEVER JUST SPUN IT!" She explained. "OH, AND IT HAS TO BE A FULL ON "SMOOCH EM' UP KISS!" She added. Every clapped and whooped. It was on! Jess started off. She spun the bottle and it landed on a girl from school, Lidia. They stood up and met each other in the middle. Everyone was watching eagerly. Jess wrapped her arms around Lidia's neck and full on kissed her. Everyone clapped and grinned. I was sitting next to Jess, so it was my shot. All eyes were on me. I took a deep breath and spun it. I closed my eyes, hoping it would land on some hot guy. Preferably Xander or Percy, anyone but Luke. It seemed it had slowed down because in response the crowd oohed. I opened my eyes and looked towards where the bottle was pointing. It was Luke. I sighed and went to get up, but was pulled back by Jess.

"He ran around the circle and jumped in front of it so he could kiss you." She whispered.

"What?! Really." I replied. She nodded. "Well then..." I stood up properly and walked to meet Luke in the middle.

"What are you doing?!" Jess asked, confused.

"Don't worry." I told her with a sly smile. I met Luke in the middle, looked into his eyes and put my hand on his cheek. I looked behind me, at Xander. He was staring intensely at me. I smiled at him then turned back to Luke. I looked into his green eyes. He looked excited. Poor guy, if only he knew what I was about to do. I closed my eyes, to make it look like I was about to kiss him. I clenched my hand into a fist and punched. Bullseye. Right on his jaw. He staggered back, clutching his jaw. The crowd yelled and clapped. A look of hurt flushed his face, but I just ignored it.

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