Chapter 84:

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Dungeons (Cape Town, South Africa)^^^
As we pull up in front of Ben's place, my phone rings.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Hey, Millie, it's Xander." I can hear the grin on his face. I smile.
"Hey Xander! It's sooo good to hear your voice!" I say. I notice Ben flinch and decide to play a little game. I put the phone on speaker so Ben can hear it as well. "I can't wait to get back to you and pay off that big debt." Ben draws in a big breath and opens his door. I get out as well.
"That sounds pretty good, babe. How's it going in Noosa?"
"It's really good. I've just been horse riding."
"Were you imagining another thing you'd like to ride?"
"Xander!" I giggle.
"Alright, well, babe, I have to go, but I will call you tomorrow."
"Alright, wuv you."
"Wuv you too." I smile and hang up. Ben glares at me.
"What?" I shrug.
"You so put that on to make me jealous." He says.
"No I didn't." I reply.
"Well, to be honest with you, it worked, god that guy is freaking lucky." He winks at me and open the apartment door. I run straight to my room and flop on the bed.
"Goodnight Ben!"
"Night, Millie. Sleep tight, don't let the Benstar bite." I laugh and get in pyjamas. Then I climb into bed. The moment my head touches the pillow I fall into a deep sleep.
I wake the next morning to the sound of seagulls and crashing waves. I smile and stretch. I can smell something nice cooking. I get up and walk into the kitchen, slipping my hoodie on. Ben is standing over the stove, cooking pancakes. I smile and plop onto the couch. He glances at me.
"Hey sleepy head! How'd you sleep?" He asks.
"Like a rock," I laugh. "Whatcha cookin'?"
"Pancakes. You know you slept about 13 hours?"
"What? What's the time?"
"I was thinking... Did you wanna go for a surf today?"
"I would love to! But I don't have a wetsuit, bathers or a board."
"It's fine, I've got a board that I outgrew that would be perfect for you, I've got an old wetsuit as well, the only thing is a bikini."
"It's fine, I've got that covered. I'll head down to the op shop."
"Alright then, I'll go dig up the wetsuit and board in the spare anything room and you run down and get your bathers."
"Alright, see you in a bit." I get off the couch, run to my room, chuck on short shorts and a tank top. I grab my purse and slip into my flip-flops, then walk out the door. I bound down the stairs and out of the apartment block. I run to the closest op shop, the one I am most familiar with, and head straight to the bathers isle. There are tons of bathers. I flick through them and grab the ones that catch my eye. I head to the change rooms and try them all on. I settle for a simple black bikini. The top has a fringe and the bottoms have too. I pay for them and run back to the apartment. I knock on his door and he answers with a big grin. I walk in and go straight to my room. I put on my bikini and put a nice flowing white summer dress that stops just above the knee. I come out and see that Ben is in his wetsuit with his board under his arm. The board I'm using is laid across the dinner table. It's the perfect size for me. Ben chucks a wet suit at me and I hold against my body. It looks a tiny bit big, but pretty much okay. I slip the wetsuit over my legs and leave it at my waist. I take my dress off and nod, grabbing the board and putting it under my arm. I turn around and notice Ben staring at me. I smile and snap my fingers.
"Ready?" He asks, snapping out of his stare and blushing.
"Yep. Let's go." I smile. He grabs his keys and holds the door open for me. I walk out and turn back to wait for him.
"We can just walk to the back beach." He says. I nod and start down the stairs, Ben in close pursue.
Along the street, guys whistle at me as we walk past cafés, which makes Ben snake us arm around my waist. I shake my head and pull away from him. I take his hand instead and look up at him. He just looks straight ahead, as if he's ignoring me. I sigh and look straight ahead as well.
Finally we reach the back beach. There are already about 10 surfers there. I smile as I smell the sea air. The waves are relatively big. I take a deep breath before starting my decent down the wooden stairs. Ben has already made it to the bottom of the stairs and is pulling his wetsuit over his arms. I stick my board in the sand and zip the zip up on his wetsuit before putting mine over my arms. Ben zips mine up, then grabs his board and sprint into the water. I follow in close pursue, a huge grin on my face. I laugh and I lift my board over a wave, then jump on and start paddling out behind the waves where it's calmer. I sit up on my board and let the waves bob me up and down. Ben paddles up beside me and sits up as well. I smile at him and look out at the horizon. I notice a big wave forming.
"I've got this one." I say. Ben glances at the wave I've got my eye on and smirks.
"We'll see about that..." He says. I narrow my eyes at him and laugh.
"Just don't be mad if I knock you off your board." And then I start paddling. The wave catches me and my board and if get ready to stand up. I get to the top of the wave and I know it has me, so I place my hands on the sides of my board and push upwards, so I'm on my knees for a second and then straight to my feet. I stretch my arms out for balance and as I start carving down to the bottom of the wave, I turn my board so I'm heading to the top of the board. I repeat this manoeuvre as I surf this wave in order to gain speed. I listen to the wave as it curls behind me. I notice Ben up ahead. He isn't going as fast as me. I smile evilly to myself as I gain more speed and get closer to him. I'm getting closer every millisecond. I'm right behind him, so I turn my board so I go above him on the wave. He glances at me once and then stares at me.
"You asked for it!" I yell. His eyes widen and I give him a big shove, so he falls off his board and forwards into the water, where the wave swallows him up and leaves him floating. I laugh and curve up towards the top of the wave again, where I jump off the wave with my board. I land in the water with a big splash, and when I resurface, I start laughing uncontrollably. I pull my board towards me and get on it, then I start paddling towards Ben. When he sees me approaching, he starts splashing me. I giggle and squeal.
"Oi! Stop it!" I laugh.
"Nope!" He pops the P. I scowl at him and he finally stops. "You're mean." He sulks.
"I told you it was my wave! And I said don't be mad if I knocked you off you're board!" I explain. He rolls his eyes.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. You'll pay, I hope you know that."
"Meh, what worse could you do. You probably won't be able to catch me. You can't gain speed for shit!"
"What? It's true!"
"Fine... How do I gain speed?" He asks sheepishly.
"You gotta head for the top of the wave, not go straight to the bottom. The bottom of the wave is where it's already broken and it hasn't got too much power. So top of the wave. You carve down and then head back up and continue that for as long as you want."
"Okay them. Top of the wave. Got it."
"Good, now let's wait for a bigger wave, then you can give it a try." I smile. I glance at the horizon and then back at Ben. He paddles closer to me and looks out at the horizon casually. I sigh and look up at the sky. It's a beautiful day. The sky is clear, except for a couple of wisps of cloud here and there. The sun is scorching, but it's okay, seeing as we're in the cool water. I look at Ben again. He's looking at me with a strange look on his face. Something along the lines of puzzled and smiling and... something else that I can't quite get. I sigh all of a sudden feeling cranky.
"What?" I huff.
Ben shakes his head and smiles some more. "Nothing," he says. "It's just... never mind."
"What is it?" I demand.
"I just think you're... just forget it." He starts paddling off, but I grab his arm.
"Tell me!" He turns back to me, a look of annoyance on his face.
"I think you're really pretty and I wish you didn't have a boyfriend so I could be your boyfriend." He says really quickly. I release his arm and he paddles off again. I try to forget what he just said and paddle after him. I don't need some stupid love distraction, I think, I don't want him to like me!
I notice a huge wave forming along the horizon, so I turn my board around so the noes is facing the shore. I wait for the right moment the start paddling with the wave. It catches me and I stand up as the top starts to break. I let a big smile grow on my face as I hear the wave breaking behind me, creating the tube. A few seconds later, I'm inside the tube. I let the adrenalin pump through my veins as I start gaining speed to try escape the jaws of this huge tube. Next thing I know the wave nips the back on my board and I loose my balance. I hit the water with a a slap and am immediately dumped by the wave. I feel my board tugging on the leg rope attached to my ankle. I resurface, gasping for air and look around for Ben. I spot him further into shore and nod to myself. I pull my board closer to me and get back on it then start paddling towards him. He waves at me excitedly when he notices I'm paddling towards him. I smile and wave back.
"Did you see me?" He asks.
"Yeah, you were great! Good job at gaining speed." I lie. I didn't see him. I was too busy with my own surfing matters. His smile fades and he shakes his head.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I was dumped by the wave. You just lied to me." He says.
"Well, I can't watch you and surf in the tube, can I?"
"You were in the tube?"
"Yes! So I'm sorry I didn't watch you get dumped." I glare at him. He shoots me a look of hatred and, without another word, starts paddling out towards the horizon. I huff and move further across the beach then out towards where the waves are breaking.
After surfing for about another 2 hours, without speaking to Ben, without looking at him, and without thinking about him. I only look at him when he stops me and tells me it's time to go.
"Whatever." I spit. He rolls his eyes and catches a small wave in. I feel like slapping him across the face as I catch a slightly bigger wave into shore. As I run up the beach, I peel my wetsuit down to my waist and let the sun soak my skin. As I'm about to climb the stairs, a guy comes up to me and holds out his hand.
"I'm Brad." He smiles. I shake his hand, a confused expression coming over my face.
"Uh, hi, I'm Millie." I reply.
"Nice to meet you. You are amazing at surfing!" He exclaims. A smiles breaks onto my face.
"Thank you. I didn't see you, but you look like an experienced surfer. Considering your board is relatively worn and it's well waxed." I smile.
"Yeah, I surf everyday." He says.
"Oh cool. I used to live here, now I live in Vancouver, Canada. I didn't surf too often when I lived here but I knew how to."
"Sweet. Why are you here?"
"Uh... family reasons."
"How long are you here?"
"You ask a lot of questions." I laugh. "I'm here for another few days."
"Well then, do you want to grab a coffee tomorrow?" He asks. I laugh.
"Um, I can't do tomorrow, but I would-"
"Mille, get your sexy ass up here!" I hear Ben call. I look up at him. He has a smirk on his face. I look back at Brad.
"As I was saying, I would-"
"Millie, don't make me have to punish you tonight. I can be pretty rough." Ben says. I glance up at him. He has moved down a couple of steps towards me. His smirk has been replaced with a devilish smirk and his eyes are glinting with desire. I glare at him and then smile at Brad. Brad has a unsure look on his face.
"I'dlovetodoFriday." I say really fast.
"That's it, you're getting it tonight." Ben walks down the stairs as grabs my wrist.
"Let go of me," I snarl. He just chuckles and pulls me. I wrench my wrist out of his grip and turn back to Brad.
"Where should I meet you?" I ask.
"How about the café just up there around 10:30?" He gestures up the stairs. I nod and smile.
"Awesome, I'll see you on Friday Brad." I say, then allow Ben to pull me up the stairs. When we get to the top I stop stubbornly. Ben stops as well and looks at me expectantly.
"What?" He asks impatiently.
"What. The. Actual. Fuck?!" I feel like punching him in the face. "You are so unbelievable."
"I just saved you from the jaws of death, and this is the thanks I get?"
"The thanks? You want me to thank you?"
"Yeah. If you'd been alone, Brad, the lady eater, would've kept complimenting you until he gets you for a drink tonight, then he'll get you drunk and fuck you. Without protection. He's a womaniser, he beats women, he abuses them generally. He treats them like dirt!" I stay silent.
"And I've just arranged to meet him?"
"Shit!" I breath out. He releases my wrist and sighs.
"Just don't go on Friday. Okay?"
"Fine. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Now, kiss and make up?"
"Okay." I say, but then look up at him and shake my head. "No kissing!"
"Too late." He grabs me by the waist and pulls me towards him.
"Fine." I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek.
"CHEATER!!" He grabs my face, squishing my cheeks, and holds my head in place while he places his lips on mine. I try to pull away, but then I fall under his spell and relax. His hand stops squishing my cheeks and he caresses my it instead. I pull away finally and take a deep breath.
"We are never doing that again!" I say breathlessly.
"Oh you've got a big round coming up tonight." He smirks jokingly.
"No way!" I push him. He stumbles and then keeps walking like nothing happened. I laugh and chase after him.
When we get home, I brush all the excess sand off the board and put it in the anything room. Ben puts his board in as well.
"So you prepared for tomorrow?" He asks, closing the door to the anything room.
"Yep, outfit is complete and my chauffeur is present." I sigh. He stands up straight and salutes.
"Yes ma'am." He says firmly. I laugh and hug him.
"Thank you so much. Honestly, if I hadn't have met you on the plane, I wouldn't be having such a great time, I would be paying to stay at a hotel, plus I wouldn't get to stay with you." I pinch his cheek.
"Awwww, my heart is touched." He hugs me tightly. I sigh into his chest and then take a deep breath. He smells like chocolate and Lynx deodorant. I smile.
"Are you... smelling me?" He asks, chuckling. I stop and widen my eyes.
"Maybe." I giggle.
"Do I smell nice?"
"Like shit!"
"Oi, c'mon, be honest."
"You smell like chocolate and deodorant. It's nice." I smile. He places his chin on the top of my head and we just stand there for about five minutes, in each others arms. It's nice. He is the third best hugger I've encountered. Second best is Charlie and the best hugger, of course, is Xander. Finally we pull away and I look at the clock. It's only 2:30 pm.
"We've got about 4 to 5 hours to kill, what do you wanna do?" I ask.
"Well, I've got some research to do. Let's go into the study. You can help me if you like, or you can just do your own thing."
"Cool." I go to the fridge and grab two cans of coke and walk into the study after Ben. He's already in his desk chair with his Mac Book open. I sit in the desk chair next to his and put a can next to his computer.
"Thanks." He says, opening it and taking a scuzzle. I get my phone out and start going through my Instagram feed. Nothing interesting.
He reaches out and puts his hand over mine. I feel all the hairs on my arm stand on end.
I look up at Ben. He has a very strange expression on his face, sort of puzzled and smiling and... something else.
"What?" I pull my hand away, suddenly feeling cranky.
Ben shakes his head and smiles some more. "Nothing," he says. "I just... never mind."
I glare at him. "Alright so shouldn't you be researching, because right now it looks like you're doing nothing. Will you stop looking at me like that?"
"Sorry," says Ben. "But you're very cute when you're angry."
And he leans forward, cupping my chin in his hand, and kisses me very gently on my mouth. My entire body feels as if it had been dunked in fire and ice, and before I know it I am kissing Ben back. He scoots his chair right up to mine, then pulls me off and onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling my face down to his. I lace my fingers through his hair, then let my fingers rest at the back of his neck, just above the collar of his shirt. He makes a satisfied little noise in the back of his throat and grazes his teeth against my bottom lip. My heart is hammering in my chest, almost like it wants to escape.
There is a tinny explosion of noise and Ben tenses, then breaks the kiss and gently slides me back onto my chair. He pulls his mobile from his pocket, glances at the number and frowns. I feel my cheeks grow red, and I turn my chair to face back to the desk, as though I didn't care that Ben had interrupted our make-out session for a phone call. The phone rings for another few seconds, then Ben answers it. He goes out of the study, closing the door behind him and going into his room. An idea hits me. I lean over and start messing around with his computer. I check his history. He hasn't cleared it since last year. I smirk and start scrolling down.
Footy tipping
And so on and so forth. I roll my eyes and quickly slide back into my chair and go back in my phone just as Ben comes back in. He smiles at me and sits down.
"Who was that?" I ask.
"Your girlfriend?"
"I don't have a girlfriend. I wouldn't be making out with you if I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't be letting you stay here if I had a girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend."
"Sorry." I roll my eyes.
"Look. I'm sorry. It was my dad."
"Okay, that's all I wanted to know." I say. "So what are you researching?"
"Universities to go to." He replies.
"Wait, how old are you again?"
"Nineteen. I'm actually tuning twenty on Friday, so you're lucky you're here. I'm having a party."
"Oh, wow. You're old." I tease a smirk planting it's self on my lips.
"Just saying, just saying."
"Question.... Can we go back to what we were doing before?"
"Which part? You on your laptop and me on my phone, or the making out."
"Kissing." He says shortly. I can't wipe the smile growing on my mouth.
"Well, you'll have to catch me before you can kiss me." I say.
"Oh, really?"
"Yep!" And I take off running out of the room. I run through the living and dining space, in and out of rooms, throwing pillows and blankets to try slow Ben down. Finally I hear him stop and so do I. I wait about 5 minutes before confirming he's stopped then, thinking Ben's in the study, make my way to my room. I enter and am surprise attacked by Ben. He grabs me around my waist and pushes me up against the wall. I let out a squeal and then try and escape but Ben shackles my hands in his, above my head. I look up at him and smile shyly.
"You are an evil menace and need to be punished." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and chuckles. I giggle and try to escape once more, but find that is useless seeing as Ben is about 10 times stronger than me.
"You're not going anywhere." He whispers with a smile. I fake pout. He grabs my bottom lip with his teeth and tugs it softly. I stop pouting and smile.
"You're very naughty Ben Williams."
"I know. That's why you love me."
"I do not!"
"You do, just admit it Amelia Smith."
"I do not, Ben Williams."
"Fine, fine, at least give me the make out session you owe me." I giggle and put my lips on his. He releases my hands and puts his at my waist. I bring my hands to his hair and start twirling it through my fingers. I turn my head and deepen the kiss. He grabs my thighs and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waits and keep kissing him. He presses me hard against the wall and then walks us over to the bed. He lays me down gently and then continues kissing me. I feel his hands creep up my shirt and start toying with the band of my bra. He keeps kissing me and he flips us over so I'm on top. Then his hands slide around to my back and he starts trying to undo my bra. He undoes it and tries to pull off my top, but I pull away from the kiss and shake my head.
"We can't," I say, putting my fingers on his lips where he kisses them. I shake my head and smile. The. Climb off him and do up my bra.
"You are very naughty Ben Williams." I laugh. He pouts and stands up.
"Why'd we have to stop. I was enjoying that." He presses himself up against my back, kissing my neck, and I feel exactly how much he was enjoying it. My eyes widen and try to pull away from him, but his hands are at my waist and he pulls me against his body and holds me there. I take a deep breath and try to pull away again, but yet again, he just holds me tighter and starts grinding his hips against my ass. My heart races and I turn around, taking him by surprise, and kiss him hard. He release me and tries to pull me against him again, but I get away. I run out of the room, slamming the door behind me.
"Come back babe! We have to finish that rough round I told you you were in for tonight!" I hear him call after me. He comes out and I jump onto the couch.
"Ben, stop please!" I say sternly. He starts chuckling.
"Oh babe, you're going to scream so loud, the neighbours will complain." He snickers.
"Ben, stop joking around! You're taking it too fucking far! You had your make out session, now stop!"
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I took it too far and it wasn't right of me." He says, putting his hand up and surrendering. I nod and he holds his arms out, signalling for me to hug him. I climb off the couch and run over and give him a hug. He kisses the top of my head and then rests his chin on my head.
"I'm really sorry, it's just..." he pauses, "you drive me crazy when you kiss me like that!" I laugh and yawn. I grab the TV remote and turn it on.
"Have you got an Xbox?" I ask.
"Xbox and playstation."
"Cool, can we play?"
"Sure, but I have to warn you, I'm better than you think!"
"I'll beat you easy! Halo Reach."
After playing for four hours and beating Ben numerous times, we turned off the Xbox and headed down to the main road for dinner. He held my hand and we walked down the street to the fish and chips shop. When we collected our order, we went and sat on the beach along the river. The river was huge and led to the sea. I sat down in the soft sand and opened our dinner. Ben sat next to me and looked out towards the rivers outlet.
"What are you thinking?" I ask.
"Just about how your li...p...s....." He trails off and looks down at his hands.
"Go on." I push.
"Nothing. Don't worry."
"Oh, c'mon, you must be good at saying romantic things."
"Fine, I'm thinking about how soft your lips are and how good it felt to have you on top of me, kissing me."
"Kissing is an understatement. We were making out."
"Yes, we were and it was freaking amazing!" I blush and pop a chip in my mouth.
"I'm surprised you didn't have a girlfriend when I met you."
"Well, I mean look at you." I brush his hair to the side with my fingers. "You're freaking hot. Perfect abs, gorgeous biceps, the best smile, good looking face, amazing personality and you're fun to hang out with. Not to mention one of the best kissing techniques I've ever come across."
"You think I'm hot, ey?"
"Shut up." I shove him.
"What does all this mean? I mean all of our making out and kissing... You have a boyfriend."
"I don't know I what it means." I stay silent for a moment. "But I like it." A grin breaks onto his face and takes a bite of his fish.
"Look, the suns setting." He smiles.
"Oh, it's gorgeous."
"I'm pretty lucky to have the seventh floor. It has a great view."
We sit on the soft sand for the rest of the sunrise, talking, eating. (Kissing occasionally)

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