Chapter 10

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Wow! At school, when I opened my locker, wow. Everyone cared about me so much. I had about 70 get better soon cards. I couldn't believe it. I mean I only fell, and everyone cared about me getting knocked out and all.

I started reading through them. I got to about the 50th one, when the bell rang for first period. A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me close. I smiled as I looked up and saw Charlie.

"Come on!! We're going to be late!" He said, hugging me.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I replied. "Now let me get my freaking books!"

As we walked through the corridor to our class, I saw Tiffany. She smiled at me, but then kept walking. Then I saw Phoebe, one of my bestest friends.

"Hey!" She said with a smile.

"Hey, how are you??" I replied.

"Good, good, but the question is how are you??!! You were in hospital for like 3 days!!!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine now." I reassured her. She gave me a fine look, gave me a hug and walked away.

"Hey Charlie? When I was read through my get better soon cards, there was not a single one from you." I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"That's because I stayed in hospital with you." He replied. I looked up at him, smiled back and put my arm around his waist.

"Charlie, you're doing all these things for me and I don't know how to repay!!!" I told him.

"You don't need to repay me. I do this all because I love you!"

We turned the corner and ran into Ashton, one of Charlie's friends.

"Hey you two love birds," he said with a smirk. "Charlie's gonna have to come with me, we have footy training! We stayed 4th on the ladder so now we're in the finals!!!"

He grabbed Charlie by the arm and dragged him along, before I got to protest.

I got to the gym just before the second bell rang for 1st period to start. I had sport.

"Okay, class, sit down!" Coach yelled. We did as he said, and sat down.

"Coach can be a bit grumpy." I whispered to, Courtney, my best friend, as coach started pacing up and down I front of us.

"Smith!" He called. I stood up immediately.

"Yes, coach?" I replied.

"Give me 10 push-ups!" The whole class oooohed.

"What? For no reason?" I spoke back. He glared at me. I dropped down and started doing push-ups. He continued speaking.

"Now today, we will be playing basketball. Everyone knows how to dribble right?" He asked. Fergus, the dumbest kid ever and no one knows how he passed primary school, stuck up his hand and yelled out "yes coach! I know how to dribble!" Everyone watched him as he began to push a long string of saliva out of his mouth. Everyone gagged and moaned in disgust.

"Tennyson!" Coach yelled. Fergus stood up, slowly. "20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups!"

Fergus came running over to me. Lucky, I had just finished. I stood up and walked over to Courtney. I sat down next to her and tried to keep my laughter in as I watched Fergus attempted to do a push-up. After much discussion about basketball and how to play, we got into 4 teams.

Our gym is massive and has 2 full sized basketball courts. As we spread out onto the basketball courts I tripped. Everyone started laughing. I got up and volunteered to be in jump ball.

When the ball went up I tapped it towards Courtney. She started dribbling the ball down the court as I ran into the key. She passed the ball to me. I caught it and shot from the three pointer line. I held my breath and crossed my fingers as I watched the ball sail through the air. It hit the backboard, went around the ring 3 times and fell in. I jumped into the air. Then I ran over to Courtney and fist bumped her. Then went and hugged the rest of my team.

Fergus, was on the other team, threw a tantrum.

Of course we won, it was mostly because me and Courtney got all the goals. The scores ended up being 13-46!

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