Chapter 64:

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After playing COD for hours on end, I stopped and went up stairs to get my phone. I clicked the home button and the lock screen came up. I had 5 text messages and 1 missed call. The missed call and 4 of the 5 messages were from Charlie, but the other text message was from Xander. I mouth and throat went dry and I swallowed hard. I unlocked my phone and clicked on Xander's message.

Dear Millie,

Don't be mad at me, I wasn't the one who decided to go behind my back, I wasn't the one who stuffed things up. I was the one who came back to you because I loved you, but that has all changed now. I don't love you anymore, I've moved on. Right now, I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my plane to arrive and board. When you come to Canada, I don't want you to try and contact me or find me. Even if you did find me I would just ignore you to the point you gave up. Please don't contact me, I am deleting your contact now. I hope you do the same. Just remember I have moved on and so should you. We are done.

From Alexander

Hot tears spring into my eyes and I clamped my hand over my mouth. I held the phone to my chest and cried non stop. I lay down and buried my face in the pillow. I wanted to fall into a endless sleep. And seemed as I did because the next morning I woke up at 12:30 pm. And it was a school day. Friday to be exact. And I had a party tonight. I stumbled out of bed and stripped off, jumping into the shower fast and having a freezing cold shower to wake me up. I wrapped a towel around me and ran over to my uniform that was slung over my desk chair. I got dressed, applied minimum makeup, grabbed my purse, phone and 15 bucks from my mums savings jar, and ran out the door with my bag in one hand, purse in the other and the $15 in my mouth. I sprinted to the bus stop and watched the only bus for 40 minutes drive off. That's it, I had had it. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my contacts, finally I came to Charlie's number. I pressed call. It rang 5 times then he picked up. It sounded like he was on the oval. That's right it was lunch time.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi Charlie, it's Millie. Look I really need you to come and pick me up. Like now. I have missed the last bus and the isn't another one going for 40 minutes and I'm really late!" I explain.

"Where are you?" He asks, his voice sounding annoyed.

"Awwww, thanks best boyfriend ever! I'm at the bus stop at the front of my street."

"Alright, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Thanks so much." I hang up and sit down under the shelter. It starts raining. Great.

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