Chapter 18:

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I have 6 parties to go to these holidays and every party I'm going to, Charlie's going as well, so I think I'm going to be safe. Safe as in guys won't be attacking me. I have to have 6 different out fits for each party. God!

Anyway..... Guess what!

Mitchell asked Tiffany to the school dance, soooo everyone's happy. Except me. Charlie didn't bother asking me, so I had to ask him instead.

"So Charlie? Seeing as you couldn't be stuffed to ask me to the school dance, I'm going to ask you!" I said, kneeling down in front of him. "So, Charlie Ashton Mellark, would do me the honour of taking me to this years school dance?" Looking at him pleadingly.

"Whatever." He replied. I stared at him in disbelief.

"Really?" I asked.


"Whatever. What kind of a response is that? If you don't take me to this school dance, I swear to God my mum will have a freakin heart attack!" Charlie stared at me blankly. He blinked a few times and thought.

"Well if your mum's going to have a heart attack.... I guess I have no choice but to go." He shrugged pulling me on top of him. I slapped him.

"You better be doing this for me!" I said, staring him down as he held his face. I realised how mean I was being and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks?" He said, sort of confused.

"I'm sorry, it's just all my friends were being asked by their boyfriends and you just stood there, not bothering to ask me out!" I told him.

"Hey, I guess I should have asked you out, it's just I was afraid that you didn't want to go." He said.

"I have gone to every single school dance since I was in year 7!" I said. He looked at me, blankly.

"I haven't. I actually never had a date to take so I never went, but this year is different." He smiled.

Later that day, me and Charlie went to the shopping centre. Guess what I bought. A dress, another dress, another dress, another dress, some pleather leggings, a pleather skirt (I know, I know, I sort of have an obsession over pleather), a cropped top and some high waisted jeans. I swear Charlie was about to loose it at me. I tried on about 50 billion dresses and jeans and tops and skirts.

Charlie was acting really weird when he saw Tiffany. I had to drag him away because he kept wanting to be next to her. I just think he was trying to like her. We all went and saw a movie and he sat next to her so I had to ask to sit next in between them. They kept looking at each other and it made me feel really weird! I actually kissed Charlie, in the biggest action scene, in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, for the sake of proving, that me and him were together, to Tiffany. Then he hugged me and I heard the sound of someone kissing. I stopped hugging him and pulled away. He looked at me, wide eyed and guilty. I ignored him and went back to watching the movie. When the movie finished I said goodbye to Tiffany and walked with Charlie to the bus stop. He kept looking behind and looking at Tiffany. On the bus I confronted him.

"What is with you and Tiffany?!" I asked, really pissed off.

"Ummm... Nothing! She's just a cheerleader." He replied.

"It sure doesn't seem like it! You're hitting on her!" I began yelling.


"Yes, you were. And you lied to me!"


"You said you weren't into girls like her!"

"Well, things change!"

"YEAH! THEY DO, DON'T THEY CHARLIE!!! DON'T EVER CONTACT ME AGAIN!! WE'RE THROUGH!!" I screamed, crying. I hopped of the bus. He waited, to get his distance, then hopped off as well. I turned around and looked him in the eye.

"And to think I actually fell for you." I said quietly. He hung his head and walked away silently. I watched him. He turned around.

"I'm so sorry." He said. I turned away and began walking home. When I got home, Connor greeted me.

"Hey Mills! You were really good on the footy field, yesterday!" He said, happily. Then he saw that I had been crying. He held his arms out. I actually ran to him and hugged him. For the first time. My mum stood in the hallway, watching us.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I just nodded and he led me into the lounge room. I told him what had happened. After I had, my phone went off. I looked at the caller I.D.


"It's Charlie." I said to Connor.

"Answer it." He said.

I hesitated and then I answered it.

"What do you want?" I whispered.

"Hey babe, I was just wanting to say how sorry I am. I should have told you!" He blabbed on.

"You think?! I just have one question. How long has that thing been going for?" I asked.

"The truth?"

"No, I want you to tell another lie!"

"Okay, okay. Ummmm... About 2 weeks." He told me. My heart broke into more pieces. I stayed silent and began crying. "Babe? You there?"

"I'M NOT YOU FUCKING BABE!!! You really hurt me! Okay? And to think we had sex! I hope you get hit by a car!" I yelled, sobbing. I slammed the phone down and burst into more tears! Connor put his arm around my shoulder and squeezed me. I cried into him. He rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry, Millie. Sometimes boys can be total jackasses." He said. That made me smile a bit. I looked up at Connor.

"Thank you for supporting me." I said. He smiled and patted my hair.

"No problem. You're my girlfriends daughter, I want to help you as much as I can!" He told me. I stopped crying as he got up and turned on my XboxOne. He handed me a controller and plopped onto the couch.

"Which game?" I asked.

"Far Cry 3." He replied.

"Cool!" I said. We played till 2 am. Then we fell asleep on the couch. In the morning, when we woke up, mum was taking pictures of us. I covered my face and turned to Connor. He laughed and so did I.

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