Chapter 19:

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The first party was coming up. I had no one to go with. So I walked there by myself. It was cold and dark. When I arrived there was loud music blasting and people standing around talking. (Oh and if you were wondering, I haven't talked to Tiffany yet, but I plan to!) I walked in and was greeted by Mitchell.

"Hey!!!" He yelled over the music.

"Hey!!" I yelled back. "Where's Tiffany?!"

"She's upstairs in my parents bedroom!" He yelled.

My eyes widened. "Where's Charlie??!!"

"Upstairs with her!"

"You do know Charlie has been cheating on me, right?" Mitchell shook his head. "With Tiffany!"

He stared at me. We both turned and ran up the stairs. We reached his parents bedroom.

I knocked. "Charlie!?"

"Shit! Uhhh, yeah?" I opened the door. He had the sheet right up to his chest. I saw Tiffany next to him. I covered my eyes. But then realised that Mitchell was staring, wide eyed and mouth open. I moved my hand over his eyes. I turned him around and escorted him to the drinks table.

"You okay?" I asked, putting my hand on his arm.

"I guess." He said. I poured him a drink.

"Here, drink up! Tonight, we get drunk!!" I said, handing him the cup and poured myself a drink as well. We clinked cups and drank.

"You know, I have a friend who is desperate! She's pretty as well! What do you say?" I asked.

"Is shehere?" He asked, slurring his words.

"Duh! You invited the whole of year 9 and 10!! Of course! I'll go find her. Wait here!!" I said. He nodded. I went and found Courtney. She was shy at first, but after a couple of drinks, she was on his lap. He stood up and told her yo go up to his room.

"I have afriend aswell. Hisname is Alexander." He told me. "I'll gofind him." He staggered off and came back 5 minutes later with a really hot guy! He came and stood next to me. He smiled at me. I smiled back and butterflies erupted in my stomach. His smile!!!!

"Hey, I'm Alexander, but you can call me Alex or Xander." He said. Wow. His voice and accent.

"I like Xander and are you from Canada?" I asked.

"Yeah! Finally someone didn't say America!" He laughed.

"Oh right. I'm Amelia but you can call me Millie." I said.

"I love your name!" He complimented.

"Thank you! You enjoying the party?" I asked,

"Yeah! It's pretty awesome!"

"Are you new to the area?" I asked.

"Yes, I just moved in! I'm going Noosa High!"

"Wow! That's where I go!!" I said, with a huge grin. "Have you had a drink?" I asked handing him a cup.

"Yeah, I've had a few, but never enough!" He laughed. My heart melted. "Ummmm... Well, do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I guess I do." I replied, with a smile. I crossed my fingers, hoping he would ask me out.

"I do!" He said, running his hand through his hair nervously. He smiled, looking into my eyes. He put his hand on my neck and moved closer. I quickly looked around the room. Everyone was either making out with someone or dancing. I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. We kissed for what felt like 10 hours!!!! His lips were perfect. Moist and soft! When the party finished at 3am, Alexander walked me home.

"So...." He said as we walked down my street, to my house. "You have a date for the school dance? Oh god, you probably do! You're pretty and amazing and sweet and cute and friendly!"

"No, actually, I don't. My ex boyfriend cheated on me with one of my ex friends!" I told him.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He said quietly.

"Nah, it's fine. He was really quite annoying." I lied.

"You know I'd never do that?"

"I'd hope not!" I laughed. He smiled. I shivered. He saw me and gave me his jacket. I put it over my shoulders.

"Thanks." I said. We kept walking in a comfortable silence. I stopped outside my house. "Well this is my house!" I said with a shrug. We walked up onto the verandah. He faced me, putting his hands on my hips. I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I squinted my eyes and saw him with his eyes comfortably closed. I closed mine again and kept kissing him. I pulled away.

"Wanna come in?" I asked.

"I would love to but, I have to get home." He said.

"Right, that's fine." I said, a bit dissapointed.

"But can... I get your number?" He asked with a hopeful face.

"Yeah sure!" I said, pulling my phone and getting my number out. "Can I get yours as well?"

"Yeah, you first." He said. I gave him my number and then got his. I went in as quiet as possible. I crept up the stairs and got into my PJ's, then I crept back down and got some food. I went and sat down on the lounge room couch and turned the tv on. I ended up being too tired to go back upstairs and so I slept on the couch. Again.

In the morning, I woke up with my phone ringing. I checked the caller I.D. It was Alexander. I answered it, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Hello." I yawned.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" He laughed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you were doing anything today?"

"Nah, I'm not doing anything."

"Well, do you want to go see Divergent?"

"Oh my god! Yes!"

"Cool!!! Maybe we could get dinner after it."

"Wait, dinner? What's the time?"

"It's 3:36, you slept forever. I called you about 10 times!"

"Wow, okay then. Can you pick me up?"

"Of course! See you soon."

"Bye!" Once I had hung up, I squealed. Mum ran down and smiled when she saw my face.

"What happened now?" She asked.

"You know how I went to the party last night?" I began.


"Well, I met a guy and he's Canadian and he likes me and I like him and he sort of asked for my number and just then he sort of asked me out!"

"Well okay then. But are you sure you're ready for another relationship?" She asked sitting down, on the couch, next to me.

"I think I am..." I replied. "It'll show Charlie that I'm truly over him!"

"And what's this boys name?"

"Alexander." I said. She was silent for a little.

"Has Mitchell found out about Tiffany?"

"Mhmm. He was pretty stunned."

"Well, I'd be!"

"Anyway, I have yo go upstairs and have a shower!" I said as my mum moved over. Loki jumped up in my spot. I picked him up and looked at him. "You know what? You remind me of Xander!" I said to Loki. He barked and licked my face.

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