Chapter 32:

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Doctor P.O.V

"She's coming to," I told the nurses. "Give her more anasthetic." The nurses did as I said. Clara was watching my every move. She kept getting in the way. "Clara, would you mind stepping outside of the room?" I asked, impatiently. She flashed me a look and walked out. I went back to operating. All of a sudden the beeping from the heart monitor slowed down. "Quickly stabilise her!" I commanded. Millie's heart beat went back to normal. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and kept operating. 30 minutes later and her appendix was out and we had sewn up her cut. We made sure she was stable before we took off her oxygen mask and giving her a pain killer.

Job well done, I think!

Millie's P.O.V

I woke up, yet again, in a hospital bed with bright lights shining in my eyes. I blinked a couple of times and tried to sit up, but was told to lye back down.

"Lye back down, immediately." Said a mans voice. I did as the man said and lay back down. "I am Hugo Strange. But you may call me Strange."

"Yep, and Strange suits you." I murmured under my breath. He stood up and came over to me. "What do you want?" I asked, a bit dazed from the operation.

"Nothing, I just need you for an experiment." He said, with a sly grin. At that moment, The Doctor burst through the door.

"She won't be going anywhere with you!" He said, with a grin. I smiled. "Because I need her."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "I ain't going anywhere with anyone." They both stood there shocked. Blinking at me. I smiled and called for a nurse. Clara came.

"Hey Millie!" She said. "Recovering alright?" I nod.

"Could be better." I replied.

"What are you doing here?" Clara asked, pointing at Hugo Strange.

"I need her for an experiment." He stated.

"Well, I don't think she wants to go with you!" She said, looking him up and down.

"Can I have a word with you, Clara?" Doctor butted in. He grabbed Clara's hand and led her out before she could protest. I heard them talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. All of a sudden Xander came in. He looked at Strange. He stared at him with a really confused look on his face.

"You're... You're actually....." Xander stammered. "You're Hugo Strange!"

"Yes, yes I am." He admitted.

"Have you seen Batman recently?" Xander asked. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Xander quickly remembered why he was here and came over to me. "Um, Hugo? Could give us some time?"

"Make it snappy!" He commanded, as he walked out.

"Okay, Millie. I have some really bad news to tell you." He said. My heart sank.

"Well, that's just what I need right now, isn't it?" I asked rhetorically.

"Anyway, in a month, I'll be... I'll be..... Be.... I'll be moving back to Canada." He told me. My heart sank even more.

"What?" I asked, hoping I had heard it wrong.

"I'm moving back to Canada."

"But you can't!" I protested.

"Millie, I'm not the one who made the decision. My parents did. Look I'm really sorry." He said. Hot tears sprang into my eyes. He gave me a hug and waited for me to stop before kissing me.

"Young love!" Said The Doctor, clapping his hands together as he walked into the room. Clara. Of course, followed closely behind. Xander ignored them.

"Listen, when I leave, I want you to come to the airport to wave me off. I smiled weakly and nodded my head.

"Anything for you!" I said, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Good! Now you probably have some business to get to." He said getting up. I grabbed his hand.

"No, please stay! I need help fighting these guys" I asked sweetly. He sighed.

"Oh, alright!" He agreed. The Doctor came over to me.

"Look, Millie, I really need you because there is something I really need to show you and it's kind of really important." He said in a dim voice, all of a being very serious. "So are you going to help of not?" I just nodded, but then shook my head.

"No, I can't."


"Well, I have my mum here and I have everything I need, right here. I couldn't do that!" He gave me a frown as I explained this. He stood up.

"Forget it. I'll get someone else." He spat, turning away and walking out. Clara came over to me.

"Don't mind him." She told me. "He can get a bit aggressive if things don't go his way."

"It's fine. I can understand."

"Oh, believe me hon, you haven't seen the worst of him." She said, turning on her heel and chasing after The doctor.

And that was that. I didn't see anymore of him after that. Xander didn't mention anything either. He drove me home a couple of days later and my mum burst into tears when I walked into the house.


I hope you are loving this story.

I would just like to give a massive shout out to my biggest fan...


She has given me so many ideas for this book and has, I guess you could say... Supported me. She actually asked for my autograph! She is amazing. GO FOLLOW HER!!!!

Imogen, I LOVE you so so so so so so so so so so soooooo much!!!!!! :)

Enjoy guys

There will be more updates coming.

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