Chapter 16:

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That night I slept like a log. Again. My mum had to open the blinds and shove me out of my bed.

"Muuuummmmmmm!!!!" I whined.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed! You have a footy matchin 30 minutes!" She told me.

"Shit! Mum! Why didn't you get me up earlier!" Mum looked at me and then held her hand out to help me up. I grabbed it and hauled myself up. I went over to my wardrobe and got out my footy uniform. I pulled it on quickly, without taking a shower. I brushed my hair up into a messy ponytail and put on my footy boots.

I leapt down the stairs and into the kitchen. Connor was sitting there in my seat. I looked at him and smiled weakly. He smiled a massive grin.

Connor was quite a muscly man. He was about 5 foot 9, has brown hair, has brown eyes and likes footy. Unfortunately. I sat down next to him and waited for my pop-tart to pop. I grabbed it out of the toaster and began eating it. I ran back upstairs. Got a water bottle, a towel and my sports bag. I raced down the stairs again, still eating my pop-tart, and waited at the door.

"C'mon mum! I'm waiting!" I yelled. She appeared in the hallway.

"Do you mind if Connor comes?" She asked, in her sweet voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine!" I said just as Connor came up beside my mum. I smiled at him again.

"I can't wait to see you play, Millie." He said excitedly, rubbing his hands together. Yet again, I smiled at him, fakely.

As we came to the football field, I saw Tiffany, in her cheerleading uniform.

"You can drop me off here, and go find a park." I told mum as she slowed down.

"Sure sweetie. I'll see you when you're on the field and me and Connor will cheer our hearts out." She said, with a big smile. Connor nodded.

"Okay! See you guys." I said getting out of the car, I grabbed my bag and hugged Tiffany.

"Hey, you!" She said.

"Hey!" I smiled.

"You'll never guess what happened to me a couple of days ago!"

"What happened?"

"I'm cheer captain!!!!!" She squealed.

"Wow! That's great!" Then I saw Charlie. I ran up to him and leapt up onto him. He hugged me, lightly and then put me back on the ground. He smiled weakly at me. I smiled at him, concerned.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing!" He said quickly, running his fingers through his hair, nervously. I stared into his eyes. He looked around. Trying not to meet my gaze. His eyes locked in with mine.

"Omg! You've done something you don't want me to know about!" I said, surprised. He didn't say anything. "What did you do?"

"Nothing! I did nothing!" He said, trying to defend himself. Without another word, I walked away. I went over to the change rooms and got in a circle with my team. I started talking about our game plan. When it was time to go onto the field, Charlie came up to me and kissed me.

"Good luck." He said, with a weak smile. I looked at him and faked a smile.

"Thanks." I said, running to the front of my team, readying myself to lead them onto the ground.

"And now we welcome our team to the field. Everyone put your hands together for the Hawks!" I heard over the speaker. I got my game face on and ran onto the field. I kicked the football to Courtney. She marked it and hand balled it to Grace. We did some drills and goal kicking and then we were ready yo start playing.

I was playing in the front pocket so I was kicking the goals. The siren went off and it was game on!

It was about halfway through the 2nd quarter and the cheer squad were taking a rest. I looked over and tried to find Tiffany. I saw her. Backed up on the post of the stand and them I saw a guy with her. I looked harder. It was.... Charlie.

My heart broke in 2. I all of a sudden felt really sick and faint. I tried to focus on the game, but I couldn't help but keep looking over there. He was kissing her. I felt really weak. I looked at the ball. It was coming towards me. I held my hands up to try and mark it. The ball hit my hands. I brought the ball towards my chest. I closed my eyes. Waiting for the impact of the girl on the other team to hit me. I opened my eyes. No one was around. I was sitting in a room. Made up of only big white walls. There was a little door. I went over to it, still holding the football and still in my footy uniform. I opened the door and crawled through it. On the other side, I was in horse riding gear and instead of a football, I was holding a riding helmet. I saw a barn and opened the doors. In it were stables with lots of horses. I walked to the end and looked into the stable. In it was a beautiful mare. I went in, put on my helmet and put on her saddle and reins. Once I had saddled her up I led her out into a field. I mounted her and began troting. When I was comfortable I kicked her and she started galloping. I followed a river and when we got tired we stopped. I lay down next to the river and let my horse, Amber, graze.

All of a sudden heard giggling. I sat up and looked at the field across the river. I saw Charlie and Tiffany sitting there. Tiffany was in Charlie's lap.

"CHARLIE!!!" I screamed, crying. He didn't hear me. "CHARLIE!!!! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!!???" I sobbed.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I sat straight up.

"Sweetie, it's me. It's mummy." Said a gentle voice. I opened my eyes and saw my mum. I was crying.

"Baby, it's okay. You only had a dream." She said. I hugged her and stopped crying. "You go back to sleep, because you have a football game tomorrow and you need some sleep."

I lay back down and went back to sleep.


So, so, sooooo sorry for the late update!! I have had so much going on. I promise to do more updates soon.

I would love to give a shout out to my best friend......


She is amazing and it was her birthday on Saturday, but I didn't get time to give her a shout out.

I hope you forgive me Sara!!! I love you so much!!! YEHET!!!!!!!

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