Chapter 52:

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It's the last day that Xander's here. His plane leaves at 2 am. That's why I'm going to make this day the best day he has ever lived.

As I walked up the steps onto his front porch, I made up a speech as to what I was going to say when he leaves to get his plane. I knocked on the door and waited. Marcus opened the door. I stood there shocked. He looked me up and down, a smirk playing on his face. I was wearing a cropped top and super skinny black jean.

"Oh hey Millie." He said, pulling me into a hug. I could feel his hand getting lower on my back. I quickly pulled away.

"Uh, hey. Is Xander here?" I asked, a bit creeped out. Marcus, one of the nicest guys I know, has decided to like me. God!

"Yeah, he's here. But wouldn't you rather see me?" He asked, putting a puppy dog face on and taking a step towards me.

"No! I'm here to see Xander. It's his last day, let me through!" I pleaded, trying to push past. He stopped me and grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull out of his grip, but he was too strong.

"Let go of me!"

"Never! Not an till you say you like me!"

"But I don't!"

"What about that little kiss we had at the parklands. You were into me! You liked me."

"Yeah, I may have had a bit of a liking towards you, but all that has changed! Now if you let me go, maybe I'll reconsider you!" I hissed. He thought about this offer.

"You better think about us!" He said in a threatening voice. He released my wrist and I pushed past him, rubbing my wrist. I heard him chuckle as I got to the end of the hall. I ignored him and went up the stairs to Xander's room. I pushed the door open. There he was lying on his bed with his headphones on full blast, throwing a ball at the ceiling and catching it.

"Hello!" I said, with a grin. He didn't hear me. I spoke up louder.

"Hello!!" No reply. I jumped on his bed and started jumping up and down.

"I. Said. Hell. O!!" I yelled. I looked at him. The look in his face was priceless. Shocked mixed with stunned. I laughed. He grabbed my leg and pulled me down on to him. He laughed and looked deep into my eyes. He kissed me.

"What are we going to do today?!" He asked excitedly.

"Well, first, it's a Sunday, so the footy's on!" I explained.

"AFL? Or your footy game?"


"Awesome! Who's playing?" He asked.

"Sydney and the Hawks." I answered. I had to watch this game. Ever since Buddy Franklin moved to Sydney, Sydney Swans have been playing really well! And the Hawks really have to make it to the grand final!

"Cool, what time?"

"7:50 pm till like 10:30."

"Great, so what are we going to do for the day?"

"Why so many questions? Just grab your keys and let's go, I'll direct you as you drive." I smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"You're going to have to yell."

"Yeah, yeah! Just hurry up." I begged. He got up and left the room. I closed my eyes and breathed in. I could smell his cologne he wears. I'm going to miss this. I felt a presence in the room. My eyes snapped open. I saw Marcus standing there. I rolled my eyes and turned and faced the wall. I felt the bed droop as he sat down next to me. I felt as his hand rubbed my back.

"Go away!" I mumbled.

"No. Look I can't stop thinking about you." He began. "I know you're with Xander but that's only for today. The moment he's gone-"

"I'll be with Charlie!" I cut him off, as I propped myself up on one elbow.

"Well, maybe we could give us a go? I mean you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and met! Just please give it a thought, please." He got up and walked out. Xander appeared in the doorway and big grin slapped across his gorgeous face.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Le goooooo!!!" I laughed, jumping off his bed and running after him. Marcus was waiting for us on the front porch. He gave a man hug to Xander and wished him the best. Why aren't guys as emotional as girls when their best mate leaves? We got on the Ducati and sped off.

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