Chapter 60:

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As we arrived at the airport, my heart started beating rapidly. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. The car stopped and we hopped out. We walked through the big doors and into the crazy life of the airport. I took hold of Xander's hand and squeezed it. My eyes darted all over the place rapidly. My breathing quickened. Xander supported my back.

"Millie," he said, quietly. "It's okay."

"I know. It's just all so real." I told him. He tugged my arm and I followed him. As we arrived at customs, a security guard came up to me.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I squeezed Xander's hand tightly and he flew into action.

"Oh no, sir, she's with us. She wants to say goodbye to me." He told him. The guard glared at me and Xander.

"People who aren't boarding a plane have to say goodbye here." He told us firmly.

"Perhaps you could reconsider." Xander said, placing $500 in the guards hand. My eyes widened. Xander smirked at me. The guard probably shouldn't have taken the bribe, but he did. I kept hold of Xander's hand as the guard walked us to the terminal. We sat down and began the long wait for the plane to be ready. It was 12am and Xander's plane left at 2:30am. I rested my head on his shoulder and allowed myself to fall asleep.

An hour left and Xander woke me up. I was fully awake after 5 minutes of looking at my Instagram feed.

Xander took my hands in his hands and looked into my eyes. His eyes were sad and worn out. They didn't have their brilliant blue anymore, they were more a grey blue.


Hey bros!!!!

For this part coming up to be really sad and meaningful, I want you to stop reading and look up the song Wait by M83 and scroll to 3:00 minutes of the song, then start reading and listening to the song. The song is from The Fault In Our Stars 😭

I almost started crying!!!! 😪




"Look, Millie, I want to stay with you forever. I want to love you forever. I want to hold you in my arms forever. I want to grow old with you. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You care for me. Quite frankly, you know me better then I do. You laugh with me. Yeah, sure we had the occasional fight, but that just made us stronger as a couple and I know that you still loved me even when I annoyed the shit out of you." He said, still staring deeply into my eyes. That made me laugh, bit sadness pained my heart and a couple of tears slid down my cheeks. "The fact that your dad is no longer with you and your mum works full time, but you still find the courage to carry on and love a happy life... It's just phenomenal. You are my sunshine in my world. You are the fire that keeps me going. I want you to know that I will always love you and remember you. You are the first girl I ever kissed properly. Please don't be angry with me. You can easily move on from me, you know that, because you are a strong and resilient person. And I'm just another boy who has broken your heart. I don't care if you get over me tomorrow or in 5 years, just as long as you forget me and you don't have pain in your heart when you think of me. It's easy. Get rid of photos, erase your memory, make a voodoo doll for all I care, just please forget me. You are the first person that I have actually felt this way with. Never in a million years did I think I could fall in love this easily. Our relationship started with one kiss and it will end with one."

He leant forward and kissed me. It felt like the exact same kiss we had first had. A simple passionate kiss. He pulled away, a sad look on his face. The tears were streaming down my face. I didn't want him to leave, and now he had broken up with me? He was going to another country. Of course he had to. But there was still Skype. I kept staring into his eyes.

"Why? Why did you have to break up with me? Was it getting too much? We could take it down a notch. You don't know how much this is killing me. It pains my heart, Xander. I loved you!" I sobbed. He wrapped his arms around me and for some reason I couldn't find the guts to wrench his arms off me, instead I cried into his neck. I could hear his heart beating rapidly. He tried to kiss me again, but I just shook his arms off me and stood up.

"How could you do this? We still had Skype, we could still chat and have a relationship." I said quietly.

"Please, sit back down, Mills." He pleaded.

"No! Don't Mills me! I don't want to see your face again! Don't contact me, don't tell your friends that you want to contact me and don't ever say you love me again! Because that's not true. Is it?" I sobbed. I ran off, out of the terminal and out of the airport. I stopped and caught my breath. Tears were pouring from my face uncontrollably. I sank to the ground. Why did he have to do this to me. It was stressing me out. I loved him! I hailed a taxi and just as I was about of get in I heard my name called. There he was standing in the door looking around. I told the taxi man to wait and started walking towards Xander. He saw me and ran towards me. He stopped just in front of me.

"I was wrong to say that our relationship ends with one kiss, because I want to stay with you forever, remember?" He told me. But he didn't realise... He was too late. If he wanted to break up with me, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

"No Alexander, you were right to break up with me. Maybe we weren't meant to be, you know? I mean if we were to be together to the end of our lives, you wouldn't of had the idea of breaking up with me in the first place." I told him. "Please, forget about me. Have a safe flight. Maybe you'll find someone in Canada that you're a perfect match with."

I blew him a kiss and got in the taxi. As the taxi drove off, I looked back to see him in the middle of the road, his hands at the back of his head, in his hair, just watching as I drove off. He blew a kiss back. I sank into the seat.

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