Chapter 13:

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The movie was good. Me and Charlie ended up kissing. It was a romantic scene, what can I say! After the movie I dragged him through the shopping centre and we went clothes shopping. He bought a pair of black jeans that look a-mazing. I bought a singlet top, a pair of bikinis and some knee high boots.

Then we went and ate in the food court. He stared at me as I stuffed my face full of food. I sopped and look at him, my mouth full of rice paper roll. He started laughing.

"You look like a monkey!" He laughed.

"An ugly one or a cute one?"

"An ugly one, of course!" He said again, trying to breathe through his laughter. I stared at him, while swallowing my food. I took a sip of my Gatorade while still staring at him. He looked straight back into my eyes and smiled a goofy smile. Then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. It was Mitcell. Charlie's gaze immediately broke away from mine and his eyes narrowed. Mitchell took his hand off my shoulder and stepped back.

"Why are you here?" Charlie interigated.

"I just wanted to talk to Mills. Privately." He replied. Charlie looked at me, his eyes full of concern. I nodded. Then he nodded. I stood up and walked over to an empty table.

"Mitchell, what is it?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, you know your friend, Tiffany or something?" He asked.

"Yes, Tiffany."

"Well I sorta......" He trailed off.

"Omg, you like her!!" I shouted, quite loudly. Everyone in the food court stared at us. I looked down at the table.

"Yes I do and I'd prefer it if it stayed between our friends and not the whole world!" He hissed.

"Sorry.... But do want to know the funny thing?? She likes you too!!!!" I said. He stared at me in disbelief. I rolled my eyes. "I can set you up don't worry!" He was speechless.

"Thank you! Now go back to eating before your boyfriend comes over and kills me!" Mitchell pushed me. I stood up and walked back over to Charlie. He had been watching us like a hawk.

"What did he want?" Charlie asked aggressively.

"Oh he just likes Tiffany so that means he'll stop harassing me!" Charlie smiled, yet again and got up.

"Do you want to go?" He asked.

"Yep!" We spent 2 more hours shopping. Then we went back to his place.

He has a younger sister called Paige, who is absolutely adorable. She's 5 years old. When I walked through the door she came running up to me.

"MILLIE!!!!!" She yelled as she ran towards me and leapt into my arms.

"Hey, Paige! How are you?"

"Good, where have you been?" She asked, looking at the bags in my hand.

"I went shopping with your brother." She looked up at me and smiled.

"Can you play with me?" She asked with puppy eyes.

"Paige, I can't, I have to study!"

"Ohhhhhhh, pppplllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!"

"Fine." I finally gave up. I put the bags down in Charlie's room and went to her room. She was playing with her Barbies.i sat down next to her and picked up a Barbie.

"No, no, no! You have to act Pricilla!" She whined. I put my hands up in defence and took Pricilla from her hands. We played for half and hour then I got bored and went into Charlie's room. He had his headphones on and he was daydreaming and I could hear the music from his doorway.

"Charlie." I said. He didn't answer. "CHARLIE." He didn't answer. "CHARLIE!!!!" I yelled. He snapped out of his day dream and took his headphones off.

"Hey babe." He said with a smile.

"Hey," I replied. "You know you're going to go deaf with you blasting that music!"

He smiled at me.

"You worry too much." He snickered. I glared at him.

"Quit it!" I snapped. "I'm sorry." I said, finding a sudden interest in his carpet and looking down.

"Come here." He said. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. "You are a very unpredictable girl! You know that?"

"Yeah, I guess." I replied. "Hey, I better get going to get ready for the party, pick me up at my place." He nodded and gave me a kiss then pushed me off his knee.

I said goodbye to Paige and left.

When I got home there was a note on the kitchen bench for me. It said...

Hey sweetie, Gone to Connors for the night, I asked Charlie's mum if you could stay the night at theirs and she said it was fine. Have fun at the party and I'll see you tommorow Lots of love, mum :)

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