Chapter 49:

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I sat there cuddled up to Tom, crying and in pain.

"Shh shh shh. It's okay Millie. Everything's going to be fine. Just relax." He told me, rocking back and forth a bit.

"I want Xander." I sobbed. "He could be dying."

"No, he's in hospital. He had a small crack in his head, but apart from that he's fine. He's getting the right treatment and I've been told that he's in a stable condition." He said.

When I was in hospital, I asked to see him. They told me the number of his room and I went there, but it was empty. No one was in there, all the lights were off, not a single thing moved. No Xander. I went back to the desk. The lady behind the counter looked guilty. I asked her again and she looked into my eyes.

"He is in room 101. The room next to yours. But the doctor said he has to be left alone." She told me. I rolled my eyes at her and walked to his door. I opened the door a crack and peered in. There he was. Sound asleep. All okay, except for a bandage wrapped around his head. I closed the door quietly and went back to my ward. I had a very restless sleep. My burns were uncomfortable. I had to call the nurse about 20 times so they could put this weird cream on it. When I woke up at 5 in the morning I went next door to Xander and lay down next to him. He was still fast asleep. I finally fell asleep next to him. His warmth was comforting and nice. I woke up 3 hours later at 8. I turned over to see him staring at me.

"Morning." He said, leaning in for a kiss. I kissed him back.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Sore. What happened?"

"You know how we were kanoodling in bed at the party? Well there was a fire at the time. Luke burst through the door and told us to ge-"

"Yeah, yeah, I remember that! After that. When we fell."

"Oh, well. You cracked your head and became unconscious. I just have really bad burns. So do you." He took my arm examining it. I winced and jerked my arm away as he touched one.

"Sorry." He said. I shook my head.

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. It was ru- hang on! I had every right to storm out of there! You are the one who should be apologising about what you did with Nikita!" I hissed at him. He looked up at the ceiling, guiltily, not saying a word. I slid off the bed. As I got to the door, I turned around expecting, him to be apologising, or at least following me. But he just lay there staring at the ceiling.

"I can't believe you can't even apologise! You're unbelievable, you know?" I walked out slamming the door behind me. I hopped back into my bed and turned away from the door. I heard the door open. I stayed rolled over.


"Fuck off Xander!" I yelled, turning around to see a startled Tom. I clamped my hand over my mouth. "Shit, I am so sorry. I'm such a freaking idiot!"

"No, no, no, no, no, no. It's fine." He said, walking over and sitting on the bed next to me. "I just came to ask a question."

"Oh, well then... Ask away." I said with a smile.

"Well..." He began, twiddling his thumbs and fumbling with his fingers. "I wanted to ask you if you would ever consider going ou-"

"Sooooooo.... Who am I treating today?!" A familiar voice rang out as they walked through the door, cutting Tom off.

The Doctor.

"Doctor!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his neck.

"What about me?" Came another familiar voice.


I threw my arms around her neck as well.

"I'm so happy to see you guys!" I laughed. "I have missed you!" Doctor just stared at me with a smile. He came closer analysing my burns and bruises. He touched one. I jerked and cried out in pain.

"DOCTOR!" I cried.

"Oops, sorry." He said pulling a confused face. "Fire?"

"Nah." I answered sarcastically.

"Sorry," he said, putting his hands up in defence. "Why am I always treating you?"

"We must be linked somehow."

"Ah, yes, I see." He replied. He then started murmuring all this stuff under his breath.

"Doctor." Clara said. "Doctor!" He kept murmuring.

"DOCTOR!!" She finally yelled. He snapped out of it.

"Yes?" He asked, looking up, startled. I looked over at Tom. He was looking around awkwardly. I took his hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back and smiled. I looked back at the doctor who was examining the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked, intrigued.

"Oh, well.... There seems to be two parts if space, pressed together." He explained. I raised an eyebrow. He just stared blankly at me.

"Oh, right! It's like cracks in the skin of the universe." He elaborated. I raised both eyebrows. "A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff."


Hey guys!!!!

Ruby this goes for you (and anyone who watches doctor who and understands what I'm about to say.)

I'm so sorry if I got the "a big ball of timey wimey stuff" reference wrong. I know it comes from the 10th doctor, but they're all the same!

Anyway..... Loving you for all the votes and reads I'm getting on this book!!! Keep it up :)

Stay tuned for the next chapter!!!!

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