Chapter 45:

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I wiped the sweat from my forehead as the siren went off. My whole team ran into the middle and hugged.

"We won, we won, we won!" Squealed Courtney.

"Whoop whoop!" I yelled. The crowd started chanting.

Hawthorn, Hawthorn, Hawthorn

A big grin spread across my face as I glanced up into the stands. My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for Xander. I saw him holding a big sign. I laughed. We all walked off the ground after shaking our opponents hands. In the change rooms, Coach congratulated us.

"Good job girls! We're into the finals!!" He yelled. Our team cheered. I stayed a bit quiet. I realised that, if we make it to the grand final, I won't be able to play. I'll be in Canada. I cleared my throat, loudly. Everyone fell quiet.

"Guys, I have something to tell you." I began. I looked around the room. Everyone had their eyes on me. I took a deep breath. "I'm going to Canada for about 2 years, and the thing is, if we make it to the grand final, I won't be able to play. My plane leaves that day."

"But it's not confirmed that that day will be the grand final day." Said coach, his voice laced with concern. He gave me a hopeful look. "But, if you go for 2 years, you can't play on this team."

"I know, I know. Which also means you'll need a new captain." I said in dismay. Nikita gave a small snicker. I glared at her and she looked down. "I think if I'm not going to be Captain, Courtney should be captain." I looked at Courtney. A smile was stuck on her face. She gave me a huge hug, squeezing the breath out of me.

"Thank you." She said, still smiling.

"Hang on a second!" Interrupted Coach. "This has to run past me first."

"Oh, Coach please." I pleaded. "She is an amazing person and she has worked so hard for ages. I remember when she first joined this team, no offence Courtney, but she was horrible! Please, plea-"

"Okay, okay!" He agreed. I gave a fist pump. "But just remember Courtney, you become captain when Millie leaves the team." Courtney nodded. Coach talked to us for another 5 minutes, then let us go. I grabbed my bag and went outside to meet Xander. He was sitting on his Ducati, with a big grin plastered on his face. He stood up and held his arms open. I ran up to him and hugged him. He lifted me up.

"You won, you won." He laughed. "You're into the finals!"

"I know! How good is that!" I replied.

"I can't wait. Now all you have go do is play a few preliminary finals and you are into the grand final." He explained. Sadness washed over me.

"Yeah, but you won't be here and neither will I."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to be on a plane to Canada."


"I'm so annoyed!"

"Well, are you sure it's on that day?"


"Well then there's nothing to worry about!"

"I guess." A smile spreading across my face. He put me down and climbed on the bike. He put his helmet on and readied himself. I hopped on behind him and put my helmet on. He accelerated and we drove off.

We finally arrived at his place. He unlocked the front door and held it open for me. I walked in and looked around. He had a double story house. It was quite simple and neat. I plonked my stuff down on the couch. I heard him draw in a sharp breath. I quickly took it off. He exhaled.

"My mum doesn't like things being put on the couch." He explained. "She's a perfectionist."

"Oh." I said. "Where's your room?"

"Up stairs." He told me pointing to the stairs.

"Could I have a shower?" I asked.

"Sure." He replied, walking down the hallway. I followed him. He turned into a doorway. I did the same. I gasped as I turned into a big bathroom. There was a huge spa bath in the corner and a big shower in the other. A big mirror took up a whole wall. Wow.

"This is amazing." I exclaimed. He just smirked.

"Yeah, my parents payed a lot for this. Too bad we have to sell it." He told me. If only mum could buy it I though. "I'll get you a towel." He walked out of the bathroom and came back with a towel.

"Thanks." I said as he placed it on the bench next to the whit porcelain sink. He went back out, shutting the door behind him. I locked it and turned on the shower. I let down my hair and stripped off. I got in the shower. At first it burned but I adjusted to it quickly. My muscles relaxed as the water covered my skin. I looked around for the shampoo and conditioner. I saw them, on a little shelf. They were big bottles of expensive shampoo and conditioner. Alterna Ten, to be precise. I hesitated before yelling out.

"XANDER??!!!" I yelled. I paused waiting for his reply.

"Yeah!" He replied. It sounded like he was right outside the door.

"Can I use this shampoo and conditioner?!"

"Yeah, we've got like ten more bottles of it!"

"Okay, thanks!" I said, grabbing the bottle and pumping some into my hand. I rubbed it into my scalp. It foamed up. The aroma filled my nose. Fruit. Fresh fruit. I started singing Salvation, trying to hit every note perfectly. I washed the shampoo out of my hair and put the conditioner in my hair. I washed it out and turned of the hot water, forgetting to turn off the shower completely. The water immediately turned freezing cold. I gave a little scream. I heard Xander banging in the door.

"Millie!? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, turning the shower off. "The cold water gave me a fright."

"Okay, just as long as you're not getting murdered." He laughed. I chuckled to myself. I stepped out of the shower, dripping wet. I grabbed the towel and dried myself off. I wrapped it around myself and unlocked the door. I looked down the hallway. I couldn't see Xander. I started walking and as I turned into the lounge, I bumped into Xander, sending us both crashing to the floor, me on top of him. I looked at him. He had a smug grin and was starting to laugh. I glared at as I pushed myself off him. But he pulled me back on top of him. I tried to get up again, but he was teasing me.

"Xander!" I whined. "I need to get ready for the party!"

"Oh fine." He chuckled, finally releasing me. I got up and walked upstairs.

"Forgetting something?" He laughed, holding up my bag.

"Throw it!" He did as I said and threw it. I caught it and went upstairs, into his room. I shut the door and put his swivel chair in front of it. I began getting changed. I was halfway through putting my bra on when I felt hands do it up for me. I gave a little gasp, but turned around to see Xander. He had obviously gotten through the door quietly.

"Xander!!" I whined again. "How about you get dressed?"

"Hey, just trying to help." He said, putting his hands up in surrender. I gave a laugh and put my pleather leggings on. I put my mid riff on and laced up my platform converse. Xander was all ready dressed and ready by the time I had finished.

"You take forever!" He sighed.

"Thanks for being patient babe." I teased, pinching his cheek. He rolled his eyes.

"Well, we have about 4 hours before the party starts, sooooooo," he said. "What'd you wanna doooo?"

"Please tell me you have an Xbox?" I asked.

"No, I don't." He said sarcastically. He started walking down the stairs, I followed him into the lounge. "What game do you want to play?" I paused and thought.

"Halo: reach." I said shortly.

"Righty'o." He agreed. "But after 1 and a half hours, we're playing street fighter."


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