Chapter 67:

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I woke up really late. I'm jet lagged and I start school in a month. Mum had to pull open the blinds to try get me up, and when she did, I acted like a freaking vampire. Hissing and shit. That didn't work though, so she pulled the covers off me. I shivered curled into a tight ball. She started yelling at me.

"Get up now! Or you aren't allowed to go on your electronics today!" She yelled. I opened my eyes and looked around. I wasn't in my bed at home. It all came flooding back. I was in Vancouver, in a fancy motel, and it was freezing! I got out of bed and went into the living room. Connor was sitting down on the couch watching television.

"Morning," I yawned.

"Morning sweet heart, how'd you sleep." He asked.

"Like a freaking rock. I don't even remember any of the dreams I had."

"That's good in a way."

"I guess. What's for breakfast? I'm starving."

"We can order room service." He handed me a menu that had a number at the top. I looked through the breakfast part and chose Nutella pancakes. I mean c'mon, I wasn't in the mood for anything healthy. The room service arrived 15 minutes later. The pancakes were amazing.

After stuffing my face with pancakes, I got into the shower. The hot water trickled down my back and relaxed my muscles. As I started singing Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy, memories of Charlie swam back into my head. It was his favourite song. Aren't I smart, start singing the guy-you-miss-the-most favourite song. Tears filled my eyes and I sank to the bottom of the shower in tears. Mum knocked on the door.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?" She asked. I shook my head, then realised she couldn't see me.

"No, I'm not." I sobbed.

"What's wrong hun, can I come in?"

"Yeah, just keep you eyes on mine." I cried. She opened the door and shut it behind her. She passed me a towel and I wrapped it around myself. I didn't care if it was getting saturated. She took my hand.

"What's up?" She asked softly.

"I miss him mum, I miss him so much. Before I left he told me he loved me and of course I said it back, but I just want to be with him." I sobbed.

"Oh honey boo. It's okay, you need to let go of him. He'd probably want you to, I mean you guys could still be friends and all." She suggested. I nodded.

"What about Xander? What if I see him?"

"I've already told you, if it happens, it happens. There's nothing you can do about it. But you could choose to ignore him or greet him." I nodded again.

"I'll get out now."

"Alright, I'll shut my eyes, while you hand me the really wet towel and I'll give you a dry one." I took of the wet towel, handed it to my mum and she gave me a nice fluffy dry one. I got out, dried myself, and got into my clothes. I walked back into the loving room. My mum hugged me tightly.

"It's okay sweetie. Let go. We're in a completely different country!!! Enjoy it for gods sake!" She sings. I laugh and hug her back.

All I did that day, was hang around in the apartment and go on my phone. We had free wifi so that was good.


The next day, me and my mum went shopping. She woke me up and waved a credit card in my face.

"Connor has made the most terrible mistake of giving us his credit card." She giggled. That got me up.

As we walked through the mall, we passed a group of girls. They looked like barbie dolls, it's not even funny. The amount of makeup they were wearing was disgusting, like you could go up to them, run your finger across their face and your would have a big blob of makeup on the tip of your finger. They stared at me like I was a rat. I suddenly felt self conscious and worried about what I was wearing. I kept my head down until we were fifty metres away from them.

"Those girls looked ridiculous." I whispered to my mum. She laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, well, just in case you end up going to school with them, I'd stay out if their way. The look like the Queen B's, especially the girl who was in the middle." She chuckled.

"Who? The one with the skirt that's so short I can see her hot pink g-string, and is wearing the black cropped top that is really short it actually looks like a crop top that you wear when you're just developing. Oh and is also wearing a ton of makeup?" I reply. Mum laughs louder this time and nods again.

"Yeah, so be quiet and keep your judgments to yourself."

"Okay. Now, where should we go next? I really want Starbucks." We walk for another five minutes until we arrive at Starbucks. I got my favourite, Caramel Frappacino and my mum got the Dark Caramel Latte. We looked through tons of shops.

My mum and I, both walked out of the mall with about 10 bags on each arm.

When we walked through the door of our apartment, Connor's jaw dropped to the ground and his eyes widened. I laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks for paying for the cloths." I smiled, taking them to my room. I heard Connor yelling at my mum. I ran out into the living room and shoved Connor. He fell onto the couch. I glared at him.

"Talk to my mum like that again, and it'll be out the fucking window." I spat. I took my mums hand and led her to my bedroom. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I mean, he should of known that by giving us his credit card, he was giving us all his money. But we didn't spend all of it anyway." She said quietly.

"I know, I know. He's just being an ass. He'll get over it and then everything will be back to normal." Just as I finished saying that, there was a knock on the door. I smiled at mum, and opened the door. There stood a guilty looking Connor. I glared at him and bumped him as I walked past him. He shut the door and I'm pretty sure started apologising to my mum.

10 minutes later and they still weren't out. I walked up to the door, and knocked. No answer. I heard my mum sigh.

"Guys?" I asked, opening the door. And that's when I was scarred for life. I had walked in on them... doing it. And yes when I say doing it, I mean having sex. They looked at me and quickly pulled the sheets over them. But Connor didn't bother to get off my mum. Nope, he just stayed on top of her and shooed me. I slammed the door shut and ran to the bathroom, dry reaching. Once my little dry reaching seizure, I marched up to the door of my room and knocked firmly.

"Get the fuck out of my room now! Or you will both be out the window! Remember we are on the 13 floor! So you better hurry and get the fuck out!" I yelled. I heard fumbling for a couple of minutes, and then the door opened and mum waltzed out with messy hair and smudged lipstick, Connor following closely behind. They went into their bedroom and locked the door.

"Mum you have to change my sheets over or I'm sleeping on the couch!!" I huffed. I heard mum giggle and moan. I shuddered with disgust and turned on the TV, making sure to turn up the volume.

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