Chapter 82:

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It was currently 12:16 am and I had just called Xander to come and pick me up. I had snuck out through my window and was waiting on the corner of my street in a hoodie of Bradley's, black leggings and combat boots. In the left pocket of my hoodie I have the eulogy and in my other pocket I have my purse. I hear the rumble of Xander's Kawasaki as he drives down the street towards me. I smile and wave at him. He slows down in front of me and turns off his bike. He takes off his helmet and runs a hand through his hair. I melt and hoist my bag over my shoulders. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waits and kisses the top of my head.
"Proper kiss?" He asks, looking down at me with puppy dog eyes. I look up, laugh and place my lips on his. He kisses me back and then places a helmet in my hands. I slip it on and get on the back, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding on tightly. He starts up the bike again and we race towards the airport together.
When we arrive, people are bustling in and out. I take a deep breath and remove my helmet. Xander gets off and helps me off, then he locks his bike and we walk in hand in hand. I still have the helmet in my left hand while my right hand entwines with his. We walk into a queue and I rest my head on Xander's shoulder as we wait. Finally I am called up and I present my printed ticket. They scan it and ask if I have any carry-on luggage. I shake my head and place my big bag on the conveyer belt. She places a sicker on it and then let's it go through. She hands me back my ticket and wishes me a safe trip. I nod my head and drag Xander away with me. We get to customs and Xander is asked to stay behind. I sigh and ask them if they could give us a minute. They allow me and I turn to face him. He looks down at me, sadness swimming in his eyes. Tears brim my eyes and I rest my head on his chest.
"Hey, don't cry baby," he says, smoothing my hair softly, "you're going to be fine. You can call me whenever you have to, okay? I'll always answer. No matter what. Hey," he tilts my head up using his thumb and index finger, "I love you. This is what he would've wanted." I nod and peck his lips.
"Thank you, Xander. I mean it." I say. He smiles and kisses me properly. I turn my head and deepen the kiss. I pull away and hug him.
"I love you." I whisper, my lips brushing his ear.
"I love you too." He replies. "I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Yeah. Bye." I hand him the helmet and walk through customs, turning around at the last moment to see him standing there still smiling. I blow him a kiss.
"I love you!" I yell. He catches it, then makes a gun using his fingers, kisses the tip of it and shoots it at me. I clutch my heart and smile.
"I love you too! I'll miss you!" He yells back. I wave and turn away. I walk into the terminal where I find a seat and sit down. I sigh as I pull out my phone. It was 2:01 am. They'd be boarding the plane soon. As I put my phone in my pocket, it rings. I answer it and put it to my ear.
"Hello?" I ask.
"So, how are you sugar?" I hear Chris's voice on the other end. I can hear the smirk on his lips.
"H-how did you.... How did you get my number?"
"Well, you see, I needed you to think that I cared and loved you and so I memorised your number. And here I am, talking yo your lovely self."
"I hope you rot in your jail cell! I really do!"
"Now now Millie, don't be like that. Remember how much fun we had? On the swings, jumping into the snow? Making out in the closet? Making out on the couch? Your lips were swollen and your cheeks flushed when we first made out."
"Fuck off!" I hiss. I hang up, putting my phone back into my pocket with a shaky hand. I draw in a deep breath, closing my eyes, and the release it. My phone rings again. I peer at the caller ID.
I relax and smile.
"Hello?" I chirp.
"Hey, Millie, just wondering, what am I supposed to say to your mum when she wants to know where the hell you are?!" Xander's warm voice asks. I laugh.
"I wrote a note, explaining where I am going, why I am going, why I need to go alone. So it's all good. I also put in that I was getting you to drive me. I said not to be angry at you." I see a flight attendant call over the people to start boarding the plane. "So yeah, I have to go, they're boarding the plane now. I'm gonna miss you. Wuv you." I finish in a baby voice.
"I'll miss you too. Wuv you too, sweetheart." I hang up and get in line. I hand my boarding pass to the attendant and she scans it and hands it back with a smile. I walk through the tunnel walkway towards the plane. An attendant helps me to my seat and then he asks me if I need anything. I shake my head and look out the window. I had specifically booked my seat at the window so I could see the gorgeous city of Vancouver as we left and also see the amazing city of Noosa as we arrived in Australia. I close my eyes, but immediately open them when I feel someone slide into the seat next to me. I look at them. It's a male. He looks to be around 20. He has soft blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair. Surfer boy obviously. He has tanned skin and a beautiful smile, which he flashes at me when he notices me ogling over him.
"I'm Ben." He smiles, holding out his hand for me to shake. I smile and take his hand, but he surprises me by taking it and brining it to his lips where he then kisses it softly.
"I'm Millie." I reply, with a shy smile.
"Nice to meet you Millie." He says. "So why are you heading to Noosa."
"Well I am-" but he cuts me off.
"Ah, an Aussie. Me too! Let me guess you are originally from Noosa, but you're coming back to see you family?" He guesses. I shake my head.
"You got the first part right, but I'm going over there for a... a, uh, funeral." His face fills with sympathy as he wraps his arms around me. Oh god. This was actually a really nice hug, but it was awkward as well. He releases me.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's fine really. Actually I need someone to check my eulogy I wrote for my friend. Could you?"
"I'd love to." I hand him my eulogy. He reads it over to himself. After he nods.
"I recognise some of the parts from The Fault In Our Stars." He smiles.
"Yep, well, it was our favourite movie to watch together and so I thought why not. He always used to cried when Hazel was reading out Gus's eulogy." I get tears in my eyes and turn my head to look out the window.
"Hey, it's going to be fine. I think it'll be what he wants." Ben says, touching my arms and getting my attention.
"Thank you." I say, wiping my eyes and smiling. I hear the safety precaution video start up on my screen and I close my eyes and rest my head against the plane cabin. Then I realise I had forgotten something important. The cat travel pillow Charlie had gotten me. I shake my head and try to think about something else.
I wake up two hours later with my head resting in Ben's shoulder. I lift my head up and rub my eyes. Ben is still asleep. I look around and open my window. It's all clouds. I sigh and remember I have inflight entertainment. I click through the movies and click on 300. I am halfway through the movie when Ben wakes up. He looks around and then winks at me. I roll my eyes and keep watch.
"What are you watching?" He asks, resting his chin on my shoulder. I shake him off and scowl at him.
"300. Now shush, people are trying to sleep, and I'm trying to watch!" I hiss. He chuckles and starts clicking through his movies. He clicks on 300 as well, then he taps my screen and checks the time I'm up to. Then he skips to that time and starts watching in sync with me. I roll my eyes and sigh.
"God, you're annoying." I murmur under my breath. He chuckles and places his arm on the arm rest next to mine, lightly touching. His hand inches closer to mine, until it's entwined with mine. I glare at him and he winks back. I slide my hand out form under his, but keep it beside his. When the movie finishes at the same time, I turn off my screen, close my eyes, and try to rest. Ben turns his screen off as well and turns his body to face me. I open one eye and peer at him. He winks again and smiles.
"Can I have your number?" He asks. I know I'm not going to get any rest so I open both eyes.
"I've known you for, how long..." I check my phone, "about five and a half hours?"
"That's about right."
"And you're asking for my number?"
"I sure am."
"Are you a freaking player?!"
"Yup!" He says, popping the p.
"Seriously? Five and a half hours and you're asking for my number."
"Hey, I see a sexy girl, and I need to get her number. So, you know... I asked for your number."
"God! No you can not have my number."
"You know I'll keep pestering you until I get it, right?"
"I know. Which is why I'm going to listen to my music?"
"Can I listen with you?"
"If it shuts you up." I hand him an ear piece. He puts it in and I put my music on. Pittsburgh by The Amity Affliction comes on and I start mouthing the screamo words. Ben nods along to the beat.
"I love this band!" He exclaims. I stare at him wide eyed.
"No way!" He nods proudly.
"Yeah! The Amity Affliction, they're amazing. I saw them live, I went backstage and I got to meet them." He says with a smile. My jaw drops.
"Get out if here!" I shove him. He shakes his head and laughs.
"See, we have so much in common." I laugh and shake my head.
"I don't even know your age, let alone your last name."
"Well, I'm 20 and my last name is Williams."
"Well, that's good to know."
"So, what's your age and last name?"
"I'm 16 and my last name is Smith."
"Sweet. I could imagine you as a Millie Williams." He smirks, winking, yet again. I giggle and roll my eyes.
"So, do you surf?" I ask. He nods.
"Yeah. I've got a great board! It's an F1 Stub Lost board. It carves smoothly and is easy to ride."
"Nice, I've had a second hand Semente Nick Urricchio."
"Wicked! I've heard they're really good boards."
"Yeah, it was a pretty good board. Hey, look, I'm really tired and I'd really love to sleep, so maybe if you could be quiet, that would be great." I smile.
"Sure, I'll be quiet." He says. Well that was easier than I thought it would be! "But only if you give me your number." Of course! There is always a 'but'. I sigh and get my phone out, handing it to him.
"Here, put it in yourself! Please just let me sleep now!" I huff. He grabs my phone and starts typing away rapidly. He hands it back to me half a second later and I quickly look at what he has typed. His contact name is Surfing Hottie with a blue love heart at the start and at the end. I laugh and lock my phone.
"You're funny." I say drifting off. "And quite cute too." I hear him chuckle and then my head flops onto his shoulder and I fall asleep.
I am woken up by Ben. He shakes my shoulder till I have sat up and am properly awake. We're about to land. I clip my seatbelt together and tighten it.
Five minutes later we were on the Tarmac and had come to a complete stop. I stand up stretch and attempt to slide past Ben, who, very much to his own liking, grabs me by the waist and pulls me onto his lap.
"Ooh, someone wants to get close." He chuckles. I glare at him.
"I don't want to be anywhere near you." I hiss.
"Says the one who fell asleep on my shoulder." He teases. I glare at him again and try to get up, but he doesn't allow this. His hands are firmly gripping my waist and he is holding me there. I try to wiggle out of his grip, but he just shakes his head and laughs.
"Wait until there's fewer people, then it'll be easier." He explains. I sigh and give I fighting. I lye back and rest my back on his chest. I feel him draw in a sharp but quick nervous breath. I smile to myself and get comfortable, brining my knees up. He chuckles.
"Sure, make yourself at home." He laughs.
"Well, it's going to be a while." I glance down the isle. There are about 40 people, shuffling ever so slowly down the isle. I sigh and relax again.
"I have a way to make that while short." He whispers, his lips brushing my earlobe. His lips move down to my neck and graze it softly. My heart hammers in my chest and I get shivers up and down my back. The he starts placing small kisses on my neck. I let out a shaky breath and jump into my original seat. He looks at me, a smirk planted on his lips. I shake my head.
"We can't do that. Not here, anyway. I barely know you." I say. He laughs and runs a finger down my jawline to my lips where he traces my lips. Then he removes his finger and quickly pecks them. I look at him stunned.
"You have really soft delicate lips." He says with a smile. "I like that." I stare at him, still stunned.
"Uh... I-I-I, um, I- thank you?" I finally stutter out.
"You're welcome." I sit quietly, studying him. He just smiles back at me. I blink a few times and the. Notice that the whole plane is empty, except for us and a few flight attendants. I stand up and wait for Ben to move before following him. We walk through the walkway in silence. He occasionally bumps my arms or brushes his fingers against mine.
An hour later and I was out of the airport, waiting for a taxi. The only thing was... Ben wouldn't leave me.
"Where are you staying?" He asks.
"I haven't gotten that far yet." I say.
"Stay with me." He suggests. "I've got my own place. It's relatively big." I think about this.
"Fine, but we're going by mates rates." He grins and nods. "And I hope you have a guest room."
"Oh, no. You'd be sleeping with me." He teases, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course! Then we can also go up to my Aunty's farm. She has horses."
"Well, that does sound pretty good." I smile.
"Awesome! I'll pay for the taxi." We get in a taxi that has just pulled up in front of us and head off.

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