Chapter 68:

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Today was my first day of school. My mum, Connor and I had finally moved into a great apartment, it was exactly like the Motel we were staying in, only minus the massage place, but there was still a mini bar and pool. Mum had come into my room banging on a pot and chanting 'get up Mil-lie, it's your first day of school. Get up Mil-lie, it's your first day of school'. In other words, it was weird.

I raced out the door, mum in close pursue.

"Have you got your iPad sweetie?" She asks, backing out of the carport.

"Yes, mum." I reply.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"I'm positive." I say. She turns around into the street of the school.

"Okay, just go to the office and they should help you with your class. Now I want you to make friends, forget about Charlie and Xander, and tell me if you see any cute boys." She laughs as I get out of the car. "Bye honey, have fun!"

"Bye mum, love you." I kiss her cheek, grab my backpack, and shut the car door. I turn around and look at the big school. People are streaming into the front doors. I walk through them and enter a world of pure chaos. I see a sign that says reception and go in that direction. As I was walking to reception, the bell rings. It's loud and signals the start of home room. I keep walking until I find a desk that says reception, where a plump bleached hair secretary sat typing away on a computer. I stood there for a minute, but she didn't notice me. I cleared my throat. She looked up at me and pointed to the seats. I nodded and sat down on a chair. It was really wobbly. I moved to the chair across from it, putting my bag on the ground beside it. All of a sudden, I heard loud footsteps down the hallway I'd just walked down, and a female teacher appeared around the corner dragging a dark haired boy, by the ear, behind her. She let go of his ear and instructed him to sit on a chair. He glanced at me, flashing me a white teethed smile, and slumped on the wobbly chair. I heard a groan of the chair and then it collapsed underneath him. He fell on his butt and looked up at me, a bright red blush covering his cheeks. I smiled and held my hand out for him to take and help him up. He took it with a grin and stood up, brushing himself off. The teacher who was dragging him started yelling at him.

"How dare you wreck school equiptment! That is violating the school rules!!" She screeched. A smirk played on his lips as he sat down on a different seat.

"Ms, in his defence, the chair was already wobbly." I interrupted. She turned to me glaring.

"So, did you do it?" She eyed me suspiciously. I shook my head.

"No, I sat on the chair and it wobbled underneath me so I moved to a different chair." I explained. The boy was looking at me, smiling. I roll my eyes.

"Hmmm... Nonetheless, he wouldn't shut his mouth in home room." She rapped her knuckles on a door that had a plaque saying Head Master. I shifted my gaze to the boy. He was looking me up and down, judging me with his gorgeous blue eyes. He had slightly tan skin, his eyebrows were dark, like his hair, but shaped nicely, his noes was perfect on his face, and his lips were full soft and pink, and looked very kissable.

Omg, I thought to myself, listen to myself, freaking swooning over this guy, I'm still with Charlie.

But that doesn't mean you can't break it off with him and go with this guy, a different voice chimed in.

Still, I can't do that to Charlie,

He's never going to find out,

But what if he does,

You're never going to see him again, c'mon just flirt with him,

The head masters door swung open, snapping me out if my thoughts, and a very nice looking man stood in the door way.

LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora