Chapter 79:

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Xander's Kawasaki Ninja 300^^^

As I sat there sobbing into Xander's chest, Chris woke up. He rubbed his head and looked at us. Then a smirk formed on his face.

"Millie, Millie, Millie," he tutted, "you always have someone to come and save you don't you." I didn't dare remover my face from Xander's chest.

"Piss off Chris! You've hurt her enough already! You go what you wanted, now FUCK OFF!!" I hear Xander yell. It makes me cry harder. I hear Chris chuckle.

"Oh, I haven't got what I want yet. I want her! I will get her and when I do she'll be sorry she ever laid eyes on you! We're gonna run away together, to a secret place and she's going to be my play toy. Everyone will forget about you and no one will come looking for you!"
"FUCK OFF CHRIS!!!" Xander yells.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I used a condom." And with that he walked out the door, slamming it behind him. I lye down and cover my face with my hands. Xander rubs my back and lyes down next to me. I snuggle into his arms and cry.
"I'm dirty, Xander, I'm fucking dirty! He's practically raped me two times now! How did I let this happen?" I sob. Xander kisses the top of my head.
"Babe, you are not dirty. You are an innocent girl who got picked to be a victim of Chris." He says. I shake my head.
"He's going to hurt me! I swear he'll do all those things he said and he'll be right, everyone will forget me and no one will come looking for me!"
"Millie, don't think like that! You're letting him get to you." I let out a big sob and shake my head again.
"I'm not, he's going to hurt me, and when he does, I'll be broken! I'm already broken." He squeezes me tightly.
"I'm not going to let him touch you. If he wants to get you, he has to go through me!" I look up at Xander through teary eyes and a faint smile pulls onto my lips. It's good to have Xander next to me again. I've missed him.
"Thank you."
"It's okay, let's get you home." I nod and let him lead me out of the room and out of the party. He leads me half way down the street. I have a really bad headache from all the alcohol I drank and I'm stumbling over my own feet a bit. I see a motorbike up ahead and as we get closer, my eyes widen. It's a gorgeous Kawasaki Ninja 300. He jingles the keys in front of my face.
"Remember my other Kawasaki?" He asks. I nod slowly and climb on the back of it. He starts the ignition and revs the engine a couple of times before passing me a helmet and putting his on. I slip mine over my head and grab his waist. He revs the engine a couple more times and then speeds off. As we stop at a red light, he turns around to me.
"So where am I taking you tonight?" He asks. I tell him and then rest my head on his back. We speed off again and finally pull up in front of my place.
"Can you come in?" I ask. He nods and I open the door quietly. As we creep up the stairs, Bradley comes out of his room and engulfs me in a hug.
"Thank god you're okay?" He says. Then he hesitates and releases me from the hug. "On to your second one are you?" Bradley looks at Xander and chuckles.
"Bradley, I don't need anymore shit than I've had tonight. He is just a friend who was once my ex and he is here to comfort because I have had a SHIT night and I don't want you to start joking about how you think I'm a slut or some fucking crap like that!" I hissed. And with that, I grabbed Xander's hand and pulled him into my room, shutting the door and leaving Bradley standing there, shocked. In my bedroom, I unzip my dress, kick my wedges off my feet, pull back the covers and climb into bed. Xander stands there awkwardly. I look at him and beckon him to get in.
"What? In this?" He gestures down at his party clothes. I shake my head.
"Strip off." I say shortly.
"Strip off! It's not like we're going to have sex or anything!"
"Oh, right, sure, but uh, can I have some sweatpants or something?"
"Agh, fine." I get up and barge into Bradley's room. I open his pants drawer and grab a pair of sweatpants. Bradley looks at me weirdly. His eyes flicker down at the drawer and then back to my eyes. I look down at the drawer and, peeking through a gap in the pants, is a shiny magazine. My eyes widen and a smirk crosses my lips.
"What's this then?" I hold up the magazine. Bradley's eyes are full of guilt. It's a Playboy magazine and has a girl holding two cupcakes over her boobs and has a lacy g-string on on the front cover. God only knows what else is in the content. My face scrunches up with disgust.
"Don't tell, please, I'm not telling them about your tattoo, so just do this for me." He says. At the mention of tattoo, sadness washes over me and drop the magazine, nod slowly, and walk out of the room with the pants.
"Wait Millie, what happened tonight?" I hear Bradley call after me, but I ignore him. When I get into my room, I chuck the pants at Xander, who is already on his boxers only, and jump into bed. I look at him as he struggles into the pants and then chucks his phone on the ground. I look at the face that I fell for so hard when I first met him. He gets in next to me and wraps his arms around me. I snuggle in closer and close my eyes. I listen to his heart beating, loud and clear. He inhales and exhales evenly. I smile, to myself and kiss his chest.
"I'm lucky to have someone like you." I whisper. I feel him smile and his heart beat speeds up a bit.
"I'm glad we found each other again." He replies.
"Do you think he'll come after me?"
"I really don't know, but if he does, I will not let him touch you. And if he does... well he's a dead man walking." I look up at Xander. He opens his eyes and looks down at me. "Millie, is there a chance that we can get back together?" I hesitate to answer, but I already know what I'm going to say.
"Yes." I smile. He hugs me tightly and places a kiss on my noes. "But, only if we take it slow."
"Whatever you want!" He says lightly. I listen to his heart beat again. It's faster that it was and his breathing is still even but fast. I kiss his neck and close my eyes again. Slowly drifting off.

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