Teen Wolf Imagines and Prefer...

By Queen_Karen_

720K 15.1K 2.3K

Just another book full of imagines and preferences... I got •Scott •Stiles •Derek •Liam •Isaac •Aiden •Jorda... More

How/Where you Met
Who you are related to
What you are
He finds out what you are
He Tells You About The Supernatural
Your Part of the Song
He asks you to go on a date
Movies you watch together
His name in your phone
Your name in his phone
You're jealous of
He's jealous of
First Fight Pt.1
Issac Pt.1
Aiden Pt.1
First Fight Pt.2
Issac Pt.2
Aiden Pt.2
What others think of your relationship
First I love you
Jordan Parrish Pt.1
Brett Talbot Pt.1
On your period
Isaac Pt.3
Aiden Pt.3
Your Song
Jordan Pt.2
Brett Pt.2
Jordan Pt.3
Brett Pt.3
Someone else likes you Pt.1
Jordan Pt.4
Brett Pt.4
Liam: He gets Jealous
Scott: Discovering
Liam: Teaching Lacrosse
Brett: Heart Broken Pt.1
Someone Else Likes You Pt.2
Favorite Things you do Together When your bored
Brett: Heart Broken Pt.2
Stiles: Awkwardly Confessed
Scott: Triple Date with a Bet
Liam: Uncontrolled
Derek: Cooking
Jordan: Ride Along
Isaac: Not Too Cramped but Awkward
Aiden: Be Careful
He Wakes You Up From a Nightmare Pt.1
He Wakes You Up From a Nightmare Pt.2
He Wakes You Up From a Nightmare Pt.3
He Wakes You Up From a Nightmare Pt.4
Liam: Cheesy seven minutes in heaven
You Get Interrupted Pt.1
You kiss someone else
Morning texts
You get interrupted Pt.2
Scott: Secrets
Random Theo Imagine
Stiles: Fight
Liam: Jealousy
Random Theo Imagine Pt.2
Betrayed by an Argent
Scott: Fluff
Wake Up Pt.1
Wake up Pt.2
A/N: "Weekend of death"
Scott: A Walk Down Memory Lane
Isaac: Please Don't Go
Derek: Say You Won't Let Go
Liam: Speechless?
Jordan: That was Badass
Brett: Take It Back
July 11, 2017
Isaac: Go To Hell
Jordan: Drunken Night
Jordan: Drunken Night Pt. 2
Jordan: Drunken Night Pt. 3
Jordan: Drunken Night Pt. 4
Aiden: Wait, what?
Aiden & Scott: You're Here
Stiles: Sad
Jordan: Drunken Night pt.5
Isaac: texts
Moving On?
Scott: CD
Stiles: Wolf Moon
Derek: Pain
Isaac: Whipped
Liam: Pride
Brett: Human
Aiden: Mother
Derek: Team
Stiles: Not To Fall
Aiden: Valentine
Scott: Nightmares
Brett: In Vitro
Jordan: Idle I Wait
Peter Pt. 1
Isaac: Jelly
Peter Pt. 2

Isaac: Spaghetti

925 20 9
By Queen_Karen_


Inspired by Spaghetti

Written by Dacre Montgomery


"So when did you get there?" Agent McCall asked the group of supernaturals plus Stiles. 

Come to think of it, plus an unknown Kira, Y/n thought. She isn't human but also doesn't have a clue on what she is.

"At the same time as who?" McCall's annoyed and annoying voice brought Y/n back to reality.

"Same time as me," Scott spoke to his father like he was just a regular cop asking him questions but acting clueless. Y/n leaned her back onto the extra cushion she had placed on her favorite seat in her dad's office, as she got comfortable, the conversation continued. She wanted to pay attention, but her mind was on a certain curly blonde werewolf. 

"I think he's asking me," Stiles said to the Scott, y/n's attention now on the group. Agent McCall was getting frustrated with the young Stilinski.

"I think he's asking both of you," Lydia spoke up, looking between Scott and Stiles.

"Okay, let me answer the questions." The older McCall said, not realizing what he said.

"By all means, go for it." The werewolf girl sarcastically remarked, crossing her right leg over her left. Stiles winked at his twin sister, proud of how similar they are yet drastically different. 

"Let me ask the questions," The agent corrected himself, earning a thumbs up from Stiles.

As the man repeated the story that the teenagers gave him over the events of the previous night, Y/n pulled her phone out. She was checking it in case Isaac had texed her, but at last no new messages from the one boy she wanted to text her. By the time Y/n put her phone away, she had already known what and who they were talking about.

"How did you know he'd take her to a power station?" Drinky McCall asked the Stilinski twins and Werewolf McCall. They were talking about William Barrow kidnapping Kira.

"Well, he was an electrical engineer. Where else would he take her?" Stiles answered, tilting his head to the side, almost dumbfounded that an FBI agent couldn't put two and two together. 

"That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles." Rafael's tone set the twins off.

"It must be genetic. Y'know our dad is in law enforcement." Y/n spoke up looking to Stiles, then McCall then to her dad. He chuckled at his set of twins; they knew how to get under peoples skin with only a string of odd and bizarre sentences. 

"Son, just answer the man." Her father said after collecting his composer, it was Y/n's turn to chuckle. Agent McCall looked over to Y/n with a stern look; she shrugged her shoulders at him. She didn't like him. 

"We made a good guess," Stiles answered to bring the attention from his twin to himself. 

The group had lost Y/n's attention, her thoughts scattered. Isaac, why he wasn't at all curious why she hadn't spent the night at her house. Kira, what the hell was she. Isaac, once again, did something happen to him? Rafael McCall's investigation of her father. Isaac, where the hell is he? Stiles, is he okay? Like overall, is he alright? And lastly but definably not for the first time, did something happen to Isaac? Is that why he hasn't texted her? 

Isaac and Y/n had a routine every night. Isaac would sneak in through the bedroom window, waiting under her sheets for her to come and cuddle with him. Most nights, they would sleep; other times, they would stay up all night talking. Rarely they had intimate nights, only on the nights she spent alone in the house. 

Then a thought crossed her mind for a split second; was he tired of her?

"Kira is that how you remember it?" the Agent's annoying voice pushed that thought to her brain back pocket. The group of friends looked to Kira expectingly.

"Yes," she slowly nodded her head at the federal agent. 

Once everyone had left the Sherriffs office, leaving only Stiles, Y/n, their dad and Lydia. Y/n had pulled her phone out again, no new messages yet. A frown was appearing on her face.

"Y/n, honey, are you okay?" Her father's voice pulled her attention away from her cellular device to a worried expression worn by her father, brother, and Lydia. 

"Oh yeah, I'm alright." She answered with a tight smile, Lydia looked to her in disbelief.

"Isaac?" Lydia asked, getting the attention of the Stilinski's.

"Yeah, he hasn't texted me. He normally texts me when he's late to meet up or if I'm late he texts me. He hasn't texted me since he told me that he was going to the Argents' to try and help Allison look through the bestiary." She sighed, unfolding her legs. She rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"You know what, it's late why don't you all go home? Get some rest." The twins looked to each other, groaning at the thought of having to go to school in just a few hours. 

When morning came, Y/n still hadn't slept. She was too worried but had little to no energy to go out and look for Isaac. She had sent him two messages throughout the night. She didn't let herself send a third.

"Y/n?" Stiles asked, worry evident in his voice. She looked up from her phone screen to the school.

"I- I don't know why I'm so uneasy about it. His phone is probably dead. Or he lost it. or..." She trailed off, her mind going to unpleasant thoughts. 

"Hey, don't do that." Stiles tried as they got out of the jeep and walked towards the school.

"What if he's done with me?" She spoke up once they neared their lockers, her insecurities were beginning to get the best of her. "What if-"

"Stop! Look maybe he's hurt. Maybe he's just fine. Maybe he's cheating on you. You don't know yet. Don't worry until you have to. You have him in almost all of your classes, talk to him, and get your answers then." Stiles held her in her spot, making her look at him. He hugged her shortly before opening his locker. 

"Just because there's no power, don't expect there to be no school!" The twins first heard then saw Coach Finnstock round the corner with a megaphone. Y/n quickly unlocked the lock, looking at the photos on the inside. 

She had precisely four pictures taped to her locker. One photo was a family photo; a nurse took a photo when the twins were born — their mother holding both of them, one in each arm, their dad leaning down close to the bed admiring his children and wife. The second photo was one of Scott, Stiles, and Y/n from middle school. The third photo was of Isaac in his lacrosse gear, his helmet on the grass, a smile on his big face but his eyes squinting at the sun. The last photo was a photo of Scott, Allison, Isaac, Stiles, Derek, Aiden, Ethan, Lydia, and Y/n herself. The photo was recently taken, right after beating Jennifer and Deucalion. The young werewolves were squinting up at the sun, the rest smiling goofily at them. Greenburg of all people was the one who had taken it for them. She smiled at the memory of it; they were happy, partially broken but content.

"That was a triple-negative, very impressive, Coach!" Stiles called after the weird adult.

"Copy that!" Coach responded, walking off to another corridor. Once Y/n got the correct books, she noticed Stiles was holding back a worried Scott.

"Someone left a coded message for Barrow to kill her."Stiles reasoned with the worried teen.

"Scott, he has a point, and you know it. She could be a threat. She could be an ally, fuck, with everything we've seen she can be a fucking abominable snowman. You don't know yet." She regurgitated Stiles' advice to Scott. 

"Until we know she's not another murderous psychotic killer, I vote against any and all interaction," Stiles said, waving his hand around dramatically. His sister was rolling her eyes at how dramatic he had to make it.

"What if she's like us?" Scott turned to the Stilinski twins, signally to both himself and Y/n.

"She walked through 1.21 jigawatts of electricity!" Stiles pointed out, his twin sister wincing at the memory of the first time she had been electrocuted. It was certainly not the last time she'd be electrocuted.

"Yeah, she's not like us, Scotty." She remarked, turning to her locker to close. With that, the trio went off their separate ways.

Throughout the day, she hadn't seen either Isaac nor Allison, making it unexpectedly hard for her to keep her calm. She was annoyed with herself more than with Isaac. 

Why am I losing my shit over a boy? Who hasn't texted me back in hours, who is supposedly skipping school with a beautiful girl? Are they together? Was this planned? Has he been cheating on me with her? His alphas ex-girlfriend? 

Y/n thought to herself as she sat in detention, which she got for looking at her phone more than paying attention in history.  She became irritable as the clock ticked until finally, she was excused from detention. When she pulled her phone out ready to call her brother to come to pick her up, she ran into Danny and Ethan, loading Danny's car with light fixtures.

"What's that all for?" She asked, walking to pair. Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she realized that the werewolf twin in front of her wasn't Ethan the gay one, it was Aiden the hardass. 

"Blacklight party, Aiden's helping me with the venue problem I was telling you about in Biology." Danny huffed closing the trunk to his car, y/n didn't notice the surprised expression she was making.

"Don't look so shocked." Aiden chuckled realizing that for her it was a complete 180 from what she knew him to be.

"It's not- okay. Yes, color me shocked, Aiden doing something nice for his brother boyfriend. How normal." she said sarcastically earning a laugh from both boys.

"What are you still doing here, anyway?" Danny asked, leaning on his car.

"Detention." She answered, shrugging her shoulders.

"You need a lift home?" Danny pointed to his car, Aiden's brows furrowed.

"Wait, you were in detention?" Aiden asked in disbelief, and you nodded your head. "How? Everyone loves you."

She rolled her eyes at the werewolf. "No, I'm not. Let's say boyfriend troubles."

"Ahh, got caught doing it in the janitors closet. Been there, done that." 

"What? No, I think Isaac is ghosting me." She said truthfully, Aiden picking up her chemosignals from content with a bit of irritation to pure sadness. It made him frown a little, every time he would catch her chemosignals, she was anything but sad.

"Why don't you come to help us set up for the party? It'll help keep your mind distracted from the wannabe ghost." Y/n chuckled looking to Aiden with a soft smile. She felt the corners of her lips turn from a frown to a smile.

"Yeah, okay. Sounds fun." 

Finally, the room was set up with black lights everywhere. They blocked the top of the spiral stairs; that way, no one can get into Derek's personal property. Y/n had helped set up the table filled with various bright-colored paint.

"I don't do parties; I'll be up on the balcony watching over the crowd." She told Aiden, grabbing a few beers and making her way up to the room. 

The second she sat down, y/n took a moment to realize that without Isaac she had made a new friend, Aiden, she helped set up a party! She still felt alone, like she needs to have Isaac with her. She felt almost as if he was her center. She doesn't want to be dependant on one person, what year was she living in? 

Suddenly she caught a whiff of someone familiar, someone she hasn't seen in almost 24 hours. She stood up, walking to the railing, searching the crowd to see Isaac at the door with Allison close to him. Isaac said something to her. Allison looked at him and smiled. Which made her involuntarily growl.

Isaac made his way to the side of the room near the painting tables, Allison going to the drinks table. Y/n kept her gaze on her 'boyfriend' who has yet to be noticed by him. When she thought Allison wasn't going back to him, she began to make her way down to the party. When she finally descended the stairs, she noticed Allison was approaching Issac. Y/n's blood boiled, but she calmed herself and hid behind the stairs, listening in on their conversation.

"You tell him what happened?" She heard Isaac ask Allison, his eyes darting around the crowd. 

"No. We still have a couple of hours, remember?" Allison took a step closer to Isaac.

"You promised your dad; I didn't." Isaac looked to a confused Allison. "I don't like keeping secrets from Scott."

"No, you like to make things uncomfortable." She giggled slightly, leaning closer to him.

"Me?" Isaac asked with a chuckle. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"What does that mean?" 

"What do you think it means?" Isaac asked Allison, who replied with another flirtatious giggle.

"That you're frustrated." She said in a low voice before whispering in his ear, "Sexually."

Y/n stood there, facing a cement wall listing to the pair flirt with each other. The young werewolf was shaking with anger; some severe body heat was radiating off of her body. She punched the wall, breaking some cement off, eyes glowing bright yellow, fangs, and claws out. 

"Keep it together, Stilinski." Her low voice came out with a small growl; her heartbeat could be felt in her ears. Panting she punch the wall once again, chunks of cement falling to her feet. 

"You don't need him." She growled to herself, slowly feeling herself get control of her werewolf side. Claws, fangs, and eyes were slowly retracting with every breath. 

"You know what, fuck it." She said to herself, pushing herself off the wall and going to the table of drinks. 

Once she turned and looked around, she noticed Isaac and Allison were no longer in their previous spot. She immediately shook her head, quite literally shaking him out of her thoughts.

"Do not look for him." She took a deep breath, noticing a distraught and terrified Lydia looking around and calling out for Scott. Y/n tried to make her way towards the strawberry blonde, pushing her way through crowd she realized she lost Lydia. Continuing to push through the sweaty bodies she ran straight into Allison dancing against Isaac, and Isaac was enjoying it. 

She stopped in her tracks at the sight of her 'boyfriend' dancing seductively with another person. Her stomach felt as if it dropped to the earth's core. Her chest felt heavy like it fell upon itself. This feeling of betrayal hurt her so badly. It was almost as if she couldn't breathe on her own. As Y/n looked to the ground from the pair, Isaac had caught her scent. He is immediately turning to his right to see his girlfriend, obviously hurting. Instantly Isaac pushed the huntress off of him, making his way to Y/n. But before he reached her, she turned on her heel and disappeared into the crowd.

Y/n managed to escape Isaac and the crowd, ending up on the sidelines where she ran straight into a shirtless, covered in paint Aiden.

"Y/n, have you seen- Are you okay?" He interrupted himself, noticing she was upset, she looked up at him with a slight frown on her face. He gave her an apologetic look.

"I'm fine. Really." She sniffled, closing her eyes, drawing in a deep breath. She was anchoring herself, keeping herself in control.

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than me." Aiden chuckled, pulling her into a quick hug, surprisingly she hugged him back, but only for a second.

"Okay, wanna get off me now?" She mumbled, making Aiden laugh, which made Y/n laugh as well. The laughing died down once Danny approached the two werewolves.

"Have either of you seen Ethan? I haven't seen him in a while." Danny asked, looking over the crowd in search of his person. Aiden and Y/n looked at each other.

"No, but I'm looking for him too."

"I saw him about 30 minutes ago. I didn't see where he went, sorry." She looked back to Aiden apologetically. Aiden walked off, Danny and Y/n following the worrying werewolf.

Meanwhile, Allison had noticed something behind Isaac's ear. She had dragged Issac to a back room where there was a mirror. She pointed it out to him.

"What is that?" Isaac asked mainly to himself, seeing the number five on his skin.

"Looks like a backward five," Allison said softly. "I noticed it when you pushed me away."

"You mean when I realized I made a mistake and hurt my girlfriend. And for what? For someone who flirted and made it uncomfortable, by giving me all this attention." He muttered the last part to himself, getting distracted by hearing someone else in the room with him.

"That wasn't just my fault. You flirted with me too." She raised her voice at Isaac, but he didn't pay her any attention.

"Did you hear that?" Isaac asked, peering over the buckets of ice to see a shaken and frozen Ethan on the ground. 

Just as Isaac and Allison find Ethan, Y/n walked out to the terrace to find Lydia lying on the cold floor shivering, the part that disturbed her the most was the fear or mesmerized glaze she had over her eyes. 

"Danny! Aiden! It's Lydia!" Her voice cracking, something was wrong with her best friend, and it scared her. 

"What happened?" Aiden asked kneeling next to the werewolf, Danny kneeling on the other side of Lydia.

"How am I supposed to know?! I've been with you!" She responded, lightly hitting Aiden on the shoulder.

"She's freezing!" Danny exclaimed, looking up to the two werewolves, worry evident in his voice. If this were a cartoon, a lightbulb would turn on above Y/n's head.

"I saw a heater inside!" Y/n said before running inside, turning on the vent. Aiden took Lydia into his arms, carrying her inside. Danny led Aiden to the heater.

"I'll go see if I can find a blanket," Danny said, running off and disappearing into the crowd. Y/n and Aiden both holding them close, their body heat and the heater warming Lydia up.

"They came out of the dark," Lydia whispered, the girls frighten face didn't settle right with Y/n. Just as Y/n was going to ask her something a roar erupted from outside. 

"Derek." Y/n whispered, looking over to Aiden bewildered. 

Soon enough, she saw Derek walk up to the DJ table, pushing past the security guard and flipping the equipment table over onto the floor, the music stopped getting the attention from the drunk teenagers.   

"Get Out!" Derek yelled, shaking the room. 

What a way to expose us, Y/n thought to herself, watching the crowd scream and flee the loft.

Just as the loft cleared, Y/n noticed the ninjas standing in the middle. She didn't realize Isaac had entered the room with Allison and him holding up Ethan. She hadn't even thought of him since she saw him and Allison on the dance floor.

"Get her out of here." Aiden handed Lydia to Danny, who walked her out of the building. Aiden and Y/n stood side by side as they saw a few more ninjas appear out of thin air.

"They came out of the dark." Y/n whispered to Aiden, realizing what Lydia meant. Suddenly the ghost ninjas simultaneously turned towards Y/n and Aiden, each taking one fluid step towards them.


"Why are they all looking at us?" Aiden asked, looking over to the girl, she looked to him.

"You're lucky you're pretty." Was all she said before noticing that they each took another step towards the pair, she involuntarily took a step back. The rest of the pack stood on the opposite end of the loft, watching with anticipation. Almost mechanically they took another step closer to them.

Scott and Derek attacked the ghost ninjas, as she watched them fight she wanted nothing more than to fight alongside them, but something told her to stay back. Aiden, who wouldn't pass up a chance to fight anyone, stood protectively in front of Y/n.

"They're literal ghost ninjas. They don't stand a chance." Y/n muttered mainly to herself, but Aiden heard her.

"I thought you were the optimist in the group?" Aiden stood next to her, noticing she was standing there with her arms crossed in front of her chest; she looked calm. In reality, she was freaking! 

Calm your heart rate; you're not scared.

"Yeah well, I'm trying something new." Her eyes diverted from the fight to Isaac, who had been watching her, worrying about the young Stilinski. 

Derek gets thrown to a pillar rather harshly, soon after Scott had been thrown to a wall like another rag dog to the ghost ninjas. They turned towards Y/n and Aiden; the werewolves looked to each other frightened. Isaac stepped forwards contemplating on what to do; fight the ninjas or run to Y/n and getting the hell out of town. 

Stilinski noticed Isaac, immediately snorting to herself. Aiden chuckled along with her. The ghost ninja reached to his chest, pulling out what looks like a katana from his body. The ninja spun the sword around and around.

Woah, okay no need to flex that hard.

Isaac retreated, he didn't want to die tonight. 

The ghosts continued to the pair. They knew the inevitable, sighing they intertwined their hands together with a nod. A ninja walked up to each werewolf; their hands reached Y/n and Aiden's head. They were mesmerized by the bright firefly colored 'eyes' they had. The color hypnotized them, their hands tighten. Their heads tilted to the side, Y/n letting out a shaky breath. The ninjas' hands slipped away from their heads, burning a backward five behind their left ear. Y/n and Aiden fell to the floor harshly, finally letting go of each other. They laid there frozen, mesmerized, and shaking. 

Isaac watched Y/n intently, wanting nothing more than to wrap his arms around her. More importantly, he desired to separate her from Aiden. Isaac doesn't trust him, let alone like him. The ninjas still surrounded the pair laying on the floor, turning towards Scott and Kira. 

As the sun rose and the light shined into the loft, the ninjas slowly disappeared into thin air. Immediately Isaac ran to Y/n, Ethan made his way to Aiden. 

"Oh, Y/n. I'm so sorry." Isaac didn't even realize he had tears streaming down his face. He didn't like that he hurt her so severely earlier and Isaac didn't like that now he had to trigger the healing somehow. 

"Trigger the healing," Isaac said to Ethan, looking over his twin brother. Isaac pulled the frozen girl into his arms; he allowed his claws out, digging them into her arm, triggering the healing. 

"Ahh!" Y/n growled, her bright yellow eyes exposed. She looked around, realizing she was in Isaac's arms. Aiden was punched out of his trance-like state, growling at his twin. Once Y/n had grounded herself, she pushed herself away from Isaac. Isaac looked at her as if she kicked his puppy. She got up, walking to Scott, who pulled her into a hug, Derek walking to the girl without his usual sour wolf facial expression.

"You alright?" Derek asked the girl, pulling herself out of Scott's arms. 

"Yeah, I'm good." Derek patted her shoulder, giving her an understanding expression. She nodded her head, crossing her arms across her chest. Y/n usually doesn't cross her arms, but recently it felt right. It was like she was hugging herself, comforting herself. Lately, she needed herself more than anything.

"Your dad's 24 hours are up," Isaac spoke venomously to Allison, who looked hurt by his words. His harsh tone even surprised Y/n.

After a few minutes, everyone scattered back home. Aiden walked up to Y/n who was sitting on the steps near the door. 

"You need a ride home?" He asked, sitting down with her.

Y/n sighed, "You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"Nah, come on, let's go." Aiden patted her back, getting up. Y/n followed after him. 

They made it outside to his bike when Isaac called after her.

"Y/n, can we talk for a second?" Isaac's soft voice pulled Y/ns attention away from the bike.

"Yeah, what's up?" She stood her ground, standing next to Aiden.

"In private?" 

"No." She said sternly. 

"All day you were the one person who was occupying my mind. I kept thinking, 'where is Isaac? Is he hurt? Is he cheating on me? Is he tired of me?' I was too distracted by your whereabouts that I got detention today! I saw you walk into the party with her. I watched your every move. She goes where you go! She flirts with you, and you flirt back, and you both make things uncomfortable. You looked through the crowd so many times, and I can bet you cold hard cash that you didn't even once think of me." Her words were glass piercing and cutting Isaac deep within himself. She ripped him in half with only a string of the hurtful truth. She drew in a deep breath, anchoring herself with herself.

You will not break down. You will not give him that satisfaction. He holds nothing over you.

Y/n scoffed, "I don't even know what hurts most; not talking to you all day or talking to you now."

"Y/n, I am genuinely sorry. I got so caught up with those ninjas- I wasn't thinking. When she flirted with me, but that's no excuse. I messed up, I apologize for hurting you." Isaac was on the brink of crying. His voice was breaking as he spoke, tears brimming his eyes.

"Y/n, I want you." He sighed, wiping at his eyes.

"You ghosting me all day gave me the space I needed to recognize that I don't even know who I am." Her voice steady and without emotion. Isaac, crying and sniffling, restrained himself from interrupting. He wanted her to speak her truth and let it all out.

"Please." Isaac wiped his face again, "I need you."

Y/n scoffed, turning to the bike putting her helmet on. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you, Isaac, but I don't need you."

With that, Aiden started up his bike and drove away from the crying werewolf. 


Okay. phew. woah that was something.

I'm sorry it took so long. Cherry season is finally over which means I don't work anymore. Which also mean I have much more time to write. 

This story was rooted in my sisters' problem but the story was inspired by Spaghetti the poem by Dacre Montgomery. If you listened to it and then read the story it probably doesn't make sense.

I'm here to remind you that they are inspired by. There are a few sections from his poems that speak out to me and I write something inspired by that section/s

But anyways, lately, I've been feeling almost lost. summer is ending. which is sad but also means im going back to school soon, I feel unfinished here. I'm not done with my hometown. There is something else I need to do. What? I don't know.

I hope yall like this story, I spent so much time on it but only because the reader needed something else. Every time I read it to edit it, she was missing something. I feel like shes still missing something but I like how I wrote it. This was a different way of writing and I liked it.

Thank you so much for reading! I always appreciate your feedback!

Karen Iliana xx

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