All In (Interracial Romance)

By NicoleMckoy

281K 16K 4K

Zoey is a twenty one year old woman working as an assistant for a billionaire just trying to provide for hers... More

All In (Interracial Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 60

2.1K 136 35
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Stewart P.O.V.

Junior Year of College

I sat on the couch and eyed Kyla as she walked past me.

Her and my sister Courtney were going out to a college party tonight.

They'd only been here for a semester and already had become very social on campus.

Kyla and my sister were freshmen. They were both eighteen and excited to be living off campus in a luxury apartment their father's were helping them pay for.

Kyla and my sister had been best friends since they were toddlers.

Kyla's mixed. Her father is white and her mother's black. Her mother is light skinned so her mom could pass for being mixed herself but she wasn't.

Kyla's father and my father have done a lot of business over the years so that's how Kyla and my sister ever had the first introduction to becoming best friends.

As Kyla passed me I grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto my lap.

She giggled and I nuzzled her neck as I placed my hand to her thigh.

"You think you're wearing a short enough skirt baby," I whispered as I kissed on her neck.

"Stewart.... Courtney could be back any minute," Kyla whined trying to get out of my hold.

"So? You're eighteen now and in college. Don't you think it's about time we tell her we've been seeing each other?" I asked.

"I told you she will flip out and I don't want that. Just let me figure out the best way to break the news to her. She's been my best friend since we were in diapers. I've known your whole family my whole life. She's going to think it's weird that her best friend is dating her brother," Kyla explained.

"How is it weird?" I asked confused.

"Well for starters you're three years older and while that doesn't seem like a big deal now that I'm legal... we started messing around when I was fourteen Stewart. You were seventeen when I lost my virginity to you. You said if we waited and you turned eighteen you could get in trouble if we got caught. So that's why I trusted you and did what we did when we did it. But then you went off to college and it sucked having a boyfriend miles away while I was still in high school. I know I hurt you when I dumped you and said I wanted to experience dating in high school. But we found our way back to each other so it's all good," Kyla said.

"We found our way back to each other but it's like high school all over again. I'm a secret. Baby lets just tell her. Then I can come with you to this party and make sure no drunk college frat guys hit on you," I said.

"You're always so protective..." Kyla smiled.

"Well look at you baby... can you blame me?" I asked as I kissed her.

She kissed me back and I moved my hand further up her thigh and underneath her skirt.

I laid Kyla down on the couch and got on top of her.

We started making out and she moved her hands underneath my shirt.

I pulled my shirt over my head and leaned back down to kiss Kyla.

I moved my lips from her lips and started sucking on her neck as I moved my hands underneath her skirt.

I slowly pulled her panties down as she softly moaned.

She reached for my belt and unbuckled it.

She reached in my back pocket and grabbed the condom I had with me.

She handed it to me and I ripped it open.

"I love you baby," I whispered as I slipped the condom on my shaft.

"I know I love you too Stewart," Kyla said.

I moved my hand between her legs and made sure she was ready for me.

Slowly I inched myself inside her entrance and we started to make love.

The past couple years of being away at college without her had been hell. When I went back home during the summers we would see each other and every once and a while we'd hook up. But she still always made me keep my distance.

It wasn't until she came to college that we got back together. Although no one on campus knew we were together.

Kyla was so afraid of what my sister would think.

She was afraid of losing her best friend.

I thrust in and out of Kyla slowly making this moment last between us.

I love making love to her.

I can see myself spending the rest of my life with her.

Kyla moved her hand up the back of my neck and into my hair.

I went deep and she arched her back.

"You feel so good babe," she moaned.

She wrapped her legs around me pulling me in closer.

I pecked her lips and we both heard the door open.

"I'm back!" Courtney announced.

We had no time to cover ourselves up or hide what we were in the middle of doing.

"I got the beer... and picked up the skirt I'd been eyeing at the mall last week. Caleb better notice me in this. If he doesn't hook up with me tonight I- OH MY GOSH!"

I pulled out of Kyla and pulled up my pants and she pulled down her skirt as we both gathered ourselves.

"Kyla! Stewart! What the hell!" Courtney said shocked.

"Court it's not what it looks like," Kyla quickly said as she stood up.

She really didn't need to lie like that. I think we all knew it was what it looked like.

"So you weren't just laid out for my brother on the couch like some cheap slut!" Courtney said nastily.

"Court don't! She and I did nothing wrong," I said as I buckled my belt and stood up.

I grabbed my shirt and put it back on.

"You shut up! How could you fuck her! She's my best friend Stewart! You've known her since she was in diapers!" Courtney scolded me.

"Courtney if you'd just let us explain," Kyla spoke up.

"Us? So you and my brother are an "us" now?" Courtney said disgusted.

"Courtney you have no right to be pissed! If we want to date what is the problem," I said.

"Date? So this isn't just some hook up? You're into her... you're into him?" Courtney said shocked.

"Courtney he wanted to tell you but I wasn't ready. I was afraid of how you'd react and considering how you're acting now I was right to hold this information back from you," Kyla quickly explained.

"My brother and my best friend. I can't believe you two would betray me like this!" Courtney shouted.

Courtney didn't give either of us a chance to explain.

She just stormed out of the apartment leaving us to feel like we'd done something wrong when we hadn't.

"I knew this would happen," Kyla said as she grabbed her keys.

"Baby we didn't do anything wrong. She's pissed but she'll get over it," I said as I followed Kyla.

"We did do something wrong Stewart! We betrayed her! She's my best friend and I should have known dating her brother would be too weird for her. Look you can stay here or leave.... I don't really care. I'm going after Courtney to try and fix this," Kyla said.

"Well I'm coming with you," I said.

"No! I... I... I can't be around you right now," Kyla said as she rushed out after Courtney.

How the hell did all this go so wrong and I end up feeling like I'd done something wrong?

Caleb P.O.V.

Junior Year of College (the same night)

I was at this frat party having a great time with some sorority girls.

The girls were wasted and I was almost wasted too.

I was talking to this one girl when my boy Asher came through with the goods.

"Hey man what's good," I said.

"I got some grams... ya wanna get high?" he asked.

I left the girls and we went off into the kitchen.

We poured some lines out and I snorted a couple.

As I finished my second line I saw this familiar hottie walk in looking pissed as hell.

"Court?" I questioned.

She grabbed a beer and popped the top off. She chugged the whole thing and then came right up to me and kissed me.

I was caught off guard but went with it.

Courtney was a little cutie and if she was down to fuck tonight I wouldn't object.

"What ya got there Asher?" she asked as she kept her arm around me.

"Come coke. You want a line?" he asked.

"I don't really do coke," she said.

"Come on Court don't be a buzz kill," I encouraged.

Courtney looked like she was going to object but then looked towards the doorway and changed her mind.

"Give me two lines," she told Asher.

Courtney snorted up the two lines as I saw her familiar friend watching in horror.

I remember when Courtney and her friend first started coming around. Her friend was all shy and innocent until she got drunk at her first college party. I remember briefly making out with her that night.

I think her friends name was Kyla.

Her friend looked to be texting on her phone then rushed out of the doorway.

I saw the girl stop by the staircase. I decided to approach her.

"Hey," I called out.

She wiped her face and seemed upset.

"Hey... hey... what's with the tears," I asked.

"It's been a long night..." she cried.

"Tell me about it sweetheart," I flirted.

I ran my finger along her cheek and I leaned into her.

She looked up at me and grabbed my beer from my hands.

She chugged the thing like Courtney had chugged one in the kitchen.

"Feel better?" I asked when she handed me back the bottle.

"Not yet..." she said.

"Well let me help with that," I said as I took her hand and led her upstairs.

Me and her went upstairs and I took us into the first empty room I could find.

I led her over to the bed and kissed her.

She kissed me for like a second then pushed me away.

"I can't. I have a boyfriend..." she said conflicted.

"Well I don't see him around? All I see is a cute girl with tear stained cheeks who needs a distraction," I said.

As the girl seemed confused and distressed the door busted open.

"YOU FUCKING SLUT!" I heard a female scream.

Kyla and I turned around and I saw an angry and drunken Courtney stumble into the room.

"First my brother now the guy you know I have a crush on! You bitch!" Courtney shouted.

"Courtney I... I didn't mean to," Kyla cried.

"Oh save it Kyla! You're nothing but a fucking whore just like your mother!" Courtney shouted as she charged at Kyla.

Courtney pulled Kyla's hair and they started fighting.

They stumbled outside onto the balcony and I followed them.

"Courtney stop!" Kyla screamed.

I grabbed Courtney and pulled her off Kyla.

She let go of Kyla's hair and Kyla stood back trying to catch her breath.

"Get off me Caleb!" Courtney said as she pushed me off her.

"Courtney I didn't mean for any of this to happen. Caleb and I weren't doing anything I promise," Kyla cried.

"Talking! Please. Were you just talking with my brother?" Courtney shouted.

"Courtney we didn't want to hurt you! I know I should have been honest about my feelings for Stewart but I was scared of your reaction! Clearly I had a right to want to hide this from you... look how you're acting," Kyla argued.

"How I'm acting! How I'm ACTING!" Courtney shouted angrily as she got up in Kyla's face.

"Look I'll break up with him if you want me to. Stewart isn't worth our friendship..." Kyla said.

"So now my brother is just a toy your done playing with!" Courtney shouted.

"That's not what I said! You're twisting my words. Courtney you're intoxicated and high. I saw you snort those two lines of coke. Since when do you even do drugs?" Kyla questioned.

"I started tonight so what! Don't judge me you self-righteous bitch!" Courtney said upset.

"Courtney lets just go back to the apartment and talk this out tomorrow morning once you're sober," Kyla reasoned.

"No we're talking right now!" Courtney shouted as she pushed at Kyla's chest.

Kyla stumbled back getting close to the railing.

"Courtney stop it! Don't push me," Kyla said.

"Make me you lying backstabbing bitch!" Courtney said angrily as she pushed Kyla harder.

Kyla hit the railing and before any of us could do anything she fell backwards off the balcony.

"COURTNEY!" I screamed as I ran towards the railing.

I heard a thud and screams below.

I walked to the railing and looked down.

It wasn't a pretty sight.

I saw a guy rushing up to Kyla's body that was sprawled cross the middle of the walkway.

"Oh no what have I done," I heard Courtney say not too far behind me.

"KYLA!" I heard the male's horrified scream as he bent down to Kyla's body.

I could see blood and knew this wasn't good.

"Oh shit! Courtney what did you do!" I said panicking.

I turned back and saw Courtney sitting in the corner with her knees up to her chest.

She was rocking back and forth as she cried hysterically.

I looked back down below the balcony and locked eyes with the guy down by Kyla's body.

He looked heartbroken, horrified, and confused at first like he was trying to figure out what had happened. But quickly his eyes went dark and he looked furious as his eyes were fixed on me.

Did he think I did that?

Hell would everyone else think that to?

Author's Note: Now you know what happened in college.... Courtney in a jealous and betrayed rage accidently pushed her best friend (her brother's first love) off the balcony. This was the night that began Courtney's drug use as well for those wondering.

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