All In (Interracial Romance)

By NicoleMckoy

281K 16K 4K

Zoey is a twenty one year old woman working as an assistant for a billionaire just trying to provide for hers... More

All In (Interracial Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 56

1.9K 149 39
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

After Caleb stormed out of the condo I left and went to confront Stewart.

He did this. Those text messages Caleb got came from his phone.

I told him I'd tell Caleb about us so why couldn't he just be patient and let me do what I needed to do!

I knocked loudly on Stewart's front door.

I had a key but I wasn't about to use it.

A few seconds later the door opened and Stewart stood there in his pajama pants and no shirt.

He looked good but I wasn't here for that.

I was here to end this affair once and for all.

"Baby why are you knocking. You have a key," he said.

I walked past him inside his condo as he closed the door behind me.

"Why did you text Caleb that I'd been cheating on him!" I said as I turned around furiously.

"What?" Stewart questioned acting dumb.

"Cut the bullshit Stewart! Caleb confronted me the second I walked through the door. He showed me all the text messages! He even had a fucking photo! I recognized the number the texts came from! So again I'll ask why did you do it!" I said angrily.

"I told her to block my damn number when she used my phone," Stewart said a bit annoyed.

"What!" I shouted.

"Yes I sold us out... I had my sister text Caleb from my phone so what! Zoey you have dragged this out long enough! He's sober now and doing fine! We're pregnant and I'm sorry but I'm not about to have my pregnant girlfriend still keeping up this charade all to make sure some junkie doesn't relapse. If he relapses it's his own fault at this point. You've done your part," Stewart said as he came towards me.

"Yes he's gotten clean but he could still relapse and I won't be surprised if he did after the way he was given this news! News Flash Stewart I'm pregnant not "we"! This baby could very well be Caleb's and now he might go off and relapse and that would make this whole situation worse," I said angrily.

"What do you mean the baby could be Caleb's? I thought you cut off the intimacy in your relationship with him when we got serious!" Stewart said hurt.

"Oh my gosh get over yourself! I was his girlfriend first! I never stopped sleeping with him Stewart! I just allowed you to believe that to ease your mind," I said not caring about his feelings anymore.

Stewart did this all wrong. He was messing with Caleb's sobriety now and didn't even care all because he wanted to be able to claim me!

"What the hell Zoey!" Stewart shouted.

"If it wasn't clear before it's clear now! We're done!" I said as I threw him his key.

I walked past him to storm out and he quickly blocked me.

"Where are you going!" he said as he looked down at me.

"To find Caleb! I can't let him run off to your sister or someone else who will so easily hand him a gram of coke! He's worked so hard to be clean and I'll be damned if what we did ruins his sobriety," I said.

"Fuck him and his sobriety! Let him overdose! It'd be what he deserves!" Stewart shouted angrily.

"That is a horrible thing to say! Who even are you right now," I said.

"I'm the man you've been in a relationship with the past six months! I'm the same man you came running to when Caleb beat your ass! I'm the man that has been here when he's cheated, lied, and gotten high! I'm the man that made my home your home! I'm the man that gave you a sense of stability and comfort! I'm the man that loves you with every breath in my lungs! I'm the man that wants that baby growing in your belly to be mine more than anything in this world," Stewart declared.

"Well you might not be the father," I said.

"I also might be the father... Look I get you're pissed at me for having my sister tell Caleb about us. But I'm pissed to know you've still been sleeping with him. Zoey I thought if anything we were always honest with each other. I didn't decide to be your secret boyfriend just for shits and giggles. I fell in love with you when we were in Paris. I bought you that bracelet as a token of my love and affection. Look at all the charms I've put on it in the past six months. The past six months have been the best six months of my entire life. I fall in love with you deeper every second we're together. You can be mad at me but I had to do this to give you that push to finally break things off with him and be with me in the open. I'm done with hiding in the shadows or here in our condo. I want the world to know you're my woman and I'm your man," Stewart said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Stewart leaned down to kiss me and I turned my head away.

"Baby don't be like that. Kiss me," he whispered.

I still didn't move and Stewart just grazed my earlobe with his lips as his hands moved down to squeeze my ass.

"Are you really going to be cold towards me like this?" Stewart whispered.

"Like I said we're done! You should have let me handle this in my own time and my own way. You making the decision for me made the decision for our future together," I said as I pushed Stewart away from me.

I slipped past him and quickly left his condo not looking back.

I had to go find Caleb and make sure he hadn't done anything reckless.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if Caleb ended up relapsing because of me.

Caleb P.O.V.

I walked into the strip club and saw dancers dancing on stage and giving lap dances.

I searched for Courtney but didn't see her anywhere.

I approached one of the dancers I knew she was friends with.

"Hey is Courtney here?" I asked.

"Handsome I haven't seen you in here in months. Courtney's not working tonight but I could give you a dance if you'd like," she flirted.

"Thanks but no thanks," I said as I headed out.

I pulled out my phone and texted Courtney.

I texted...

"Where are you? I need to see you right now!"

I was desperate I needed a fucking hit!

I got back in my car and hit the sheering wheel.

I saw my phone ring and saw that Zoey was calling me.

Fucking lying cheating dirty ass bitch!

Why in the hell was she calling me like I'd really answer her skank ass.

I can't believe I let myself fall for her!

I can't believe I actually thought I loved her!

Hell I do love her.

Fuck why did she do this to me! To us!

I started my car and texted Asher.

I asked him if he was busy and he told me he was at a club downtown.

I headed downtown.

He'd get me some coke.

I sped down to the club and got there in record time.

When I got there I skipped the line and headed right inside.

I headed straight for VIP and saw Asher and some other guys I knew surrounded by bottle girls.

"Caleb! Haven't seen you in a minute man! Get a drink and come join us," Asher said.

I pulled Asher aside and he was faded.

"Hey man I need a couple grams," I said.

"Man sorry I sold my last couple to these girls," Asher said.

"What!" I said as I gripped him up by his shirt.

"Man chill! They're down on the dance floor... those college girls over there!" Asher said pointing the girls out.

I spotted the girls and let go of Asher.

I headed to the dance floor to see if I could buy the coke off them.

One girl reminded me of Courtney. She looked just like Courtney did back in our college days.

All innocent but looking for trouble.

The other girl looked like she liked to party and maybe was just a bad influence on this other girl.

"Hey ladies," I said as I came up behind them.

They giggled and turned around.

The Courtney looking one seemed to be the sober of the two while the other one seemed slightly drunk.

"Get lost creep," the sober girl said.

"Hey I mean no harm... I just heard that my friend over there sold you girls the last grams of coke he had. Well I'm in need of them and willing to buy them off you," I said.

"Nope! They're all mine stud," the drunk girl said.

"Look I can pay you girls whatever you want. I just need the damn drugs," I said kind of desperate now.

"How much are you willing to pay?" the sober girl asked.

"How much do you want? I have at least a grand in my wallet. But we can go to the atm and I'll get more," I said.

"NO! I'm not selling him my stash. Sorry oldie but you're straight out of luck tonight," the drunk girl said.

She pulled her sober friend with her and walked off.


What was I going to do now!

I left the club upset.

I got back in my car and sped off.

I felt angry, hurt, and confused.

How could Zoey do this to me!

And now she's pregnant?

I might be a father!

I never once wanted to have a child.

But being with a girl like Zoey could soften a man up to the idea.

I have to admit if the circumstances were different and she hadn't been cheating but told me she was pregnant I honestly think I would have been kind of excited.

I mean when we had our first pregnancy scare I was a dick about it.

But now after being with her for the last six months and having fallen in love with her. Seeing how she had helped me get clean and helped me stay that way.

I could see her being a good mother.

She's a nurturing person.

Since getting clean Zoey had been my rock honestly.

We had our own little routine at home.

Hell she'd practically moved in with me by now.

I could remember the breakfast she'd cook for me before heading off to work. She'd leave it in the microwave for me to have either once I woke up or came back from an early morning workout.

On weekends if we didn't sleep in she'd come with me to the gym. Some times she'd just sit back and watch me. Other times she'd work out along side me.

She couldn't keep up though.

My girl was in shape but didn't do too many hardcore workouts.

Just thinking of the happiness having children had brought Evan I wondered about that feeling.

I wondered if I could be the fatherly type.

My father wasn't around much for me. I mean he lived in the same house while I was growing up but his career kept him pretty busy. Being a judge was a job that kept him up late and in his office at all hours.

My mother was a busy woman too. She never didn't have a case she was working on. Being a lawyer was demanding.

Then there was me.

I don't have a career. I make money but I wouldn't say I found my purpose in life yet... if there even was one for me.

But being with Zoey made me feel like I'd finally done something right in my life.

Being with her made me become a better person... an accountable person.

Having a child together sounded scary but made me wonder if fatherhood might actually be something I want now.

But the real question now was would I want to raise a baby with a girl like Zoey.

After this betrayal I didn't see how we'd ever get back to the place we were in.

How could I ever trust her again?

I pulled off onto the side of the road.

I was never one to get super emotional but thinking about how the past six months felt so great but knowing Zoey had been lying to me everyday was a total mind fuck.

Was anything we had real?

Does she even love me back? Or does she love Stewart?

The thought of her letting him kiss her... make love to her.... it made me want to throw up.

How could she ever let a slime ball like him touch her?

How could she have a full blown second relationship behind my back with no regard to my feelings.

She didn't even seem to feel guilty about it.

I took a deep breath and started driving again.

I drove back to my condo after clearing my mind.

I was going through hell right now and had no one to turn to. I'd gotten through having an itch for a line of coke and a meaningless fuck with Courtney all by myself.

I guess you could call that progress.

Maybe I'm stronger than I think.

Maybe I have more self-discipline than I thought.

I got up to my condo and unlocked the door.

I walked inside and the place was dark and quiet.

Good. Zoey left.

I walked back to my bedroom and saw the lamp on the nightstand turned on.

I saw Zoey sleeping peacefully in what had become our bed.

Apart of my heart broke as I watched this young pregnant girl I'd come to love sleeping in what had once been my bachelor pad but had now become our safe haven.

I could have woken her up and demanded she get her ass out of my house. I mean her name isn't on this place.

But then apart of me was like that girl might be carrying your child and the way you treat her now might come back to bite you in the ass one day.

I have to man up if I'm going to become a father.

I can no longer just think about myself.

I know the way I was thinking was based off the advice I know Evan would give me in this situation.

He's always been the sound one between us.

He's always told me not to be such a reactor.

So right now I wasn't going to lash out and react in the way I wanted to based off of the pain I felt.

But I was going to be the bigger person and let Zoey sleep in the bed I knew she'd become comfortable and feeling safe in, as I took my ass to the couch.

I grabbed my pillow and walked out of the bedroom.

I walked over to my couch in the living room and lay down.

I looked up at the ceiling and just wondered where to go from here.

Will I be here for her during this pregnancy? Will I keep my distance?

Can I just get a DNA test then make my decision.... Can she even have a DNA test taken at this stage of pregnancy... wait how far along was she even?

My mind was racing with unanswered questions.

I guess come morning Zoey and I would have to put our feelings aside and have an adult conversation about the future of this relationship and that baby she's carrying.

If it's my child I won't be a dick and turn my back on it.

But as for my relationship with Zoey... I don't know if I'd ever be able to look at her the same ever again.

To think this is what happens the first time I give in and actually do what I've always been against.

This feeling right here. This mess I'd been dragged through was the exact reason I never did relationships.

I don't see myself ever being in a relationship again or trusting a woman with my heart after this.

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