All In (Interracial Romance)

By NicoleMckoy

281K 16K 4K

Zoey is a twenty one year old woman working as an assistant for a billionaire just trying to provide for hers... More

All In (Interracial Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 50

2.3K 142 61
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood in the doorway of my bathroom.

I watched as Zoey sat on my bed and put on her heels for her last day of work.

She was finally going to quit working for that scumbag Livingston and work for Jasmine.

Jasmine was starting her own business and I was sure she didn't have a clue what she was doing but I was glad to have my girl working with someone I didn't have to worry about her being around.

"What ya looking at?" Zoey smiled as she stood up.

"Just wondering what I ever did to deserve waking up to a beauty like you everyday," I smiled as she came over to me.

"Have a good workout and meeting handsome," Zoey said.

"You have a good last day working for Livingston. I wish I could be there to see the look on his face when you tell him you quit. We'll go out for dinner to celebrate tonight," I said.

Zoey smiled and gave me a quick kiss before she left for work.

I got dressed and left my condo. I had a sober meeting to go to then I was going to the gym.

When I got to the treatment facility and to the room the meeting was held in I noticed there were less people than last time. Maybe because this meeting was in the early morning or on a weekday, I didn't know.

I saw the girl from the last meeting... I couldn't remember her name.

I walked over and sat down beside her.

"Well you decided to come to another meeting," she said surprised.

"I'm trying to stick to this whole sobriety thing so yeah," I said.

"Well congrats on sticking to the sober life so far," she said.

"Why are there less people than last time?" I asked.

"There could be many reasons but the most common is the person decided they weren't quite ready for the sober life. It's a sad but true reality of an addict. I came and stopped coming to meetings like this on and off for two years before finally sticking to it. Everyone approaches the steps of sobriety differently," she explained.

"You seem to have this whole thing down," I said.

"Once you're in you're in. It's just a matter of keeping yourself accountable," she said.

The leader of the meeting stood at the front and cleared their throat to get everyone's attention.

"Welcome back old members and welcome new members," the group leader said.

I looked around seeing that no one else was joining the meeting today. There had to be like seven of us in here.

"Who would like to start by sharing their journey?" the group leader asked.

I felt a nudge from the girl beside me.

"Why not step up and tell us what brought you here," she said.

"I'm not ready," I whispered.

"When are we ever ready to step away from where we are to where we want to be?" she asked.

She did have a point. I could only sit and hide in plain sight for so long before facing my fears.

I stood up and the leader gestured for me to come to the front.

I wasn't one who liked public speaking. I always hated when we'd have to do those research papers or book reports in English class when I was younger.

I stood nervously as I looked out at the few people that were here.

I cleared my throat and locked eyes with the girl I had been sitting by.

She gave me a smile and thumbs up.

I needed some encouragement if I was about to tell a room full of strangers about my cocaine addiction.

"Hi. My name is Caleb. I'm thirty seven and... I... I..." I felt myself begin to choke up.

"You can do it," I saw the girl mouthed to me from her seat.

I cleared my throat once more.

"I'm an addict. Wow that felt weird to say out loud. I've never been able to admit that. I've never really thought I had a problem until the day I lost it. I use cocaine and one night I was running low on my supply. My girlfriend found it and destroyed it... she told me it was for my own good. I didn't want to hear that. I was livid. I snapped on her. I got rough with her and physically assaulted her. The strange thing is that was the first time I ever put my hands on a woman. Never had I ever harmed a woman before that night. I almost lost her and that was a real wake up call for me. You see I've never been one to do relationships. I liked having my freedom to do what I want when I want. Now being in a relationship I have to be held accountable for the things I do more than I've ever had to be accountable for them in the past. I didn't really want to get clean... But my girlfriend pushed me towards it. At first I was only doing this to please her. But now I'm doing this to better myself and live a clean and healthy life," I said expressing myself.

I'd never felt safe enough to express this side of myself before.

But something about being here with not so many people who are struggling with the same kinds of issues made me feel more comfortable.

"Thank you for sharing Caleb," the group leader said.

I nodded and headed back to my seat.

I sat back down and felt like a weight had been lifted. I was no longer living this struggle in secret. I no longer had to feel ashamed of what I'd done or gone through.

We sat listening to everyone else share there stories and by the end of the meeting I felt good about things.

"I'm glad you shared your story today. It takes a lot to admit not only to addiction but abuse," the girl said.

"I'm not an abuser... I never have been. But I did snap and seeing that side of me come out was a wake up call," I said.

"You're quite a complex man Caleb," she said.

"Ok... I don't really know how to take that," I said.

"I don't mean anything bad by it. I just mean you are a man with depth to him. You have a real story to tell," she said.

"Thanks..." I said as I scratched the back of my neck a bit nervous.

"Well I gotta get going. I guess I'll see you at the next meeting," she said.

"Yeah sure... but wait," I said.

"What?" she asked.

"I forgot your name," I said.

She smiled but seemed slightly annoyed.

"Hand me your phone," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just trust me," she said.

I handed her my phone.

She had me put in the passcode and she went typing away on it.

She then held the phone up and seemed to be taking a selfie.

"Here," she said as she handed the phone back to me.

"What did you just do?" I asked as I heard her phone beep in her pocket.

"I just exchanged contact information between us. We can be each other's sponsors. If I ever feel like taking a drink I can call you... and the same goes for if you ever feel like you need some coke," she said.

"Ok," I said.

"I put it in your phone with my contact info but my name is Olivia by the way. Don't forget me this time," she smiled before she walked away.


I wouldn't forget her this time.

I was glad to have found a person at this meeting that I felt confident in calling if I did ever fall off the wagon so to speak.

Zoey P.O.V.

I got to work and had to brace myself for quitting my job.

I wasn't sure how Stewart was going to take this news but I would just have to say it and hope for the best.

It's best I work elsewhere anyway with things getting so complicated between Stewart and I.

I needed to create some distance between us so this affair could end.

I walked up to my desk and saw a vase full of a dozen red roses and a small jewelry box.

I picked up the note sitting in the roses and read it.

It read.

"To my special girl."

I smiled wondering if Caleb had surprised me at work.

I opened up the jewelry box and realized this was from Stewart not Caleb.

The box held a London bus charm in it.

I felt my heart sink as I looked at the beautiful charm Stewart bought me.

He was so sweet and romantic.

But I couldn't accept this.

Caleb recently gave me a key to his place and I'm starting a new job.

I have to end this with Stewart.

I closed the jewelry box and headed straight into Stewart's office.

As I walked in Stewart was on a call.

He gestured for me to come over to him and I closed the door behind me.

"Will do sir. Thank you for your time," Stewart said before he hung up the phone.

I stood on the side of Stewart's desk and he smiled as he came to stand in front of me.

"Hi gorgeous. I see you got my gift for you. I know our tradition was I get you a new charm every time we take a trip together. But I couldn't help myself. I had to get you something to add to your bracelet. I know next time I go to London you'll join me and I'll make sure we take a ride on the double decker bus," Stewart said sweetly.

Stewart leaned in to kiss me and I placed the jewelry box to his chest pushing him away.

"Thank you but I can't accept this Stewart. I'm sorry," I said.

"Why not?" Stewart asked confused.

I sat the jewelry box down on his desk and took a deep breath.

There was no easy way to do this.

"Stewart I quit," I said.

"What," he chuckled confused.

"I said I quit. I can't work for you anymore," I said.

"Why? Is it because of our personal relationship? Zoey if I-"

"Stewart it's not that! I just... I... I got a job somewhere else and this is me giving you my notice although today will be my last day," I said.

"Zoey I don't understand. Where is this coming from?" Stewart asked.

"Stewart you have been so kind to me. You were there every time I needed a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate the friendship we've shared and working for you has been quite a learning experience for me. But it's time for me to move on and think about my future," I said.

"You don't see a future at my company... a company you could possibly... Zoey I'm confused right now. What happened?" Stewart asked.

I took off my bracelet and placed it over the jewelry box I had already sat on his desk.

There is no easy way to quit a job when you're having an affair with your boss. There is no easy way to also say I'm done with this fling we've been having.

"Zoey baby talk to me," Stewart said as he reached out and caressed my cheek.

I closed my eyes trying not to lean into his touch.

"Tell me what's wrong. I can fix it," Stewart said desperately.

"There is nothing to fix Stewart. This is over," I said as I opened my eyes to look at him.

Stewart was quiet.

"So that's just it! We're done just like that without an explanation!" Stewart said getting angry.

"I have a boyfriend and cheating on him is wrong," I said.

"As if he hasn't cheated on you! He hit you! He does drugs! He's a fucking loser Zoey! All he's ever going to do is bring you down," Stewart said angrily.

"He has apologized for his mistakes and we've been good. I can't keep stepping out on him like I've been doing. It's wrong," I said.

"This is unbelievable! Zoey he is nothing but a fuck up that is going to ruin your life just like he ruined my sister's!" Stewart argued.

Stewart slammed his hands down on the desk as he caged me in.

"Stewart I know you and Caleb have a strange history but I'm sorry. I just can't be involved with you anymore," I said.

"So that's just it! You use me because things are shit with him but throw me aside when you're ready to be fully committed to him again! What the hell do I look like to you Zoey! A fucking on off switch!" Stewart shouted.


"You can't just use people then toss them aside when you're finished with them Zoey!" Stewart said.

"Stewart I never meant to make you feel used in anyway. I truly do care for you I just can't keep up this affair anymore. The gilt is eating me up inside. I feel so guilty when I'm with Caleb because I know what I have going with you. Then I feel guilty because I can't give all of myself to you. Stewart I'm being pulled in two different directions and I'm making a choice," I said in distress.

"This is because I told you to choose isn't it?" Stewart questioned.

"No but you were right. You and I would never work anyway. You come from a really prestigious family and I could never measure up to be worthy enough for you to actually claim in public. Besides your father doesn't approve and-"

"Wait what does my father have to do with this? Did he say something to you?" Stewart asked.

I was never going to tell Stewart the racist things his father said to me. I didn't see much of a reason to.

But now that I was standing here breaking things off with him I guess it was no better time than to tell him what his old man thinks.

"He saw us at the gala. He knew we were fooling around. He made it very clear that no child of his would be mixed up with someone of my background," I said.

"Huh? What are you saying?" Stewart questioned confused.

"Your father doesn't want you with a black woman Stewart!" I shouted.

Stewart seemed taken a back by my words.

"He said that?" Stewart asked.

"Yes and I'm not surprised. I mean rich white folk don't really mix with colored people unless it's for charity," I said.

"Zoey I'm sorry for whatever my father might have said to you but I don't think the way he does. You aren't just some black woman to me. I love you," Stewart declared.

I was shocked.

Stewart loves me.

He's in love with me.

Caleb hasn't even said those words to me.

"Zoey I know we haven't known each other that long but I know how I feel and I know what I want. I love you and I want to be with you and only you," Stewart said.

Stewart grabbed my cheek and pulled my face to his and kissed me.

I had never had someone declare their love for me in such a way.

Stewart didn't waver. He said how he felt with no hesitation and I couldn't just ignore that could I.

Stewart placed light kisses all around my mouth and chin. He pushed some things off his desk and lifted me up to sit on it.

"I love you Zoey. I love you," he whispered against my neck as he ripped open my blouse.

He laid me back on his desk and I knew I wasn't leaving this office anytime soon.

Half an hour later Stewart and I were on the floor lying in each other's arms as our clothes laid in a pile beside us.

His hand ran down my back as I placed kisses all over his chest.

He was breathing heavy and kind of sweaty.

I didn't care though.

I moved over him and straddled him as his hands cupped my ass.

"Are you still quitting?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I need to. I can't keep screwing my boss... it's unprofessional," I laughed.

Stewart chuckled and I ran my hands up his chest.

"What about what I said? I meant it Zoey. I love you," he said as he grabbed my hand.

He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed my fingertips.

"I'm not dumping Caleb," I said.

"I'm not going to pressure you anymore to do so... just don't end things between us. I can wait for you to be fully mine. I'm a patient man," he said.

I smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

He flipped us over and got on top of me.

He reached above us towards his desk.

He had grabbed my bracelet.

"I think this belongs to you," he said as he placed my bracelet back on my wrist.

He kissed the inside of my wrist and I giggled.

"Now you better not ever take this off again," he said in a playful stern tone.

"I promise," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Lets get dressed. I'll take you out for a celebratory lunch," Stewart said as he stood up.

"I would get dressed but a certain man ripped my blouse open," I giggled as I stood up.

"I guess we need to stop by the store first," he chuckled.

"That or we could stop by my place," I said.

"Your place? I've never been there," he said.

"Well there is a first time for everything isn't there," I smiled.

"I guess so," he smiled back.

Stewart gave me a kiss and we got dressed.

I hand to hold my blouse together as we left the building.

I was able to quit my job successfully but not Stewart.

I really thought I was going to put an end to this affair today but instead I just got even deeper involved into it.

I couldn't end things with Stewart after he declared his love for me. I also couldn't abandon Caleb when he was doing so well with his sobriety.

Author's Note: Well well what has Zoey gotten herself into? I know you are all very frustrated with Zoey and want to see her either get caught or grow up. Well the next chapter will skip ahead six months and we'll be at the same timeline my story "The Perfect Fit [Part 2]" is currently at. Are you ready to finally know why Zoey has been acting so sketchy around Evan and Jasmine in my other story? I'm sure you guys already know the reason why but this might not play out the way you think it will...  

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