All In (Interracial Romance)

By NicoleMckoy

278K 16K 4K

Zoey is a twenty one year old woman working as an assistant for a billionaire just trying to provide for hers... More

All In (Interracial Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95

Chapter 47

2.2K 139 36
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

I held my hand out as Zoey slipped her hand into mine. She stepped out of the car and I was in awe.

My girl looked gorgeous.

Zoey and I walked hand and hand into the charity gala.

I would come to this thing annually because of my parents. I usually came alone and would sip on a drink while trying not to die of boredom.

I was actually excited to be here this year. Since I had a girl I care about with me and a sober mind this should be a different experience.

When we walked in the ballroom it was packed. The room was full of the most elite.

You had everyone from lawyers, to doctors, to judges, to business moguls in here.

"I see my parents," I said.

"Well lets go say hi," Zoey said.

I moved my arm around Zoey's waist as we headed in my parents direction.

My parents were finishing up a conversation with a guy who had run for mayor.

"Hey mom and dad," I said.

"My handsome son and his lovely girlfriend," my mother smiled as she hugged me.

"You look great mom," I said.

"Thank you. I have to say Zoey you look stunning this evening," my mother complimented Zoey.

One thing I don't think Zoey knows is my family has always been intertwined with those of high society.

I grew up attending countless fundraisers and many other high profiled events.

I was use to the company of superficial judgmental high-class assholes.

"Oh look the Livingston's have shown up," my father said with distaste.

I turned around and saw Stewart walk in with his father and surprisingly his sister too.

Courtney hadn't been to a function like this in at least the last two years.

I wonder what made her dress up and tag along with her brother and father tonight?

"I'm going to go get a drink," Zoey said.

"Alright. I'll meet you over at the bar," I said.

Zoey walked off and my parents went to socialize.

I saw Courtney coming my way and decided I'd be polite but keep my distance.

"Well you clean up nice," Courtney said.

"I always do," I said.

"You're right," she said.

"I like the dress," I complimented her.

"I know red is your favorite color," she smiled flirtatiously.

"What are you doing here? I know these events aren't your scene," I said.

"Well my mother couldn't make it and a woman from the Livingston family had to be in attendance. It just certainly isn't becoming of our family if a woman can not represent the family name," Courtney said mocking her mother.

I laughed knowing her mother talked just like that.

"I take it your mother begged you to join your father and brother?" I chuckled.

"But of course," she laughed.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

Courtney and I hadn't seen each other since the night we got burgers and went to my place.

That night we had a little argument.

"You know I can't stay mad at you," Courtney said with a flirtatious look in her eyes.

"Well I'm glad you aren't pissed at me still," I said.

"Nope..." she said.

"Well I have good news... I'm in treatment," I said.

"Really? I didn't think you were the rehab type," Courtney said.

"I'm not. I'm in outpatient treatment. I go to meetings and I'm getting a sponsor," I said.

"Well I'm proud of you. If you want to get clean I support whatever you want," Courtney said.

"You've always been in my corner," I said.

"Since the day we met..." she said.

Courtney reached for my hand and gave me a longing look.


"I miss us... the us that use to chill, drugs or not. You know I've always had feelings for you Caleb and I always will," Courtney said.

I let go of Courtney's hand and she grabbed my wrist.

"Tell me you have never had feelings for me. Tell me you don't miss how things use to be," Courtney said.

"Courtney you fell for a guy who didn't give a fuck about anything. I give a couple fucks now... I have a good girlfriend who I'm changing for. I really care for her. I'm sorry you and I... the timing was never right. But Court... I'll always be here as a friend. I just can't be your friend with benefits anymore," I said.

"If your girlfriend is so special where is she?" Courtney asked.

"She's at the bar," I said.

"Where... I don't see her," Courtney said.

I looked towards the bar and Courtney was right.

I didn't see Zoey.

Where had she gone?"

Zoey P.O.V.

I stood at the bar and sipped on my martini.

This gala was what you'd expect it to be. A bunch of rich pricks trying to out due each other.

The atmosphere didn't bother me though.

I knew this was the kind of thing I might have to deal with being with a guy like Caleb.

His father is a judge after all. So he has to attend events like this to stay relevant with society.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," a male voice whispered in my ear as I felt a firm hand on my back.

I smiled thinking it was Caleb until I saw Stewart come up beside me.

"Stewart what the hell!" I said as I moved away a few inches from him.

"What? I'm just complimenting my girl," he said.

"Caleb is here! His parents are here! Your own father and sister are here! Also lets not forget the room full of the wealthiest people in town are all here! Control yourself," I warned.

"I know who is here. I also see that Caleb is over there doing his usual flirtatious dance with my sister," Stewart pointed out.

I turned around and saw Caleb talking with Courtney.

It kind of pissed me off to see them talking considering she is the girl Caleb cheated on me with and a girl who had helped get Caleb drugs in the past.

"She's such a horrible influence on him," I said to myself but out loud.

"I'd beg to differ. It's the other way around and always has been. He leads Courtney on and she just lets him use her," Stewart said in disgust.

"Well Caleb's play time with your sluty sister is over," I said.

"Why do you even care anyway?" Stewart said as he grazed my hand with his.

"I don't... really... I just need Caleb to stay clean and being around a girl who has gotten him drugs before doesn't seem like a person he should be around," I clarified.

"You sure that's it?" Stewart asked.

"What else would it be?" I asked.

"I don't know you tell me?" Stewart asked giving me a skeptical look.

"I need some fresh air. This place and the people in it are way too stuffy," I said.

I finished my drink and headed outside onto the patio.

As I stepped outside I felt a chill.

I felt a jacket being placed on my shoulders from behind me.

"Thanks," I said as I pulled Stewart's suit jacket over me.

"You're welcome," he said as he stood beside me.

We stood in silence just the two of us looking out into the night sky.

"You don't know how much I wish you were here with me instead of him," Stewart said breaking the silence.


"I ran into Caleb and Evan at the tux shop... he mentioned he would be here tonight. I wondered if you'd be here with him... I was kind of expecting him to come alone actually. But I'm glad he brought you. A beautiful woman like you should be flaunted," Stewart said.

"Why didn't you bring a date?" I asked.

"At what time would I have acquired a date? Besides the only woman I would have ever thought about bringing to an event like this is here with someone else," Stewart said in a sad tone.

"Don't say it like that," I said.

"Zoey you know how I feel about you. You know I want to be with you. I hate having to act like we don't have something when we do. I hate not being able to hold you in my arms right now knowing your freezing cold," Stewart said longingly.

I could see the sadness in his eyes the longing-ness for me.

I took his hand and led us to a more private spot on the property.

There was this gazebo off by some trees in the distance.

Stewart and I walked over to it.

I stepped onto the gazebo as he followed me.

I had my back to him and a few seconds later he grabbed me and turned me around.

"Stewart... don't," I warned.

He had this torn look in his eyes.

I knew he wanted me right now but we couldn't be together.

He caressed my cheek and I leaned into his familiar gentle touch.

"He doesn't deserve you. He'll never treat you like you should be treated. You deserve a man who will treat you like his queen. Have you forgotten he put his hands on you! He's cheated and lied! He says he's clean but for how long before he relapses! Zoey all a guy like Caleb will ever do is disappoint you! You deserve so much more than that. You need a man that can provide stability for you. A man that will not let you down. A man that you can count on to be there always and forever," Stewart declared.

I knew how much Stewart cared for me and wanted to be the man I deserved. But I couldn't just ignore that I needed to be there to help Caleb stay sober.

It's not like Caleb and I weren't trying to build something before Stewart and I crossed that line.

If I hadn't of had the fight I did with Caleb before I left for Paris I don't think I would have slept with Stewart... I want to think I wouldn't have.

I had never been a cheater but then again my only serious relationship had been Malcolm and that was back in high school.

Caleb and Stewart are the first men I've become involved with as an adult. And everything with them has been a roller coaster. I'm confused about my feelings and just torn in two different directions.

Now that I had slept with Stewart and he was so sweet to me. I had been shown the other side of things. The side of how a man should act towards a woman he cares for.

Stewart pulled me in slowly towards him and brushed his lips over mine.

I gave in and let him kiss me.

His lips were so soft and his kiss was so gentle.

Stewart moved his lips from mine and started kissing my neck as he ran his fingers through my hair.

I ran my hands up his back as he moved his hands down my sides.

I couldn't help but to let out a satisfied soft moan as he sucked on my neck.

I ran my hand up the back of his neck as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Uhhh," I moaned as he grabbed a fist full of my hair and titled my head back.

He wanted better access to my neck.

I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of his lips on my skin.

"You don't know how much I wish we could just get out of here," Stewart said huskily.

"Ummm," I moaned agreeing.

As Stewart kept kissing on me the moment was interrupted by the sound of his phone vibrating in his pocket.

Stewart pulled back and pulled his phone out.

He read what seemed to be a new text message.

"I'm needed inside," he said breathlessly.

"I should get back inside too... Caleb's probably looking for me," I said.

Stewart nodded and pecked my lips.

I pulled on his tie and pecked his lips once more.

We stood there pecking each other's lips a few times not wanting to walk away.

"Ok...ok... we need to stop," I said.

Stewart gave my lips one last peck then walked off.

I bit my bottom lip thinking about how torn I was between Stewart and Caleb.

As I stepped off the gazebo I realized I had Stewart's suit jacket still.

"Stewart!" I called after him.

I tried to rush towards the door leading back to the ballroom to catch him before he went back inside.

As I stepped back onto the patio I noticed Stewart was nowhere in site.

I was about to just go inside until someone lit a cigarette.

I jumped startled at the sound and noticed this older man... a man that looked like Stewart.

I remembered seeing him walk in with Stewart and Courtney.

It was their father.

"I'll take my son's jacket," the man said as he held out his hand.

I quickly took off Stewart's jacket and handed it to his father.

"Sorry. I was cold and he just-"

"Save the long drawn out story sweetheart. I know what you were just doing," his father said unamused.

"Excuse me?" I questioned a bit taken back by Stewart's father's tone.

"My children are always somewhere disappointing me. Making a mockery of our family name," Mr. Livingston said.

"I'm sorry I don't understand," I said.

"Don't play dumb with me young woman. I saw my son as he rushed up these steps all hot and bothered with your lipstick covering his lips. You might want to fix your makeup before going back in there to Caleb," Mr. Livingston said.

"I don't know what your trying to insinuate... but Stewart and I are strictly professional," I lied.

"How dumb do I look to you girl? You don't get to where I am in life by not being able to read people and situations clearly. I'm very observant. Stewart is the most career driven of my children and I will not have some black jezebel shifting his focus," Mr. Livingston said rudely.

"Excuse me!" I said outraged.

"I know your type. You're all the same. I'm telling you right now my son will not fall victim to whatever con you've got brewing between those thighs of yours. He already knows what is and isn't acceptable in our family. It's probably why he's out here kissing you in the shadows instead of having you draped on his arm proudly in the main room. I don't have any grandchildren yet but I assure you when I get some they will not be half-breeds. The Livingston name will never live on through negro blood," Mr. Livingston said.

My heart sank at the racist words coming from Mr. Livingston's mouth.

I'd never been spoken to or degraded in such a way by anyone.

I felt tears burning my eyes.

I felt like nothing. Like dirt.

This is what it's like to be unaccepted all because of your skin color.

"Zoey there you are," Caleb said as he came out onto the patio interrupting the conversation.

I couldn't move. I was numb to the words just spoken to me.

"Babe..." Caleb said as he stood in front of me.

"Nice night out isn't it," Mr. Livingston said as he put out his cigarette and went back inside to the gala.

He gave Caleb a smug smile as if he didn't just insult me.

"Zoey you're shaking babe," Caleb said as he pulled me into his arms.

I was shaking but not because it was freezing outside. But because I was boiling mad at the racist prick I just encountered who just so happens to be the father of someone I've developed feelings for.  

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