By dirtyworksowen

71.3K 3.6K 1.1K

After losing his mom in a mysterious way, Elia moves to another city to live with his grandparents. His life... More

Beautiful Boys Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
RIP Owen❀️

Chapter 55

517 28 24
By dirtyworksowen



I lazily walk in the halls, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I walk straight to my locker leaning on it for a second before I open it. An envelop then falls slowly on the ground. I immediately bend down to take it without anyone noticing it. It's not written a thing, so I open in haste, but onve I see the neat handwriting with tiny words, I recognize the handwriting as Xander's.

I look around me to see if anyone is watching me, and when I find nobody, I start to read it to myself.

Wow, I never thought I will ever write to you not now or ever. I thought we will stick to our texts, calls and conversations, but- well here I go.
I don't know where to start, should I start apologizing for the first day we talked, when I bumped into you in the store, or the other day I let you sit with me in Geo class, or perhaps the day Nathaniel forced me into punching you... or maybe the first time I kissed you I the car... or again, I should not be apologizing for any of that. I should be apologizing for kissing you whist knowing you were in a relationship with Nathaniel-

"What do you have there?" I fold the letter immediately and stuff it in my pocket.

"Nothing." I start to take books from my locker.

"Oh really..." I look up at Nathaniel and I gasp. He looks like shit. His hair is not even combed, his eyes red with bags underneath, his skin looks pale unlike his toned one. He looks at me for a second then to my pocket.

"Can I see that?" his voice is weak and scratchy.

"What happened to you? Are you alright?" I ask bring the back of my hand to his forehead. It is hot. He flinches away.

"Asthma?" he clearly states before I could question more. I nod looking at him again, he brings his sleeve to his mouth and painfully cough. "You shouldn't have come to school, you're sick."

"I didn't want to stay home either." He takes a step to stand next to me and leans on my locker, his shoulders heavily rising and sinking with every breathe he takes.

"But you're not fine Nate, you're bound to get worse it literally freezing out there." He nods and coughs again, but doesn't really suggests to go home.

"C'mon, I'm taking you out of here." I hold his hand.

"I don't want to go home, I'll worry my dad El... let's just stay here." He suggests.

I could have let him come to my house but Andy is there. He is a dick! And he will act a dick towards my boyfriend.

"Should I take you to the school nurse?" he stands straight and looks at me biting onto his bottom lip. He brings his hand to his eyes and starts to scratch them. "They'll call my dad." he says.

"You took your inhalers or something?" he nods still rubbing his eye, then he stops widening his eyes. "I should take these off." he points at his eyes.

Nathaniel washes his hands once his lenses are off, he securely places them in their case and washes his hands. He looks at me and I get to see his eyes. I smile at his beauty and he returns with a small smile.

"But Nathaniel- you have to go home..." I tell him.

"No, no.." he breathes in. "I'll go anywhere that's not..." out. "my house."

I contemplate on what on to. He can't spend the whole day here, It's better I let him come to my house, I'll try to sneak in and not allow Andy to see us, because he will torture me for good. I sigh and look at him, he is leaning on a sink. "Okay, what if you come to my house?"

"Won't your grandparents give you a hard time?"

"Nope. And besides I don't care, let's go." He stands straight and slowly starts to walk to the door, I follow closely behind.

After being stared at and judged by looks in the halls we finally get out of the building. I first spot Nathaniel's car in the car park. "Wanna drive or I'll come pick it up later."

"If you don't mind."

"I don't."

Nathaniel gets at the back seats and lays there, sighing once I get in.


I shut the door after Nathaniel enters. The house is silent but I know Andy is somewhere in here. Nathaniel walks straight up the stairs and I go to the kitchen to make him some tea to warm up his chest. When it's done, I take the cup of tea and walk up to my room.

There is Nathaniel, laying on the bed on his back. his eyes are shut and his chest moving up and down as he breathes. I close the door and place the tea on my head table.

He seems to not notice my presence, so I place my hand on his chest, and his eye lids open to show his green orbs.

"I made tea." I say. He nods sitting up straight and I hand him the mug.

"Do you know what triggered?" I ask, although I am pretty sure it's the harsh weather, but again... something tells me there is more. I guess things with his parents haven't been going well, the way he refused to go back home with his eyes worrying over it tells me half of the story. There must be something beyond the harsh weather, there is something troubling his mind.

"Um..." he takes a deep breath in. "... weather?"

"I think you're lying to me." I tell him sitting on my feet and turning to him. I bring my hand to his face and cup his warm left cheek. He looks at me, his eyes burning into mine. "... I think for the past week you have been hiding something from me... and I want to know- so I can help."

"Isn't it what everyone does?" his question gets me off guard. I know he is referring to all the things I have never told him, or lied to him... he takes a sip as my hand falls back to my lap.

"But look It's affecting your health." I try again. It hurts to see him closed off like that. I wish I just know what is going on so I can know the right way to help him. "It's not- I was always asth-"

"Nathaniel, I don't know if you know this but you keep me sane, alive- you keep me strong for some odd reasons. And as cheesy as it sound Nate, seeing you like this... it's like- seeing all my strength, hope and sane breakdown. If you break down, I'll do too... call me obsessed or crazy, but I think that is what I am- I love you so much it's beginning to ache and drive me crazy!" I manage to tell him without tears in my eyes, but it is the way he looks at me that makes me want to cry, he looks sad.

"That-that's much to take in." he takes breaking our eye contact. I nod, hurt by the fact that he couldn't even say something with meaning.

"Please just tell me."

"I will... not now-"

The door then opens. Andy looks at us with his wild eyes surprisingly relaxed.

"Ah! Mattina twink, who do yah have there?" I roll my eyes.

"Io non sono un ragazzo Andy, host leave me alone!" I intentionally yell. Andy fully enters and closes the door. He walks towardsus and pulls out his hand to Nathaniel. "Hey, I'm Andy, Elia's cousin, you must be his boyfriend. And yes, Andy knows about my sexuality. Nathaniel gives me a look before I slightly nod enough for only him to notice.

"Nathaniel... um yeah, E-Elia's boyfriend... nice to meet you?"

"You don't look okay, you're slightly whizzing..." And manages to fake concern tht almost tricks me too before our eyes meet for a second. I see that playful light in them. Son of a ugly ruthless disgusting bitch.

"I'm asthmatic, so you know how the weather is like?"

"Oh yeah... me too... just have warm water, I can give you some of my pills if you-"

"Andy please! Just get out!" I stand u and start to push him. "Whoa, little bro, still rude er? There are just pills to make him better in less than an hour, unless you want him to lay there all day!" he chuckles pushing me too. I almost push him back before it kicks in that Nathaniel is in here too. I sigh.

"Nobody needs your help-"

"It's fine El..." Nathaniel lowly says. I nod and give Andy a dead glare before I follow him to the door. Once I close the door behind me, I grab Andy's hand and drag him to the room he is currently using. I shut the door and push him on it looking up at him.

"Che cazzo e! Che sei matto!?" (What the fuck was that! Are you mad!?)

"Ah.. me mad! Besides helping what did I do!?"

"Helping! You call that helping!? You know what Andy!?" "I am sick and tired of people ruining my life... you think I don't know how you are trying to get into my head and ruin my life- my relationship with my grandparents with my boyfriend!? You think I am that small kid you used to hurt and call names and do the fucking hell you wanted to do! Well stop it! because I am not that kid anymore, I am better than what I was! So stop ruining everything of me!"

"guardate voi egoista figlio di puttana! Si cura di nulla di te! Siamo stati solo per bambini, come era diece anni fa e si sta mantenendo un rancore! E che cosa e u fare? Vivere sono passato sempre! Io non hate you! Tu sei il mio cugino stronzo!" (Look at you mother fucker! You care of nothing than yourself! We were just kids, like it was ten years ago and you're keeping a grudge!? Is that what you do? Live in the past always! I do not hate you! You're my cousin asshole!) he sighs and pushes me off him. "I don't know scares you or makes you feel so insecure but I want you to know that you are more of what you think you are, no-one was made to ruin your life, you're so adorable and lovable people will love you at first sight, but you push them away. You make it seem as if they hate you or think less of you. Yesterday when I came here, I was so proud when I heard you were working, look at you, so grown, but yet you still think the same way you di when you were nine, that the whole world hates you."

He walks and sits on the smaller bed. "You always talked of how I hate you, how your mother never gave you much attention, how so and so makes your life hell... I didn't want to be the one to break it off to you, you think of no one but yourself, and that-" he points at me. "That makes you hate yourself because you don't have many people to look out to."


My eyes slightly open as I yawn. My chest feels clear, only that my hands are slightly shaking and irritation, must be the drug's side effect. Elia is next to me facing the other side in a ball. I sigh as I sit up straight and look over his face. he seems peacefully asleep, but for now I want him awake. So I start to tickle him.

He stirs, registering what is going on before i see him smile and eventually starts laughing. "Stop" he lays on his back and I take the opportunity to straddle him. "Na-Nathaniel!" she sobs in between laughter and I let go of him.

"Hey..." I kiss his nose. He sits up straight hugging me as I fix myself of his laps. He kisses my lips and pulls back.

"You look better..." he observes. I nod and kiss his lips lightly before I nod.

"Yeah, I guess Andy's pill got me better." He flinches at the mention of 'andy' but tries to wipe it off with a grin.


"I want to talk to you something." I tell him smiling. He parts his thighs that I am no sitting on the bed than his thighs, I won't blame him, I'm a little or more heavy for him. But our legs are unmoved as mine are on top of his'. He leans and pecks my nose.


"The road trip-" I say. "My dad said I can take a break from home and school this weekend, Leo said he can take care of the store for about three days..." I say. His face lightens up. "And guess what?" I feel light headed as I say so, but manage to keep a straight face on.


"Since your grandparents said they cannot afford to let you skip school for a weekend and a day, I was thinking-" my head spins. "That- maybe we can go somewhere... not so cheap... just you and I..." I slide my hand into his shirt and go up for his nipple pinching it slightly. He bites onto his bottom lip.


"Um... miles away, my dad had a free trip to this resort, but he couldn't go with Leo so, instead he gave me..."

"Uh- yeah.... Sure." I trail down to the waist band of his bottoms. I slide my hand in, but don't go any further or downwards, instead I shut my eyes.



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